

I’ve played MilMo for many years, and I’ve always loved how bright and friendly the game is. It has characteristics and interesting details that never fail to make me smile.

The game runs really smoothly, with very immersive background music in all areas. The storylines that you can complete through questing are very in-depth and you’re always wondering what’s going to happen next in terms of the lore. My personal favourite is the Mice & Maniax adventure with the Mouse Resistance fighting against the Mad Scientist. Despite the fact that I think that storyline is not complete yet, it’s still a great one to play.

Real player with 265.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Family Friendly Games.

I will edit this later explaining more:

I highly recomend for players to start in steam link their account from facebook

if you play on facebook you can get some awesome rewards inviting people (including heliticket and 1 mystery box)

join the discord from milmo

there are many active players

there are sections to report bugs and players if something wrong

guides on english and spanish, etc

99% of the content can be done as F2P i played the game for years and just went premium less than a month ago

Real player with 101.8 hrs in game

MilMo on Steam

Souls of the Wind

Souls of the Wind

This game isn’t ready for a public release yet, there are too many bugs, some which break the game. It seems like the game wasn’t properly tested before a release.


  • It took me less than 5 minutes to get stuck in a wall.

  • You can’t back track, if you’ve progressed past a certain part of the game you can’t go back and explore/collect things you might have missed.

  • Relics re-appear, you can collect the same ones over and over. I don’t know if that progresses towards the total nuber of relics collected, but it does make it harder to track which ones you’ve already collected.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Puzzle Platformer Games.

Update: I’m sorry, but after trying for a week to get past the first temple, I am fed up. It is much too difficult to try and use the WASD keys, and the mouse and right click to control the windbox, and simultaneously hit the spacebar to jump and the shift key to dash, all at the same time! For those who have excellent coordination skills, kudos to you. But I am not one of those kinds of people. I need controls and functions to be SIMPLE so that I can progress in a game, not start swearing like a sailor because I can’t do the minute precision required to advance to the next platform. So, I’m no longer recommending this game, and if I had to rate the game, I’d give it a 1/5 because it’s just too hard to coordinate. I’m not a teenager anymore. My reflexes are not so quick anymore. I give up.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Souls of the Wind on Steam

Nuclear Wipeout

Nuclear Wipeout

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⠄⠄⠄⣴⣿⣿⣫⣭⣭⣭⣭⣥⢹⣟⣛⣛⣛⣃⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄Play it









Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Puzzle Platformer Games.

This little virgin cube is such a loser its insane. It feels like theres 2 people controlling it like IM HOLDING S AND IT KEEPS ROLLING FORWARD LIKE WHY??? Gave up on Medium level 10 I physically cant spend another minute on it. Only reason im giving it a thumbs up is cause I was playing with my friend. If I played this alone I would of done unspeakable things

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Nuclear Wipeout on Steam



Cubico is a free game where you play as a ball with weird physics in a simplistic geometric world to overcome all sorts of typical platforming obstacles

My first impression after starting this was: “This feels like some kind of university project.” It then took me a few minutes to give my 15 year old gamepad a working configuration and figure out the basics. The game tried to guide me with specially colored and shaped objects most of the time. At some point though, this seemed to have failed and I was hoplessly lost and a bit bored. I then checked Leeson’s achievement guide and found out I wasn’t lost at all, I just felt lost. I also found out that this was indeed developed as a Bachelor Project.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game


Completed this one sitting. A solid, hyper stylized platformer that was a blast to play. You’re basically moving through an open world environment, terraforming different nodes to get you from a to b or deducting to get into places. The goal is to achieve a series of parts, scattered around the game world. I went into this assuming it would be a marble madness like – and when it wasn’t, I was slightly disappointed but after getting around to what the game really was, I was elated. Great job devs!

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Cubico on Steam



The actual game looks good, but that’s really the only thing it has going for it.

Problem #1: The main menu has no design and is just basic buttons on a black background.

Problem #2: The options do not work. At all. None of them.

Problem #3: The controls.

Problem #3a: The controls are only really explained for those using controller, not those using keyboard.

Problem #3b: The mechanics are inconsistent - I still cannot consistently do the “wall run.” 90% of the time I just jump at the wall and fall down.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Brief but fun

Chromalition is a skating game a la Jet Set Radio that feels like it’s been mashed up with Splatoon. This game is super fun to play! You have a few main mechanics: turn flat, skate, grind, wall run, double jump, and kicking off drones. I love combining these moves in different ways. Feels like it has so much speedrun potential. The music slaps, and the art is so bright and colorful. It was awesome seeing the company’s “makeover” at the end (no spoilers here! Go check it out for yourself) It’s a pretty short experience. It only took me about 20 minutes to play through the whole thing. Perfect for a brief reprieve from working from home. Definitely would recommend!

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Chromalition on Steam



What Is FrostRunner ?

It’s a well made student project made by a small group of people, passionate people, they released this for free for all of us to have some fun, while its short, you can finish it in a half an hour or so I ended playing it up for another hour to finish it 100%, its like a story about my uncle, its a little platformer where you can slide around, use a laser rope to swing around the place, move through fast moving platforms and such, its a little experiment of a game and while it can provide you at max an hour or two of fun, its worth checking out, its free, I fully platinumed it and would still come back someday because of how fun it is, I wish the best to the people behind this project and I hope they make more in the future, I would love to buy something from them.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

An excellent free to play Runner/Parkour game that’s extremely fun and addictive. Think Clustertruck but with ice instead of trucks.

Obviously, all games within the Parkour genre can be a tad frustrating but I’m genuinely shocked to see a free game that’s actually fun, has no pay to win advantages, no in-game purchases, has scoreboards for those that are competitive, looks nice and runs without a hitch too.

While it is a ton of fun, it’s also very short in hindsight, a full paid version of this game wouldn’t go a miss in my opinion, I love games like this.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

FrostRunner on Steam

Isle of Ewe

Isle of Ewe

This game is adorable, quick to learn, and incredibly addictive- the sheep are just so CUTE!! I love to play it with my little sister, and she got to understand the controls quickly. It looks to be designed for a desktop but works great on laptop, the mouse clicks were just a little harder to figure out. The one problem I’ve had is that it sometimes forgets some of my progress, for example when I had saved 12 sheep, it reset to 9 when I opened the game again, but I think that just means you have to make sure to reach a checkpoint before trying to close the game. Once it did actually reset to the beginning(luckily I made it back quickly) but that may have been more an issue with my computers software and Steam’s installation. Either way, I love this game and recommend it wholeheartedly ^-^

Real player with 124.7 hrs in game

A very enjoyable and fun game in the vein of Alpaca Stacker, but more difficult than that. You are the female shepherd searching for the lost sheep who have wandered far and wide.

There is light platforming with other abilities you gain as you progress. My favourite ability was being able to throw the sheep into the distance. You can use a battering ram (groan) to climb and jump long distances and air power to break through walls. You can also double jump.

This is suitable for young kids from 7 upwards. There are no scary bits apart from the lava world. Some of the platforming may be a little hard for the younger ones, but they’re pretty smart and agile.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Isle of Ewe on Steam



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Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Ope is a fun 3D platformer made by our friends in France. Overall, it’s a fun and causual experience, meaning if you just want play the story, it isn’t too challenging, but some of the secrets do provide some challenge and really compliments how large some of these levels truly are. The art direction is the first thing you’ll see, and I can definitely say that aren’t a long list of games that look like this. Overall, I found platforming to be fun and rewarding, especially as you earn more skills. Would love to see some challenge levels via DLC. There is some bad, combat isn’t very good and I would have preferred hack and slash vs the weird style of combat that looks to incorporate your platforming skills. Game doesn’t always run the the best. Occasional clipping and slowdown. Saw a big pink texture where it shouldn’t be on the final level. Nothing that really ruins the experience, and considering this is a free game that the devs have already begun to update, I can’t recommend trying this enough for 3D Platformer lovers. Game isn’t too long, and is what I’d recommend for day off in the house.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Ope on Steam

Elliot and the Musical Journey

Elliot and the Musical Journey

the controls felt buggy, most of the game play felt boring, the last boss was annoying but got there in the end with 1 heart remaining, double jumps felt like it didn’t work most of the time, wouldn’t recommend re-playing that again.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

I am on the fence with this game. I will outline my points.


  • Has original art

  • Quite easy controls

  • Lovely music

  • Easy to learn game loop


  • Jump (or double jump) not always get recognized which is quite annoying

  • DJBonehad boss is easy but the lasers spot you even from outside the light

  • when you lose all hearts you need to restart the level

  • you can’t record the musical notes order (not big deal) but is inconvenient

Overall is a nice FREE indie game that you will enjoy if you are into platformers

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Elliot and the Musical Journey on Steam

Think To Die

Think To Die

A simple in-concept puzzle game that is hard to master. Hard enough that it lets you skip levels if you can’t understand them. Overall it’s a couple hours of finding ways to kill all of the people you are given each level in sometimes complex ways.

If this had a price tag it might be hard to suggest, but it’s free and entertaining enough for a short game if you like puzzles or want another 100% achievements game to play through. The DLC is just an optional way to pay the developer $1 if you want to do so, it doesn’t contain anything extra for the game.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

This is a 2-D, turning into a 2,5-D platformer puzzle game.

You are a humanoid shaped person that need to kill yourself and the other humanoid creatures in the game in creative ways.

The music is good, alot of levels with different challanges as you progress and the graphics looks good but simplistic in a good way.

The controlls is not the best. You need to jump alittle away from the wall or ells you will be unable to jump. Some of the platforms you can get stuck in.

This game is hard, short if your good, you can skip hard levels, they implimented acheivements really fast after releasing the game, it does not have cards, you can retry the level quickly and it is free.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Think To Die on Steam