Ball of Doom

Ball of Doom

This game is a good game it offers a huge map, almost unlimited replay value, and the difficulty makes the game a little rage inducing but it makes you come back to get revenge every day.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Difficult Games.

you die really easily and the load time to get back into something very mediocre is not worth it

many other games have offended me far worse than this, so theres that

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Ball of Doom on Steam



I got this game to play with my 3 year old daughter and its been a prefect little game for us to enjoy together. She calls it the octopus game and i have videos of her just screaming with joy when the octopus pops on the screen, its so darn cute. She even helps me spot the collectibles to grab while where playing. The game itself is really short but its really enjoyable and still somewhat fun to go back and play over again like I’ve done many times. There is 2 other mini games included like the floor is lava which is a fun bonus to play. Overall, for a free game its a great one to try out.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Stylized Games.

What a amazing game! So far its just one level, with some unique and fun game modes, like the floor is lava. The controls are easy to start playing, and hide more complex mechanics that you start to use when trying the time challenge, like speeding up in the air depending on how fast you are rotating. The achievements in this were a blast to hunt down! the first / only level has 31 collectables to find, along with a couple (i think 7) random side task achievements. Close to everything in this game can be interacted with, your either destroying something, or using a item you picked up to destroy something. Id highly recommend this to anyone, Its free and freaking fun! I just wish they had more levels, id be willing to pay for this!

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Octarina on Steam



VERY solid 3D platformer. I’m thoroughly impressed. Especially considering this is these Developers' first child. What first impressions :D.

Highly entertaining. Very challenging. Reminds me of another game called “Cluster Truck” but with a bigger budget & more content yet the same price. The physics in this game are superb and highly entertaining. The controls are smoothe & fair. The grapple is intuative. Air control is flawless. Wholeheartedly reccomend. It’s also, can confirm, super fun with friends :). 100%’d the game. Much replayability trying to beat your previous times. Has a few secrets up its sleeve ;3. Games price seems super duper fair for 15$ base price :D. I USUALLY collect games on deep sales; and I feel no qualms buying this full price c: .

Real player with 39.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Parkour Games.

Hate giving this a negative review since I feel like I should enjoy this. But the grappling physics that make up the fundamentals of Crumble keep me from coming back to improve my times.

With gamepad:

The priority of what the tongue “wants” to grab makes it feel like a painfully sluggish trial and error when going for better times. Even the slightest difference in approach can make the difference between the tongue pulling you directly into a wall or a graceful swing along side it for speed. Every time I pull off a good jump, it feels like random luck. There’s no feedback telling me what Im doing right or wrong when it comes to maintaining speed. The “aim cursor” is a damn liar and should be ignored. You can grab when you cant see it, and it does not tell you how long the tongue will be anyway(important to know, to properly time your release for more speed).

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Crumble on Steam

President’s Sniper Shooting

President’s Sniper Shooting

Cheap indie-action-game with not so good graphics and serious sound issues (no gunsounds) in my version. But nevertheless it is fun for some mindless shooting in short sessions. There is not much more to say about the game, just watch my gameplay video and decide for yourself, if you want to spend a bit of money for this.

Gameplay video:

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

needs work! no sound for shooting and repetitive ..

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

President's Sniper Shooting on Steam

Loco Launcher

Loco Launcher

Cool Concept, but Needs some work (thus EA). If the bugs mentioned below are fixed I will more than happy to change my review. It is one of those wacky destroy everything in sight games with cannons, wild animals and some kind of physics engine. Destruction abounds, you get prizes and unlock new weapons and features. I would gladly waster hours of my life on this game . . . Were it actually playable. The two main issues:

1. The camera / player controls make QWOP feel “user-friendly”. I know every player has a set spot for where they like their camera to be relative to the character they’re controlling, but in this case “too much freedom” is a bad thing. Camera frequently ended up in front of the character and or under the character. neither of these are vary useful situations. Spent more time getting the camera in a position relative to the character so I could see what I was doing than I did actually doing anything. And every time you change directions you have to change the camera position (really annoying). Have some option for the camera to just follow the character slightly behind and above. Also character controls themselves are relative to camera so I was not sure where I was going. Left and right seem to mean “go sideways” rather than “turn.”

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Loco Launcher on Steam

ChronoTecture: The Eprologue

ChronoTecture: The Eprologue

ChronoTecture Game Studio presents an indie video game created by an architectural designer.

After losing his cat Mobiius to lifelong illness, a father sees him again in a brief Dream. The father then designs and builds a device called The DreamCatcher, which allows him to induce a Lucid Dream at will. When the father finally sees Mobiius again in the Dream World, the DreamCatcher glitches and the father experiences sleep paralysis, trapping him in the Dream World against his will. The only way forward for the father is as a guide for Mobiius as he goes through his Final Dream.

ChronoTecture: The Eprologue on Steam



Its awsome

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game

its hard but good

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Clustertruck on Steam

My Neighborhood Arcade

My Neighborhood Arcade

⣾⡇⣿⣿⡇⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣄⢻⣦⡀⠁⢸⡌⠻⣿⣿⣿⡽⣿⣿ play it

⡇⣿⠹⣿⡇⡟⠛⣉⠁⠉⠉⠻⡿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⣄⡉⠂⠈⠙⢿⣿⣝⣿ It’s good








Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Quick bite sized games that run really well and I constantly go back to the same games.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

My Neighborhood Arcade on Steam

Catlateral Damage

Catlateral Damage

I have found this game to be simple, but very addicting. You cause destruction as one of several different cats, most of which you have to unlock through gameplay.

You can play in two modes, objective mode and “litterbox” mode. Objective mode is where you are given a set of objectives to complete. You do this by knocking down or destroying the indicated items. You have a time limit in which to complete the objectives. You get bonuses for certain items, as indicated in your objectives. If you complete your objectives, you get to move on to another level, up to four levels. There are special items you can knock down to unlock bonus levels which are added in to your four basic levels.

Real player with 39.8 hrs in game

My paw swipes a dinner plate off the table and I peek over the edge to watch it shatter to pieces on the floor below. The humans will pay for keeping me cooped up all day!

Catlateral Damage is a new game where you play as a bored cat wreaking havoc on the everyday objects inside the house. We all know kitten thinks of nothing but murder all day so this game is a realistic simulation of what it’s like to be a cat running around the house making mischief and taking care of cat business - knocking down items on shelves and tables, opening doors, hiding in boxes and tunnels, crawling above and behind everything and making a huge mess while you’re at it.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Catlateral Damage on Steam

Underground Keeper 2

Underground Keeper 2

If you like Minesweeper, you will enjoy this.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Nice relaxing first person minesweeper game.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Underground Keeper 2 on Steam