Hobo Cat Adventures

Hobo Cat Adventures

A fun and silly 3D platformer with a character and story aesthetic like a love letter to Conker’s Bad Fur Day. Full of silliness, over the top humor, potty mouths, flying body parts, and is a blast! Ride a chicken to get around. Zoom around on an over-caffeinated spree. Roll around with crazy physics as a Snowball. Blast a regiment of rat warriors to smithereens with bombs. Hack em to bits with a chainsaw and collect their heads as trophies. Twang your banjo. Help a very drunk duck deny the reality of his living conditions. Drink Hobo Brew until you’re pissing on plants to rejuvinate the local flora and fauna. Full of little nods and references to it’s inspirations. An overall a silly good time!

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Souls-like Games.

So, first of all, I have to say this game was my first Steam purchase and I don’t regret it.

The funny characters, the varied places as well as the many possibilities that the items offer always put a smile on my face.

Some of the collectibles are well hidden but not unfair. The quests that you get in the game are all very varied and do not repeat themselves.

As a German, I don’t understand the Eastereggs that are based on the Swiss streaming scene, but so it piqued my interest to take a look. It was really interesting to deal with it a little more, because I never noticed anything about it. Which of course is not surprising.

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Hobo Cat Adventures on Steam

Hell Pie

Hell Pie

Hell Pie is an obscene 3D platformer that takes bad taste to the next level! The game sees you grab the horns of Nate, the ‘Demon of Bad Taste’. He is given the honorable task of gathering the disgusting ingredients for Satan’s infamous birthday pie. To do so, Nate must venture out into the overworld and do whatever it takes to ensure those ingredients are secured in time, or there’ll be hell to pay!

Luckily Nate isn’t alone on this quest, his ‘pet’ angel Nugget is there to offer support. Nugget offers his holy insight when needed, but more importantly is chained to Nate, so can be used like a grappling hook or swung around as a weapon. Nate can also equip horns he finds across the world to give him new hellish abilities.

Together Nate and Nugget will explore insane environments, meet tons of repugnant characters and witness some truly shocking sights. Hell Pie is a seriously twisted take on the classic mascot platformer, come along for the ride if you think you can stomach it!

  • Become a demon: You’re Nate, demon of bad taste, the 8th deadly sin. While not taken very seriously in hell, he is feared on earth (by some…a few…2-3 people at least).

  • Heavenly support: Nugget the angel does not only look cute, he’s also useful. Throw him like a grappling hook, use him as a weapon and let him be your guide.

  • Freedom: Use the extensive moveset to overcome obstacles the way you want.

  • Filth: It might look cute, but there are violent characters, illicit drugs and sodomy.

  • Stuff: Collect things! Lots of things!

  • Hell and above: Explore 4 big worlds and survive challenging platforming levels.

  • Fashion: Buy outfits. You’re the demon of bad taste and should look the part.

  • Random bullet point: Did you know? Necrophiliac ducks exist.

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Collectathon Games.

Hell Pie on Steam

Universe 24

Universe 24

This game is so odd, but in a great way. the music really does not fit with whats going on but at the same time its a perfect fit, Imagine playing a mouse/rat that can shoot and bounce bullets off walls like you’re part of the matrix, you’re basically “the one” in rodent form.

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

Geat game on a Sunday morning! And love the Soundtracks on the Story Missions.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Universe 24 on Steam

Ben and Ed

Ben and Ed

About the bugs:

Now that the game is almost a year old, Ben and Ed has gone through quite a few bug fixes in order to make it playable and enjoyable. As of now, I haven’t encountered a single problem in my most recent playthrough, which means that the developers have done a great job fixing all the minor bugs that still popped up every now and then. I have unlocked every single achievement during my playthrough, so I can confirm that all the achievement related bugs (Blockbuster) have been fixed aswell. Luckily, I have never experienced any visual or hardware related bugs, which means that I can’t confirm anything related to that subject.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

I can’t say I had a good time with this game. The clunky controls and terrible framerate make the game unpleasant almost all the way through. In terms of the levels and level design, at the end of almost every level, I found myself thinking something along the lines of “Meh, that was okay I guess,” only 2 or 3 times did I finish a level thinking “Wow, that was actually fun, can the next level be that fun please?” only to be met with a level that was below my already low expectations. Simply put, I’d say about 60% of levels were meh, 20% were good, and 20% were horrible.

Real player with 17.8 hrs in game

Ben and Ed on Steam

Death courier

Death courier

A brilliant take on Death Stranding but with a far more streamlined and coherent plot. A masterclass in story telling that puts Kojima’s comedy of concepts to bitter shame. If you look close enough, there’s beauty in monotony. Also, pleased to see the lack of obnoxious product placement.

Game sucks, no boobs. JK Fly AF LmAo

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Death courier on Steam

Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost

Does not even start. Not worth the $50.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Best game I’ve ever played!!! Graphics are top notch!

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Paradise Lost on Steam

Nature Park

Nature Park

Normally I would even play more before reviewing, but this isn’t even playable due to the many bugs. I ran into invisible walls, immortal monsters, bodies going through the floor, sound disappears on the loading screen, crashes on launch,.. but the graphics do seem beautiful! But then Game Guru provides good assets.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Imagine a default demo map included with the GameGuru engine used, but plagued with invisible walls and a handful of terrible looking creature assets. The creatures die and then pop back up with infinite health.

As bad as GameGuru games are, this has to be one of the absolute worst GameGuru games ever exported.

The price of $24.99 USD is absolute insanity, but this trash wasn’t uploaded onto Steam to sell copies here, it most definitely was uploaded just to sell keys on key selling websites to make a quick and easy profit.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Nature Park on Steam



Игра крутая, атмосфера и диалоги на том же уровне, что и в мультиках Миши, геймплей может и не супер-интересный, но мне понравилось. Да, после смерти надо перепроходить уровень заново, но разве так не во всех шутерах? На некоторых уровнях иногда нужно подумать, чтоб понять, как попасть на следующий - это плюс. По поводу багов - в некоторых кат-сценах у меня был очень сильный шум в правом наушнике, и один раз провалился в текстуры зайдя в угол. Но попрыгав там несколько минут даже смог вылезти. Кроме этих двух моментов проблем с игрой не заметил, и в целом мои ожидания оправданы, Миша выпустил что обещал - “по сути полноценный мульт с возможностью собственноручно размызжевать ёбла в кровавый понос”. Так вот мульт есть, ёбла можно сотнями крушить кучей разных способов, локации проработаны и атмосферны, саундтрек отличный, поэтому не совсем понимаю, что ожидали те, кто недоволен игрой. Разве что хотелось бы побольше уровней и кат-сцен, ибо я прошёл игру за 10 часов даже со всеми рестартами. Тем не менее, игру рекомендую и жду продолжения(и полнометражку конечно).

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Забагована в гавно… Ее хоть кто-то тестировал вообще? Во первых нет элементарной функции перезапустить уровень или чекпоинт, так что если ты застрял в текстурах то нужно выходить в главное меню и начинать заново. Во вторых боевка в ближнем бою на уровне старых флэш игр, но это как наркоманы в подъезде: хочешь попасть в хату, прийдется пройти мимо, а там как повезет. Враги на первом уровне постоянно застревают в коробках. В третих на первом же уровне баг,после первого боя, после заставки, ломающий игру. Если тебя убивают, (а это как тусоваться в компьютерном клубе с кучей гопарей, это только вопрос времени, когда ты услышишь “Эй слышь дисюда бля”) то ты перезапускаешься всегда на одном и том же месте под надписью “Миша, где мульт” (иронично), полностью невидимый без возможности двигаться куда либо, кроме как вверх, вниз. После чего собственно единственное, что ты можешь делать это пойти вниз, пропрыгать в пол и умереть от чего-то (возможно от стыда). Но на этом не заканчивается. После нажатия кнопки продолжить, ты появляешься во втором уровне без особого понимания где ты и сколько заставок и прочего добра ты пропустил в первом уровне.. Плюс в момент когда ты, невидимый после очередной смерти, проклацаешь выбор оружия до 3, то у тебя магическим образом появиться калаш и игра зависнет окончательно. После многих попыток я пришел к выводу что эти баги, как правительство РФ. Всегда есть и всегда одни и те же..

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

BOMJMAN on Steam

Catch the Head

Catch the Head

Catch The Head is a very bizzare game but in a good way. At its core is a 3d platformer but the devs tried to implement elements from adventures and some old school techniques with different cameras. The whole game breathes nostalgia from the 90’s era. The graphics are inconsistent but that didnt bother me as that clearly wasnt the dev’s main focus. Gameplay wise as others have said the ranger class is a little clunky with a gamepad but i got used to it. Voice actors did a good job though some were mediocre at best as it happens in low budget games. The music though shines and its by far the best quality of the game. Overall it will give you a good 8-10 hours gameplay in normal mode and then you can purchase skins and various stuff with in-game currency if you play again.

Real player with 870.3 hrs in game

I fully played the game(100% completed). The game is challenging, reminding old school games. I believe that was the Developer’s intentions. The breaks(in the lounge) between each stage, are useful to understand the backstory for each character. The game has also multi-themes which is good. Themes like the industrial,Castle,Temples are taking you back to the 90s. I can’t say that it was a boring game, more likely,it was aiming for a specific crowd. In the drawbacks, I will include the graphics, however, if you think that the game has an old fashion style, you can ignore it and carry on the game and enjoy your deaths. Also, i played it with the keyboard. I felt that I had more control rather with the gamepad.

Real player with 87.3 hrs in game

Catch the Head on Steam

Diesel Punch

Diesel Punch

Diesel Punch is an adventure game developed by Vadd Games for the PC platform. The environment in the game belongs to the style of fiction, and the following features can be distinguished: action, adventure, indie, third-person, complex, for one player, meat, 3d platformer, robots, controller, soundtrack, steam achievements. You will have access to such game modes as"for one player".

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Stars received: 1.6/10 _ Note: v.5 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

[0.3] Controls & Training & Help

[0.1] Menu & Settings

[0.2] Sound & Music

[0.2] Graphics

[0.3] Game Design

[0.2] Game Story

[0.2] Game Content

[0.1] Completion time (level/game)?

[0] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Game description key-points: 3D adventure with specific graphics design

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Diesel Punch on Steam