Island Raft Survival 2021: Ocean Escape

Island Raft Survival 2021: Ocean Escape

annoying bird in the beginning of game, I’ve played much better games similar to this one.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer FPS Games.

It’s a super fun game, but its not letting me repair my raft

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Island Raft Survival 2021: Ocean Escape on Steam

Dragon War

Dragon War

This game has good potential. The idea of fighting other dragons and having to worry about more than one is rad. I like how each dragon varies and has different abilities but overall are the same, which makes the fighting a bit more fair. The AI will circle around a bunch and do lots of movements that can be very mind boggling or annoying. The game is obviously in early release so there is lots of updates that are needed. I definitely recommend this game and give it a chance to help devs build it further

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Arena Shooter Games.

Dragon War on Steam

Night Hunter

Night Hunter

Definitely worth the try for you hunting enthusiasts. Very unique and realistic style of predator hunting. Lots of potential!

Patience is key in this game, when I started playing I scared them away many times with my light. After a few hours I quickly learned how to play it. Super excited to see more content get added soon.

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer FPS Games.

Awesome game Im still enjoying it cant wait to see what they bring for us next

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Night Hunter on Steam



Curator page here-- [url] DaRevieweD #130 [/url] -- [i]New review every Weekend[/i]

“Taking Off on A Nightmarish Pilgrimage-”

Here’s The Thing:

You are an unnamed protagonist trying to face her horrors which stem from childhood but have matured and carried unto adulthood. Listen as she narrates of her past and try to make it to the end, for some much needed closure~

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

CABOUS on Steam

Atlantis Adventure VR

Atlantis Adventure VR

Atlantis Adventure is beyond Terrible. A really lame VR game. Now where do I begin, first off this game only goes for 20 minutes, and for a 20-minute VR game the asking price is a bit much. So who would want to pay that much money. Also there are no hand animations and reloading animations as well, and the game is so generous that you have infinite bullets, you heard me correctly Infinite Bullets. I feel the developers could’ve made the game a bit more challenging in having to reload but the fact that you’re giving unlimited ammo makes the game so much easier all you have to do is hold down the button and fire away. The only good thing about the game are the graphics despite a few bugs here and there. The enemies are meh, and the boss fights are lame. The dinosaur models look like they were ripped out of a Jurassic World game, don’t believe me take a real good look at the raptors at level one, I swear those raptors look exactly like Blue, Charlie, Delta and Echo and the T-Rex looks like the JW T-Rex, don’t people make decent dinosaur models for video games anymore. Also there’s not much AI to the enemies they just run towards you and you mow them down like a bloodthirsty killer, the developers should make the enemies more strategic, for example have raptors attack the front while the raptors ambush the player from behind. Also there were times when I glitched out of the level while fighting enemies no joke I was for some strange, unknown reason thrown outside the pre-determined path of the game and I had to restart.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

My recommendation is ONLY for VR arcade centers

This Game has good potentials for VR arcades however, they need to fix the sound, it is just too scattered and you don’t know what you are hearing.

Te sound of the truck is absent

the sound of the lady speaking is absent

Background sound is noisy.. too noisy

the sound of the gun is very low

This game is just good for commercial VR arcades

360 standstill and 3 DOF not 6DOF


I will refund for now until these and some other issues other reviewers will mention is fixed

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Atlantis Adventure VR on Steam

Lockdown Hero

Lockdown Hero

A Collectathon Platformer with Farming mechanics, Lockdown Hero is a 3d platformer where you explore your surroundings,gather materials ,learn skills in order to combat the threat of a virus. Gameplay reminds me of early 2000s platformers and farming/gathering mechanics from games such as stardew valley and animal crossing. The premise of the games is quite simple really collect resources such as alcohol and toilet paper while evading or tackling the virus. The virus itself instantly kills your player as you come in contact with it thus you need to find alcohol which kills the virus. You then manage your supply of Toilet paper and alcohol in order to buy/trade with npcs throughout the map. Npcs may also send you to do tasks that reward you such as with unlockable skills,clothing and resources. Exploration is a must as the city is where you spend most of your time and need to take a boat in order to access the other areas. Controls of this game such as double jumping and dashing feels like any 3d platformer unlocking more of these skills greatly helps your movement ability. All i can say is that Lockdown Hero is an enjoyable game with many things to do and unlockable content justt waiting to be discovered

Real player with 25.7 hrs in game

Pros and Cons


– Lockdown Hero is a game that feels like a completely new concept and not just a (good) recycled one.

– There are many side quests in this game next to the main quest.

– There is a casino with many mini-games to play where you can earn new equipment.

– You can learn many skills to access new areas.

– The progress system feels fair and is also rewarding.

– The game continues after you have found the cure instead of just rewinding time to before finding the cure.

– The game is one of the most addictive ones I have played in a while.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Lockdown Hero on Steam



The game has much promise, but pains me to where I have to thumbs down the game.

Here is the scoop so far, as I reached level 100:


+Charming graphics.

+Interesting combat physics.


-Soundtrack, please allow me to mute music and not the game entirely. its mind numbing

-1 to 2 shot enemies.

-Enemies don’t attack you, I mean some do.. some don’t.

-Has a glitch with the quests where you can level up with the same quest.

-No shops, although you have all this gold?

-Kill 1 enemy, and return to NPC. Repeat. There is a story for ya..

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

I imagined this to be so much more than what it was. after 1 hour of gameplay i was level 52 with no sort of rewarding feeling or feeling of progression. playing as a knight you literally hit monster once, turn in quest. do it again. lol. im sorry this is an mmo for a 5 year old. i understand this is early access but i mean this is the most lack luster game ive ever experienced. i have over 250 health potions that will never need to be used and enhancement stones with no way of even using them.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

ELIOS VR on Steam



In Catsperience you play as a hungry cat that needs to solve several puzzles in order to unlock rooms and move around the house so he can look for his food providing owner.

Finally, a game where I can be the naughty little kitty that I always wanted to be.

Run around, jump on top of the shelves and destroy the owners belongings by throwing it on the ground. Oops!

The puzzles are challenging, one of them took me at least an hour to finish and I must admit that I had some help from a Youtube video with another…

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

It is fairly fun.

Breaking jars and things is actually pretty great.

The POV is super weird, like riding on a cat’s head weird.

First person parkour is difficult to get right and this game doesn’t really get it right.

The puzzles are not terrible.

Overall, there are worse ways to spend your $10 USD. :D

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Catsperience on Steam