Detective Bot

Detective Bot

Sadly, it keeps crashing all the time. There’s fatal errors all over, and at one point there was a bug that wouldn’t bring up the evidence UI, and then the game autosaved, so the whole save file was useless. Fix the bugs, and then it might be a fun, quirky little puzzle game.

There’s a lot to like, but it needs to work first.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Sandbox Games.

Loved it! A fun cute little puzzle game :)

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Detective Bot on Steam

La Mora - A Journey in Time

La Mora - A Journey in Time

Time is Broken. This should be the Golden age of Mankind. Someone, something, has changed our history, and left us picking up the pieces. You are part of a group tasked with repairing the damage. However, something went wrong. You can’t remember your mission and the machine that brought you here is broken. Your only clues are vague memories, along with a name; La Mora. You have to piece together your mission, your memory, and your wits, before time as we know it, is gone for good!

La Mora is a story driven adventure puzzle RPG.

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Aliens Games.

La Mora - A Journey in Time on Steam

The Amulet of AmunRun

The Amulet of AmunRun

About the demo : A demo is available for everyone to play. It features the first 3 enigmas of the game and can be played in solo or in duo. It is strongly advised to play it with a friend/mate as the game has been designed for 2 and the final game will be coop only.

Welcome to AmunRun’s pyramid, the millenary jewel of Egypt !

Incarnate two archaeologist students who are sent into the ancient pyramid of AmunRun to uncover its secrets. Deep inside the pyramid is a mythical amulet that nobody managed to recover. You were sent to prove your worth ! Dive into the depths of the pyramid and fetch this golden treasure, but don’t forget that getting might be easier than getting out !

  • Adventure yourself in an epic race against the pyramid’s secrets and traps ! Navigate through the mystical challenges overlooked by the Egyptian gods.

  • Run together with your favourite side-kick (your friend is always the sidekick ;)) through the millenary corridor of a pyramid designed with the sole purpose of preventing you from entering. Don’t forget to communicate and collaborate between two breaths !

  • Prepare your hat & boots and especially ready yourself to use what’s inside. You’ll have to use your sense of observation and wit to open trapdoors, but you’ll have to use your dexterity to escape what might be coming out of them.

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Family Friendly Games.

The Amulet of AmunRun on Steam

Fears of Glasses  o-o

Fears of Glasses o-o

To be honest, I didn’t understand anything about the game at all. I’m not used to the glasses in the middle of the screen. It feels weird and out of place. Also, the game has obvious problems with the interface. In general, it doesn’t feel like a completed product. Rather, like something hastily whipped up.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Fears of Glasses is a pretty good horror platformer with an atmosphere of gloom and creep.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Fears of Glasses o-o on Steam

Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora

Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora

Why did I buy this game? I’m not even trying to hate, I’m genuinely quite confused why I bought this, it must have been about four years ago that I decided to. Maybe it was because it was on sale or something, maybe I liked the trailer. Which is pretty amateur as I can now see, but for some reason I decided to buy the bundle thing, with the soundtracks and Jones on Fire. Why did I do that? This is such a flawed game it’s painful to think why I ever finished it even once. At it’s best It’s got this kind of unique feel that allows you to see past some (but never all) of the flaws; at it’s worst it’s absolutely unbearable. Okay there are some good things, some of the characters are pretty cool, Franky is a nice companion, the music is good (not something I’d ever listen to outside of the game though, which makes the purchase of the soundtrack even more baffling to me), and some of the platforming and gun mechanics are cool. But it’s nowhere near enough to make up for all the problems.

Real player with 25.4 hrs in game

I enjoy quirky games that have a sense of humour and aren’t overly-complicated. And I enjoy mysteries. I enjoyed these aspects of the game, and I do recommend it, but there are some caveats.

The concept of the different ammunition in the game is a great one, and makes the game simple, provides many possibilities for problem solving, and is kinda cool. But the way it was implemented drove me bonkers. When in a room and needing to use different ammunitions, sometimes the puzzle would require three or four of a particular type, then you would have to switch out to a different one (or two), do something with them, and then switch back. Granted, I’m sure in hindsight that I could have streamlined that and analyzed the problem and come up with a more efficient ammunition usage, but who wants to do that? Swapping out the ammunition is such an annoying mechanic, it would be much easier to put in some sort of ammo configuration and swap to it with a button or hotkey.

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora on Steam

Goddess detective

Goddess detective


Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Is the dog really the problem?

Well, we will never know…

There is an inventory but no way to interact or pick up items, when you open the front door you can´t get upstairs anymore… controls from hell. One nice little ass wiggle animation though. And easter eggs.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Goddess detective on Steam

Beside Myself

Beside Myself

Played on Linux using Proton-GE as it has video files, This game seems to be some bought source code as i’ve seen this same UT Engine horror game a fair few times now (inventory, Camera, lighter, etc), and also bought Assets as i’ve seen everything else (Textures, 3D Objects, etc) before on other Horror Games.

Graphics are okay (assets), Sound is okay, Gameplay as most horror Games without running from Monsters, Just wonder about clicking on whatever you can and reading whatever you can and taking photos when you see a cross mark.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

I want to say I for the most part understand that effort and payout go hand in hand. Yes, its a good foot forward for whatever else you publish on steam but like your friend Emika the first game is most certainly not a great piece of work. There are a lot of elements that I’ve seen him revaulate in the progression of his three ips, timing of scares, ability to implement types of scares, creation of mood and tying it to the fluency of the story’s progression. And recently playing his first and most recent game I can see that your currently at the step he was at when he first released Find Yourself, getting a better grasp on that pacing and experimenting on what you can and can’t implement mechanic wise and element wise into your games. I’m interested to see if you too will show improvement like he did with Summer of 58' (although its not a perfect) but for now I wouldn’t even say that this is a project I’d pay for if I knew what I do now. Nevertheless keep it up and don’t get discouraged if you enjoy making games.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Beside Myself on Steam



Boodunnit, what to say that hasn’t already been said?

Graphics/Art 10/10

Gameplay 5/10

Controls 3/10

This is a really cute game but it is kinda hard to love. Boodunnit has a nice premise and nice mechanics but it feels like it’s incomplete. Sure, it’s a free game and I shouldn’t be harking on it too hard but I have to. I would gladly pay a few dollars to support the devs and help make Boodunnit better.

Camera and Levitation issues have been talked to death so I won’t talk too much about it. However, I feel that most of the issues talked about by people could be alleviated by simply putting the control of levitation on the arrow keys instead of the mouse. That way, you wouldn’t be spinning your mouse around trying to see and control an abject at the same time. Furthermore, it would allow for more control over levitating object which would be nice. Wonder why the Play Testers didn’t say anything. With a group that big, certainly a few of them, if not all of them, would’ve found the controls as frustrating as 90% of the player base does.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

The overall art style and aesthetic of the game is gorgeous, the story line is intriguing and kept me interested so that alone would make me recommend.

However, the controls are sometimes frustrating especially when you play as either the rat or pigeon. Moving items is difficult as you have no way of knowing where they are being placed or how you can move them smoothly, you are still able to move stuff and complete the game just with a little difficulty. The camera was also awkward to move at times and did have the tendencies of giving me motion sickness with how janky the movements were.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Boodunnit on Steam

The Wickie

The Wickie

1936 and junior lighthouse keeper Bill Cromarty is sent to St Pandora’s Rock, 100 miles off the west coast of Scotland to help staff the lighthouse and learn the ropes from Captain Malin and his assistant lighthouse keeper.

Captain Malin will assign you your duties and it is up to you to complete them to the best of your abilities to keep the lighthouse running smoothly to prevent loss of shipping and life.

Nothing is as it would seem. Are you going to keep your head and do your work, or will you investigate what is happening on this large and fully explorable island?

Keep your sanity. Decide your face and the fate of everyone else in this fully 3d FPS adventure, taking place over 14 days. Will you go home, a job well done? Will you discover that there is so, so much more happening on the island?

NPC Characters are presented differently to the rest of the world to make them stand out, with a design style that stands apart from the rest of the game deliberately. The island has a full realistic weather system that can handle rain, snow and storms, water simulations, above and below water interactions, including swimming, and many different paths to follow, the game features professional voice acting and an enchanting period based musical score.

The Wickie on Steam

Detective Bureau Simulator

Detective Bureau Simulator

There technically IS one level that can be played.

One thirty second loop of music plays during the “investigation” but there really isn’t much to investigate.

This really needs to be on or newgrounds or somewhere, not Steam.

Don’t buy it.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Detective Bureau Simulator on Steam