Penguin Climbing

Penguin Climbing

absolutely fantastic, great graphics, great gameplay, imo it just needs more maps, that’s all. great game!

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Arcade Games.

hardcore gaming, the controls are hard to master, very difficult game, can compare with dark souls, the skills required to play this game are near impossible. 10/10 from me

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Penguin Climbing on Steam

Animal Doctor

Animal Doctor

its not what i expected. you dont get to run your own vet practice. you dont even get your own house or anything. very short game. not very fun.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Education Games.

The devs have apparently never seen an American farm or talked to a real vet. The hillbilly music playing constantly in the background isn’t bad, per se (it’s pretty good, for what it is), but I don’t particularly like that style of music. And not everyone who lives in the country is a hillbilly, for gods sake. So why that music? If they added some alternate tracks, I’d be okay with it.

But the main problem is that it’s goofy. No vet would send an intern to scrounge around in the forest for “healing herbs” (which he can’t even identify) or let him be sidetracked into becoming a delivery boy for the local farmers. He’s ON THE CLOCK. Not to mention the fact that farmers don’t generally leave clumps of goat cheese and bottles of milk just lying around the farm to collect later.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Animal Doctor on Steam

Höll Space 5D6

Höll Space 5D6

This game is very obviously a work in progress and there’s a lot of rough edges. However, when you look past them and forgive the unpolished technical state, you’ll find a promising project with a lot of potential that’s pretty fun to play even now.

The first episode takes place in a broken space station (or a space ship?) full of interconnected paths that are a joy to explore and to get lost in. Don’t expect any hand-holding, though. The game gives you no directions and you’re left to figure things out on your own.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Third-Person Shooter Games.

The game is in early access; According to the forum, it is just one developer, but the visuals and map look surprisingly good. However, the visuals are much further along than the rest of the game. I have played all of the first episode, and it has been entertaining. There are many hidden ways to discover and find within the levels to move around and get to the different rooms and locations.

If you like to explore without handholding or, in some cases, even getting directions in a game, then this game is fun to play at this point in its development. If that is not your thing, then the game is in its current version, probably not for you.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Höll Space 5D6 on Steam

Zoo 2: Animal Park

Zoo 2: Animal Park

  • fun to play game

  • 0 bugs so far

  • often events

+good community

-hard to find in game active freinds. (you may work for days until you full your freind list with active players)

-very hard to find active clubs in the game.

  • you need to use real money to really lead a normal club.

  • you most pay a lot of real money to play it after level 30-40 cuz expinding the zoo wich is most needed gonna cost you lot diamonds. + shelters to breed as well.

-the price is super over priced. it may cost you at least 300$-500$ to realy could play normal the game.

Real player with 486.9 hrs in game

Just like other phone building games. Cute if you like animals. Frustrating though as you progress, you need gems more and more. I’ve gotten to the point where all my quests require 100 gems or so, and I have none. So…that takes a lot of fun out of it. Gems slowly come with time. So it mostly just means, logging in, quick collection, leave. Doing this day in and day out until you can get the animal or whatever. Then ta-da! Another quest that requires 100 gems! I think I have 7 or 8 now. Each time, has been replaced by another. Really draining now. But love the animations of the animals. Cute. So, short time fun, long time drain.

Real player with 75.7 hrs in game

Zoo 2: Animal Park on Steam