Arise: A Simple Story

Arise: A Simple Story

Super Mario 3D World, if everything weren’t cats, they removed the Wii U gamepad, and wasn’t Super Mario 3D world

Random title cause I felt like it. I’m not sure on whether to give a ‘recommended’ or ‘not recommended’ for this game, cause it’s a 50/50 split between aspects of this game that I liked, and the ones that infuriated me.


  • The Level Designs are amazing. Most games with a persistent time-switching mechanic only have 2 versions of the same map that show the past and the future, and pressing a button transports you to one or the other, but this game lets you slowly see the polygons shift whilst giving you the feeling of manually seeking and rewinding time like it’s a tape recorder. While most puzzles require you to only go back and forth between 2 points in time and freeze it, some puzzles

    ! (like the rolling boulder or the falling log in level 3) have you constantaneously scrub time and walk at the same time.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Time Manipulation Games.

Arise: A Simple Story

Arise is a simple yet clever puzzle-platformer that pushes the puzzle-platformer genre in the right direction. Arise is a soulful, relaxing game that revolves around a man’s journey of reliving his bittersweet memories with his partner.

It’s sweet, it’s simple and it’s truly emotionally driven. And combined with its beautiful world and enjoyable gameplay, we have an all-rounder on our hands.

*– [Real player with 12.5 hrs in game](*


![La Mora - A Journey in Time]( "")

## La Mora - A Journey in Time

Time is Broken. This should be the Golden age of Mankind. Someone, something, has changed our history, and left us picking up the pieces. You are part of a group tasked with repairing the damage. However, something went wrong. You can't remember your mission and the machine that brought you here is broken. Your only clues are vague memories, along with a name; La Mora. You have to piece together your mission, your memory, and your wits, before time as we know it, is gone for good!

La Mora is a story driven adventure puzzle RPG.




Read More: Best 3D Platformer Aliens Games.

--- --- ![Robot Labs: Remake]( "") ## Robot Labs: Remake I thought this would be a like a brick bitcoin miner. Is pretty funny and hard. Jump king meets a very scuffed portal ( but good) *– [Real player with 6.0 hrs in game](* ---

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Robots Games.

--- Very cool hard game! *– [Real player with 3.9 hrs in game](* --- ![Candleman: The Complete Journey]( "") ## Candleman: The Complete Journey I loved this game and as you can see by my time, I really had to persevere to complete it. Candleman is a delightful, moderate platformer with difficult bits, much easier to play with a controller. I was on a keyboard, and being very clumsy and poorly co-ordinated, I died so many times it wasn't funny. Janner66 has already given a comprehensive review on the mechanics of the game. I agree that it can become repetitive if you have to play a section multiple times before you succeed. In some areas you have to be very precise and that can be rage inducing!! *– [Real player with 27.8 hrs in game](* What a great little adventure game. Simple mechanics done really creatively and its pretty long, even if you were to speedrun it would take you 2+ hours so you're getting a good amount of content, but it's not a very hard game. The story is a simple heroes journey but it leads you through a bunch of interesting environments with mini puzzles, new obstacles, and new gameplay features that keep it interesting. The levels are short, under 5 mins each, and each area doesn't overstay its welcome. Candleman is above all else an interesting original platformer that's done right. Dont expect fancy mechanics because the only controls in this game are space, control, and wasd, but there is some great level design and the art looks perfect for the style. There's little poems for the level names and the story actually gives quite a bit of character to this faceless, nameless, legged candle. This game looks like something you'd see a preview of 5 years ago and never actually see the game come out. The only real bad thing I have to say about this game is that your character walks too slow. I thoroughly enjoyed this game all the way through. Give it a shot if you like platformers and adventure games, you won't be disappointed. *– [Real player with 21.2 hrs in game](* --- ![DREAMERS]( "") ## DREAMERS #### Fetch Your Adventures **DREAMERS will lead you on an emotional journey into a colorful adventure, where will be also adversities, moments of doubts, and powerful discoveries.** All starting with a mysterious letter from grandma, that will force the protagonist to explore more than his known land. The game is designed as a single-player adventure where on some levels it's possible to set the multi-character option in co-op, using the split-screen. In addition to the main and secondary quests, there will be vehicles to upgrade, maps, and collectible items, to expand your gaming experience. The game environment is pretty detailed and offers hours of humoristic dialogs, a balanced level of difficulty, and no game over. DREAMERS is a game designed for an audience that loves classic games but is also a fresh and modern experience for players that discover adventures for the first time. #### EXPLORE ![]( Explore a vast land where nothing is what it seems. Encounter hundreds of characters and share the experience of your adventures. #### COOPERATE ![]( In case some characters want to join you, you can work together as companions to solve mysteries and unveil conspiracies. #### PUZZLES AND MINI-GAMES ![]( In your journey you will face many adversities and problems to be solved. These will test your abilities, skills and, sometimes, your patience. #### NO VIOLENCE ![]( At PlaySys we strongly believe that violence is never the solution and for this reason, we want you to experience DREAMERS as a violence-free game to be enjoyed with your family and friends. --- ![煉獄紅葉 MOMIJI FROM PURGATORY]( "") ## 煉獄紅葉 MOMIJI FROM PURGATORY **Hello, everyone , this game engine is developed by Unity , the character models in the scene are made by VRoid Studio , Chinese or English language can be selected in the setting , and the first-person perspective is used during the game , player will operate a college teenager , and sex with a nice body female classmate (A) , and then fall in love with another female classmate (B) who had a pure personality and also had sex , the story of our game will start after the revealed cheat incident , a series of horror plans for love were launched.** **Introduction to the story:** It’s the dream of many male to be able to dating with a nice body girl , this dream happened in a certain university , our protagonist (Shinji) and a red-haired hot girl (Momiji) who are followed by tens of thousands of fans fell in love at the same time , they have been dating together for a long time and have had many sexual relations , unexpectedly , one day the protagonist seemed to understand the true essence of love and fell in love with another female classmate in the same class (Koyuki) , this female classmate personality is simple , usually well-behaved and low-key , Shinji often meets with her privately , of course important sexual relations are indispensable in the process , but these news soon reach someone’s ears , (our game story will begin here) , on a calm night , Shinji received a fatal text message , if he did not follow the content of the text message, someone life would be lost , our protagonist Shinji , will personally resolve this love triangle. **Gameplay :** WASD : Move Space : Jump Shift : Run E: Interact B : Equip / Setting U : Use item C : Squat O : Reset the protagonist G : Reset the koyuki Left mouse button : Weak attack / Next dialogue Right mouse button : Strong attack Middle mouse button : Defense ►This game does not have a save function. When you leave the game and enter the game again, you need to start playing again. When the player dies, it will be reset back to the starting point, just play process will not disappear, but the items will fall at the place where the player died just now and need to go back and pick it up again. --- ![CABOUS]( "") ## CABOUS ``` Curator page here-- [url] DaRevieweD #130 [/url] -- [i]New review every Weekend[/i] ``` ### "Taking Off on A Nightmarish Pilgrimage-" Here's The Thing: You are an unnamed protagonist trying to face her horrors which stem from childhood but have matured and carried unto adulthood. Listen as she narrates of her past and try to make it to the end, for some much needed closure~ *– [Real player with 0.7 hrs in game](* --- ![I remember the Light]( "") ## I remember the Light #### **STORY** The world has ended and you just died. Well, your body died. You managed to upload yourself into The Ark, you've built to survive the event. It will soon turn out, it was a pretty bad idea. But for now… you awake as a dot. #### **PUZZLES. WHAT THEY'RE MADE OF?** **1\. Wrap the dimensions** ![]( You live in many spatial dimensions. Use this to your advantage. **2\. Impossible connections** ![]( Because connections are just the product of your mind. **2\. Portals. They break gravity** ![]( They can also break your brain. Just kidding, the game is fun, not hard. **3\. 4\. 5\. 6... n** Multi-dimensional boxes, guns, bombs, Amelia, doors, keys, more perspective, etc. **#### ON GAME** I remember the Light is a story driven puzzle game, that explores the idea of living in different spatial dimensions, that wrap on each other. It came from my fascination of imagining what it's like to live inside the tesseract. The game is still in mid-early development stage. As a solo dev I have a lot of things on my hands. But I manage :) **#### CONSIDER WISHLIST** I create puzzle games to make you happy, please consider wishlisting the game and joining it's steam community. Thanks! Cheers Mike aka Hamster On Coke --- ![Moncage]( "") ## Moncage Great visual puzzles. And not only visual. Admirably crafted, Moncage really makes you think inside the box, and is challenging enough that I had to take a couple of breaks to figure out solutions. Some reviewers might confuse you by claiming, in the same sentence, that the game is too short and that they used the hint system. Unsurprisingly, if you solve all puzzles by yourself, i.e., if you play the game, the playing time doubles. The only missing feature is a post-game chapter selector. It would let us hunt for our missed secrets without the need to replay the entire game. *– [Real player with 10.0 hrs in game](* Masterfully crafted puzzle game that takes place on five sides of a cube as you piece together the story through interconnecting scenes. **Moncage** is a relaxing perspective-based puzzle game with pleasant visuals, touching story told without words, and relaxing soundtrack. There is an alternate ending that requires players to find all hidden photos and replay the story a second time while keeping an eye out for ways "to think outside the cube". About 2 to 5 hours to complete depending on how often you use the hint system or unlocking achievements. A must try for puzzle enthusiast [10/10] *– [Real player with 5.7 hrs in game](* --- ![Adventures in Morality: An Interactive Case Study]( "") ## Adventures in Morality: An Interactive Case Study First to the creator(s) of the ICS, you should be aware that there appears to be a bug with the cassette recordings. Every time you find one and play it, it also plays all the ones that you have found and played before, simultaneously, making understanding anything pass the third one nearly impossible. Onto the review. This is an interesting experience. The idea being that an AI is the one conducting the Case Study on you is both intriguing and perhaps a bit alarming and I mean both of those ideas in as to whether you accept that at face value or if you accept that as part of a fictional narrative. I was actually most interested in finding and reading the log notes about the "childhood" and growth of said AI, and I got a good snicker at the mention of bonono monkies (i dont have to google, i actually saw a N.G show on them so totally got it ;) As for the Subject of the case study, this idea of sympathy types, while the particular labels used to describe said types might be newish, the idea behind it is not. I was reading about where people fall into self, tribe, and human kind in self help and spiritual enlightenment books back in the 80's and 90's. And those authors were NOT representing the knowledge as something new; but, rather as something very old and mostly forgotten or purposely suppressed (Those in power naturally tend to keep those below them divided and weakened through the use of Us vs them, whether thats Individualism vs Communism or Tribalism in one form or another.) The one thing none of those authors ever did was threaten to use the knowledge being shared to bring about an apocalypse and try to divide up the world based on results of some case study. Really not sure what to make of that. *– [Real player with 0.8 hrs in game](* Opening video has a couple good lines. The rest is random questions that don't make any sense as a test of morality. Not to mention that just by walking around you get 80+ 'Humanity' rating. *– [Real player with 0.7 hrs in game](* ---