Arise: A Simple Story

Arise: A Simple Story

Super Mario 3D World, if everything weren’t cats, they removed the Wii U gamepad, and wasn’t Super Mario 3D world

Random title cause I felt like it. I’m not sure on whether to give a ‘recommended’ or ‘not recommended’ for this game, cause it’s a 50/50 split between aspects of this game that I liked, and the ones that infuriated me.


  • The Level Designs are amazing. Most games with a persistent time-switching mechanic only have 2 versions of the same map that show the past and the future, and pressing a button transports you to one or the other, but this game lets you slowly see the polygons shift whilst giving you the feeling of manually seeking and rewinding time like it’s a tape recorder. While most puzzles require you to only go back and forth between 2 points in time and freeze it, some puzzles

    ! (like the rolling boulder or the falling log in level 3) have you constantaneously scrub time and walk at the same time.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Time Manipulation Games.

Arise: A Simple Story

Arise is a simple yet clever puzzle-platformer that pushes the puzzle-platformer genre in the right direction. Arise is a soulful, relaxing game that revolves around a man’s journey of reliving his bittersweet memories with his partner.

It’s sweet, it’s simple and it’s truly emotionally driven. And combined with its beautiful world and enjoyable gameplay, we have an all-rounder on our hands.

*– [Real player with 12.5 hrs in game](*


![Seed of Life]( "")

## Seed of Life

### Seed of Life

**A disappointing adventure game that has a forgettable story, tedious gameplay and frustrating platform elements.**

Seed of Life is third person adventure game with platforming elements.

Aliens have raped the planet Lumia of resources and left with all the vital life source, Lumium.

Lumium maintains the balance and holds the universe together; Without it life ceases to exist

*– [Real player with 13.4 hrs in game](*




Read More: Best 3D Platformer Puzzle Platformer Games.

--- After completing the game 100%, I'd like to give a review that will hopefully be beneficial to both the game devs and the potential buyers. First and foremost, I give the game a 6/10 and here's why. 1\. The game is lacking. While some of the later sections of some decent puzzle mechanics, most of the game doesn't have much in the way of puzzles. The platforming has some potential, but lacks the polish to make it a notable indie game. As of now, I barely see a reason as to why it is considered action. *– [Real player with 8.7 hrs in game](* --- ![Papo & Yo]( "") ## Papo & Yo ### Overview Papo & Yo or Father and I markets itself as a puzzle, action, platformer set in a dream world of a Brazilian favela. You play as Quico a boy who has to help a monster who has a strange addiction to poisonous mushrooms that enrage the beast upon consumption. The only way to temporary calm down the monster is to feed him some blue, rotten fruit. Following the advice of a mysterious girl named Alejandra, you must navigate the favela by manipulating buildings with chalk magic and bring the monster to the temple to cure him of this unfortunate addiction. *– [Real player with 6.7 hrs in game](* ---

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Puzzle Platformer Games.

--- ### Good story alone isn't enough to make you cry Papo&Yo is a puzzle platformer with a good good which sadly doen't excecute first two aspect very good. You play as the buy names Quico and must find a way how to deal with a serious which i'm not going to talk about because that's the point the story. What i can say is that it's pretty similar to Rime story-wise, but excecuted not as good as that game. At first the puzzles seem fine, but after some time they get boring because the principle is the same and you usually need to repeat same actions again and again. There are good and fun puzzles, but maybe half of the puzzles are either frustrating or time wasting. *– [Real player with 6.7 hrs in game](* --- ![Fluffert and Friends]( "") ## Fluffert and Friends Meet Fluffert the Owl who likes to hang out with his cute Animal friends. One day his beloved Grandfather Alfred goes missing, so his parents send Fluffert on a journey to find him. On his way, little Owl will face many tricky quests and funny adventures. Join him to enjoy multiple hours of Platformer Game experience involving actions like Attacking, Jumping, Running and Exploring. Prepare yourself for an engaging Platformer Game including Animal World exploration, Cutscenes, and beautiful 3D Graphics to take you beyond the boundaries of your imagination! Imagine Exploring Platformer with 3D beautiful graphics by playing the Owl. --- ![Castle on the Coast]( "") ## Castle on the Coast Fun game with great controls and fun levels. I enjoyed it 8/10 *– [Real player with 7.8 hrs in game](* An effective, charming 3D platform experience that is honestly one of the best on steam. I got to play this early thanks to the dev but in no way did that influence my opinion on it, it is genuinely a great experience you should check out for yourself. 8/10 *– [Real player with 7.6 hrs in game](* --- ![Sea of Solitude]( "") ## Sea of Solitude EA is usually known for two things: microtransactions and more microtransactions. As a result, many gamers overlook their EA Original lineup, which features unique indie titles. One such is _Sea of Solitude_. ##### **_Shallow Sea_** It's always amazing to see developers find creative and unique ways of tackling themes surrounding mental health issues. Some succeed, some fail. Sadly, _Sea of Solitude_ falls in the latter camp. It fails for a couple of reasons. First, the **writing**. Instead of providing a more in-depth commentary on a particular issue, it opts for quantity over quality. As a result, it only skims over them and does a rather shallow take that boils down to **"this is good"** and **"this is bad"**. *– [Real player with 6.4 hrs in game](* There are a bunch of short little 5 hour games or under now that you can play on the EA 5 bucks a month deal. This game and Unravel 1 and 2 etc. If you pick up the monthly pass to play these games you will knock them out in a single session or a week at most and will still have 3 weeks left to download and play a bunch of other neat games. Sea of Solitude is a once and done game for me so it is a perfect candidate for the monthly pass. But we are not here to talk about whether the EA pass has value or not we are here to talk about this game. So what can I tell you about it? Unfortunately not a lot. Spoilers. *– [Real player with 5.1 hrs in game](* --- ![Viaerium]( "") ## Viaerium This game isn't bad, but it's not great either. It's about 30min long (unless you go back and replay for achievements), and pretty much impossible to fail. The gameplay consists mostly of wandering along retrieving fortune cookies and hitting switches until you advance to the next zone. It's different, it's chill, but it's not amazing. One really frustrating aspect to me is that it allows you to use a controller for navigation, but not for camera control or jumping… so... what's the point? What this game has going for it: *– [Real player with 1.6 hrs in game](* Buy, but not at full price; This is a Single Sitting game where your objective is to become a counselor by running & jumping … (platformer) So, to become a counselor yourself you gotta reach the Council, this is done with Run & Jump and works very decent with Keyb + Mouse. Gamepad (x360) support is lacking sadly enough (though you can fix this with the steam controller api by adding custom controls to your controller). The game is short as mentioned, but i had a nice time completing it.; there's enough variation in the levels and there's some storylines that keep you busy while completing the game as well.. *– [Real player with 1.6 hrs in game](* --- ![Go Emoji Go The Maze]( "") ## Go Emoji Go The Maze Buying this game and playing it has been the high point of my life. *– [Real player with 159.2 hrs in game](* --- ![The Tragedy of little Joy]( "") ## The Tragedy of little Joy The Tragedy of little Joy is a hand-built hardcore platformer combined with a deep and emotional story. Experience a dream full of memories and fears, overcome dangerous obstacles and explore complex characters. In the dream an owl lost its cub. She goes on an adventurous journey and faces a great danger. In your dream you learn that Joy, your daughter, is in great danger. In order to understand how this could come about, what worries you, her father, and how things will go on now, you need great skill. This is the only way to have a last glimmer of hope. --- ![Deep Abyss]( "") ## Deep Abyss Deep Abyss is composed of independent chapters, connected as one structure. - It has a unique Control that seems unfamiliar yet simple to get used to. - Explore the deep sea and space yourself as a diver. Swim through strange yet beautiful backgrounds and music. It will give you a new gaming experience that you have not felt in other games. - The story progresses in the form of poetry rather than a linear composition. It is a game resembling a small painting where you can achieve poetic and artistic sensibility. ---