Jump Again!

Jump Again!


Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer First-Person Games.

Jump Again! on Steam



A game unlike anything you’ve ever seen!

A combination between something completely new, and totally familiar.

Spread and stack adorable cubes to explore incredible worlds, collect goodies, discover funny stories, and help the King President dominate the universe to save from the unknown threat of the Void.

  • A unique game about spreading and stacking adorabe cubes (a.k.a. Togges).

  • Classic Collect-A-Thon 3D platformer.

  • Amazing handcrafted worlds with beautiful art direction.

  • A non-linear game with dozens of content to explore and discover.

  • A wide variety of lovely characters and funny stories.

  • Emergent gameplay full of creative mechanics.

Incredible gameplay, fascinating worlds!

Beneath all the Stars, in the Bottom of the Cosmos there is an Endless Wall, keeping the known universe from the dangers of the unknown. In the formation of the constellations, the leaders of each domain must protect all the existence. This is the story of the Togges.

Explore multiple worlds and immerse yourself in incredibles settings with stunning vistas. From a futuristic city in the Savannah, to a realm made of carrot cake, discover funny stories and make friends around the Cosmos.

Solve environmental puzzles, discovering how to interact with the world in a range of creative mechanics, and find all sorts of collectibles, with dozens of content in handcrafted levels where every corner has something interesting to do.

Overcome challenges while combining different Togge Colors and abilities, and find new ways to play creating unexpected situations due to emergent gameplay, with multi-layered open levels, completely free for you to explore and master the game.

A game made with love, from a 3D Platformer fan to another 3D Platformer fan. A charming revival from the “strangest” creative B games from the Golden Era of the 3D Platformers, with a modernized vision taking notes from the great classics.

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Collectathon Games.

Togges on Steam

Demon Turf

Demon Turf

Great 3D platformer, and like any great 3D platformer, it has great controls, this game has the most precision in jumping I’ve seen in a 3D platformer in a while, though most platforming “questions” can be simply answered with a jump, spin, and long jump. Though there are some spotty jumps, most of the levels are designed in a way that lets me get to a sort of platforming zen where everything flows smoothly and I can land every jump. Definitely one of the most forgiving jump mechanics due to the addition of the drift spin and the long jump I feel. I played it with a keyboard and mouse.

Real player with 30.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Platformer Demons Games.

To put it short, Demon Turf is a difficult, yet fun 3D platformer. This game by no means is a walk in the park and will require you to master the movement and physics to overcome many of its challenges, and that’s not a bad thing. The movement in this game is extremely fun and fluid when you learn how to properly use your skill set in conjunction with one another, however it will probably take some time and frustration to make it that far, especially to those unfamiliar with technical platformers. The visual style for most of the game is great as well, which is what really pulled me in from the beginning, and the music is an absolute treat as well going from chill beats you can zen out with to the punk tracks that accompany Beebz’s mission. Overall a worthwhile experience if you’re willing to take the time required to learn.

Real player with 21.8 hrs in game

Demon Turf on Steam



This is again more of a neutral rating than a definite positive one. But let me get more into the details to explain.

Effie is a typical Unreal 3D-platformer made by a small team, and this shows, in both good and bad ways. On the positive side you can definitely see the dedication and work that was put into the environments of some levels (like the Vineyard or Windmills City), the platforming sequences are decent, too, and the many runes to collect give some good incentive to explore. Difficulty stays in a casual to easy range, yet doesn’t get too boring. Music was quite fitting as well, not too much variation, but also alright on the whole. So I have to admit I had fun regarding those aspects all in all. I didn’t mind the sometimes a bit clunky movements, or the narration style (a voiced narrator tells the game like a story to his grandchild). But the design and technical flaws sadly always pulled my experience down in between.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

TL;DR at the end.

When you start the game, right off the bat, first thing I noticed is how unpolished the game is, the animations for opening chests for example seem half-assed, the combat basically consists of just mashing heavy attack and later on when you unlock the boomerang move (which for some reason is even stronger than the heavy attack while also being a huge AoE) and you spam that instead you have to watch that animation in slow-motion EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

On the narrative side, the story is very basic but that’s not why I’m here for, and the voice acting is pretty lame and you’d keep hearing the same voice lines over and over again for example every time you open a blue chest you get one of two voice lines, and you open quite a lot of them.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Effie on Steam

Space Hole 2018

Space Hole 2018

I’ve only played about 3 hours now, and I can tell I’m nowhere near completing this game. Space Hole 2018 is visually stunning. It plays a lot like the Super Monkey Ball series, but is a lot less annoying in every respect. Minor game mechanics make the game much more enjoyable, plus you gain these new mechanics throughout the game which gives a sense of achievement and growth. The soundtrack is great too. Overall, this is an awesome, relaxing, psychedellic game that is definitely worth the listed $3.

Real player with 27.0 hrs in game

This seems to be what Sam Atlas was aiming for all along. This newest Space Hole has a lot more of the Antichamber vibe and is overall a great improvement on 2016. Here’s why.


  • Visually a lot more interesting now. Full on psychedelia, the inner workings of a mass hadron collider, giant chess sets, hypercubes, Saturday Night Fever disco floors the lot.

  • More varied levels this time. Not just a get from point A to point B anymore. You sometimes need to exit your ball and fly around to scope out the large levels to see where you are supposed to be heading and work out a strategy.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Space Hole 2018 on Steam

Space Hole 2020

Space Hole 2020

Thank god I am not epileptic

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

I’m trying to determine the best way to describe Space Hole 2020. Not necessarily a game, exactly. At least not in the way the equally amazing Space Hole 2016 and Space Hole 2018 were (in one opinion.) More the culmination of the reversal of everything the YEAR 2020 has turned out to be. It’s as if all the misery, pain and loss of Year 2020 was thrown into the air, but instead of falling, everything that made Year 2020 so awful converted into the various objects of their opposing beauty and wonder, music, color and art for gamers to explore and enjoy as Space Hole 2020. What you’ll quickly discover is that Space Hole 2020 is almost equally game and art installation (though not in a pretentious, scary or off-putting way,) And the music is a world of its own, and you likely find yourself as much experiencing the music as listening to it. Simply beyond description (which, I suppose, is a reasonably good description for the game in general, if “indescribable” can technically be used as a description.)

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Space Hole 2020 on Steam

Super Sami Roll

Super Sami Roll

Super Slam Spammin' Sami

I’ve got so much to say about this little guy

The PROS (why you should buy Sami):

Sami is fast

Sami has physics

Sami is a very cute game with great designs

Sami unlocks hats, skins, and other fun customizations

! There’s other playable characters?

! … I can’t tell you that it’s a secret…

Sami plays kinda like Monkey Ball but with a interesting wall attach/wall jump mechanic. Sami’s slam move and other subtle mechanics take the deceptively simple gameplay and raise the skill ceiling for speedrunning immensely, giving plenty of opportunities for top level runners and other epic gamers to bring their times on levels insanely low with shortcuts that range from easy to mind-numbingly precise.

Real player with 36.8 hrs in game

Takes inspiration from the best and doesn’t hide it, amazing love letter to 3D platformer, movement feels tight and responsive and it’s a joy to move around. It doesn’t reinvent the wheel but the tongue jump mechanic feels different enough from other platformers and feels very good to use, and the game showcases all around great level design and understanding of what makes the genre fun.

Just the right amount of simple and intuitive controls with increasingly complex level design that really tests your skills, the game starts out slow but the later levels get quite challenging which is very welcome in a genre that tends to be on the easier side. If you love 3d mario games but always get left wanting more in terms of challenge, this is the game for you.

Real player with 29.0 hrs in game

Super Sami Roll on Steam

The Fire

The Fire

love it, great momentum based platforming and a challenge indeed.

nice to look at and a very reasonable price !

*would love to see an optional ingame timer and a framerate cap :))

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

I actually really enjoy this game, the graphics are beautiful and the game if fun and somewhat difficult as stated, personally I look forward to seeing speed runs on this game!

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

The Fire on Steam

Mail Mole + ‘Xpress Deliveries

Mail Mole + ‘Xpress Deliveries

My rating: 7/10

Initially the level design is very basic and easy, perfect for getting the hang of the mechanics of this platformer. Each level is slightly more difficult until you complete the set, then also adds new mechanics and consequence with each new area. Very solid, smart design. Keeps the player engaged and challenged and the overall game from feeling stale.

The timing aspect doesn’t have to be taken seriously if you only want the story, which is great for freedom of choice I think. I see they have support now for Leaderboards and a Speedrun timer, not among my concerns but is cool to see. Makes me wonder if the racing segments could be evolved into an online multiplayer racing game? Happy to see the passion from the developers regardless!

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

Target Audience: More Laid Back Platforming Fans


Mail Mole is worth the price of admission, although it’s one of those games that’s focusing on a sub-set of the platforming lovers of the world. Taking strong influence from games such as Super Mario Sunshine, it’s unique underground movement mechanic provides a solid basis for a game that focuses on more straight forward trap avoidance and speed (at times) more then exploration or combat. Level design may be simple, but it allows focus on the minute details of movement and really, that’s what the game really hinges on in the end, and it did provide me fun for the game’s 5 hour or so run time. The environments are pretty but won’t blow you away, and the game seems like a perfect type of game for younger kids to get them introduced to the world of platformers, while still being enjoyable for adults.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Mail Mole + 'Xpress Deliveries on Steam

Tower Princess

Tower Princess

Once upon a time, in a Far Away Land, an Evil Dragon took prisoner every royal heir he could meet. Lots of worthy suitors of every kingdom tried to face the beast, without success. Now it’s your turn! You’ll have to do your best to beat the dungeon, defeat the dragon, and manage the most perfect date!

  • Every run is a unique adventure

A fresh gameplay combination of 3D platforming & roguelite. Choose your knight, invite the princess and take them to the Castle full of procedurally generated dungeons and traps!

  • Choose the weapon that suits your playing style!

Take a sharp and mighty sword or a long rifle that allows you to fight from a distance and upgrade it with extra abilities!

  • Cheerful & light-hearted atmosphere

Dive into the cheerful atmosphere full of encouragement and support. You don’t have to be a perfect knight to succeed!

  • Let not the charming visual style trick you!

The game is inspired by the classic adventure games, 3D platformers and the Dark Souls series and not as casual as it may look at a first glance!


Tower Princess on Steam