Free Kick X

Free Kick X

Attractive young girls + footy = fun for Rod from Hull.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Nudity Games.

Information / Review English

Free Kick X is a Sports game that was developed by Seito Games and is still in the Early Access Phase.

Gameplay / Story

In Free Kick X, your task is to master challenges in the form of free kicks through tactical thinking, in which you convert free kick goals directly,as we know it from the normal soccer game. So you shoot a soccer ball by moving the mouse around the wall, through the wall, over the wall, etc. You can choose from several nations. It’s not men, but scantily clad women in bikinis who accompany you through the game. As an introduction, there is also a training mode available to learn about the game. The whole thing is accompanied by relaxed music.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Free Kick X on Steam



This game saved my life.

I am 27.

My ex-wife and I have a daughter together, and adopted our son together. They are now both 4 years old.

When we were going through our separation, I found myself lost and miserable. I was self destructive. I got so mad one day from everything spiraling out of my control that I punched some concrete in a moment of overwhelming emotion. That caused me to break my 5th metacarpal in my right hand… my working hand… my gaming hand.. the hand that I held and carried my children to bed with.. The hand I desperately needed to make sure I could continue to provide.

Real player with 29.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Memes Games.

I just want to start this essay out by saying this game is great. I have really enjoyed it since I’ve started playing it, and I probably will continue to enjoy it as it gets updated. There are a few bugs and kinks I’ve noticed so far, but I don’t really consider stuff like the awkward UI or physics system a bug, I consider that more of a feature. This is probably just gonna be about the several recommendations for you, the dev of this game.

First we will start out with my recommendations.

I have quite the set of recommendations, so I’ll start out with the simple ones. I would recommend reformatting the UI in the main menu, to be honest it’s not very nice to look at, even if you just started out by centering the buttons in the middle of the game, and making the resolution variable to fit multiple aspect ratios, and then adding a UI texture, so it’s not just the background. I would also like to see the esc menu in game revamped as well. Making the canvas texture slightly transparent would look really good for this game, and I think another good feature is temporarily disabling the Multiplayer stuff until the feature has been released. I feel like if you were to add an options menu, and again, center the buttons at the middle of the screen it would feel a lot cleaner and higher quality. If you would like, I’d be willing to help out with any of this, with the fair amount of experience I have with unity. Another neat thing, that might be more difficult to pull off is variable FOV for the main camera. One thing I think is necessary is making the transition to the finish screen smoother, and less jarring. What you can do for that is make it so that you land on the finish platforms, and then after you fully finish landing, you lose all your momentum, and it fades to the screen. I like the achievements so far, but it’d be neat if you were to add locked ones for finding certain, really hidden things in levels. Other than that, I feel like you should add a sound for when you contact the ground, just making it feel more natural, and that way you can detect when you hit the ground without having to look at it. Another thing that I want added is a volume slider in an options menu, or at least somewhere on the pause screen.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game


Fight Angel Special Edition

Fight Angel Special Edition

I am glad I was able to get this for free. I think I’d be pretty upset if I had already bought the original game then had to pay for this too. It is an exact copy of the original except for two things. The faces look more anime style and there is a dance session thing once you beat the game’s story mode. I actually prefer the art style of the original game over the special edition one, but I can understand how others might like the anime style more. The graphics seem a bit better. No new clothing items or characters as of yet. I was sort of hoping for at least a small amount of new stuff. Many of the things I mentioned in the original game still apply here. Overall a terrific game that has smooth controls. If you are looking for a tactical fighting game, something in the realm of MK or Street Fighter, then this is not the place for that. There are some fighting forms much better than others and all the ultimate attacks are a one button push. This doesnt bother me, because I didnt buy the game thinking it would be an amazing fighting game. I got it for a couple other reasons, hopefully I dont need to explain. I love the customization detail level in this and I hope we see more clothing items, and wishful thinking on fixing the clipping issues with clothing items and hair. Also I like the camera control thing at the end of a match so you can look around at your character after your victory and/or down at your fallen opponent. It kinda sucks I have to unlock all the clothing items and hair all over again. Still cant type in the letter “i” when naming characters. Great game and hopefully will see more content soon.

Real player with 47.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Nudity Games.

To start I didn’t own the previous edition of the game. I found this game randomly but I must say despite a few minor (mostly audio) bugs I was surprised how this game plays.

The gameplay is very similar to older Street Fighter games so I was more than happy about that. The gameplay is mostly smooth and it is very little to no input lag. The game also does feature Online PVP even tho the column with the tags on the Steam Store does not say so. Overall well made fighter game by an indie studio that’s worth the price.

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game

Fight Angel Special Edition on Steam



As much as I enjoy this game and will continue to play it I can not recommend it mostly due to the lag and the hidden mechanics that are not explained or might be bugs. These are the only 2 issues i have with the game everything else characters, maps, items, cosmetics, the mechanics that are explained etc. are pretty good and outweigh the negatives.

The negatives being the devs not communicating outside of their respective apps. Every update fixing some bugs but also introducing more bugs then what they fixed. The balancing between Agents and Fiends. Spawns for Agents/Fiends always being in the same location that goes for ward placement as well and the 2 issues I mentioned in the first paragraph.

Real player with 449.8 hrs in game

This game should surpass dead by daylight Not because of content/boob physics/How polished it is or will be but it should because the expansion of gameplay dead by daylight currently or inevitably will have… Here the expansion of the game play isn’t just small minimum changes or things that should be there by default

Real player with 136.3 hrs in game

封灵档案 on Steam

Agent X

Agent X

positives - graphics are visually appealing and weapons feel fun to shoot,

negatives - enemies are brain dead, you have to be close to them to garner any reaction, but you can kill most enemies from afar and none of the ai will react. the last level achievement is currently bugged, and I’m fairly certain they advertised 100 achievements, but the game only has give in total right now, not sure if those will come later we’ll see

I know the game advertises being a short 10-15 minute experience, but I’ve played short but fun games before. They can be fun and filled with replayibility if done right. This isn’t it unfortunately. If the dev makes updates to the game and improves anything, I’ll recommend it. One last thing, it irks that there’s no shotgun in the game. If there was a pleasant shotgun experience, I might enjoy the game as is.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

The game is too short, but it was good, could use some work on the collisions, but again fun.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Agent X on Steam

Anime - Space Sniper

Anime - Space Sniper

Honestly, playing this game while streaming for my friends was way too fun and totally worth the 55 cents it cost.

If you got 20 minutes and less than a buck to spend on something, go for it.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

For a dollar, you can take your sniper rifle and focus your dot on scantily clad anime girls, then hold your breath, squeezy the trigger and blast their blood and boobies out into space. Nice.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Anime - Space Sniper on Steam

Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania

Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania

Completing the master course challenges took years off my life.

Completing the monkey golf challenges took even more years off my life.

10/10 would throw controller again.

Real player with 65.0 hrs in game

Everything about this game makes it the perfect remake except for a few things such as the physics, not great UI, and some lackluster production value here and there. Those are, however, only slight negatives in the grand view of things as playing this game is a blast and there’s enough fun and exciting content here to last many hours.

Real player with 35.2 hrs in game

Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania on Steam