

The Story

You just brought a brand new AI assistant designed specifically to help with insomnia, now it’s time to try to sleep. . . But something isn’t quite right about tonight. Maybe getting to sleep is the least of your problems now.

SleepCo’s brand new Sleeping Assitance Machine is making headlines as it sells out globally only weeks after being released. Alongside their specially crafted medicine to help with insomnia, SleepCo seems to be ready to put the whole world to bed. After setting up your SAM beside your bed, taking your medicine and getting into your pyjamas, SAM wakes up to help guide you into sleep. But tonight something is different. You don’t feel as tired as you usually do after taking your medicine. You hear noises all around you. SAM says to ignore it, but should you? Maybe a good night’s rest will sort all of this and you won’t have to worry about it in the morning. If you make it to the morning that is.

Manifestations of your worst nightmares, creatures of pure horror trap you in your small bedroom, there is no escape, even closing your eyes you see the hands of the beast coming for you. What will you do? Will you ever get to sleep? Maybe it’s just all in your head and you should just ignore it like SAM keeps telling you to.

The Gameplay

Insomnious is a survival horror game inspired by Five Nights at Freddy’s, however with the added feature of being able to move around the room and get close and personal with the monsters to push them away.

You are trapped in your room for the night, run around the room and hold back the night terrors while trying to get enough rest to fall asleep. These night terrors could come from everywhere, the window, the closest, the painting and even your bedroom door. But just confronting your fears by getting close enough to push them back will keep you safe for the night.

Each night the monsters get more and more aggressive, on top of this the amount of time you have to sleep for increases each night. You have to manage defending yourself against the monsters of the night and getting sleep by making yourself vulnerable and resting in your bed.

The main story mode will take you through 3 nights of progressively more and more difficult scenarios as you listen to your SAM try to get you to sleep.

The challenge mode introduces a collection of 3 unique challenges to try to beat, it’s similar to story mode just without any additional lore.

Finally the custom mode allows you to set your own challenges to try to survive. In custom mode you have the ability to change each monster’s difficulty (or even disable each monster), change the amount of time you need to sleep before surviving the night and even change the amount time it takes for the nightmare to kill you.

Read More: Best 3D Funny Games.

Insomnious on Steam



Can you help me make my horror game ? ;)

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Horror Games.

Actual dog water, unplayable and a waste of $14

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game


ClayTown Horror

ClayTown Horror

Enter into the Dollhouse, and experience the terrors within. ClayTown Horror is a Single-player horror game with a focus on Story, Puzzles, and a unique art style.

Monsters and Mayhem roam the halls of this home, so do your best to survive the ordeal as you find a way out of this nightmare. Oh and if you can, try and find out for yourself what horrors have happened in this quiet hilltop house.

Want to know more huh? Well in that case, I’ll leave you with a dear friend of ClayTown, he knows the area quite well. Do enjoy your stay here, and we’ll talk again soon.

“Welcome to ClayTown Friend”

“Not many people come to ClayTown, it’s quite nice to see you here.”

“Tell me, what brings you here friend?”

“Oh, don’t bother answering. I can guess why; there’s not many reasons to visit ClayTown.”

“Something tells me your fond of spooks friend, so I think I know where you’ll go.”


“Why, up to that nasty house of course. Local legend that house is, and plenty terrifying.”

“Watch the road though, it’s an awful drive.”

“Be sure to look around when you get up there, who knows what you might find.”

“You’ll likely find something to keep your mind busy too, fan of puzzles and riddles are you?”

“Huh? Is it safe to go up there.”

“Why of course it is, why would so many people go there if it wasn’t safe.”

“There’s nothing to be afraid of friend; why I’ve gone up there a few times as well.”

“and i’m just fine”

“Doesn’t matter if you think so or not, we both know you’ll go up there.”

“So be sure to knock when you go on in.”

“Huh? Who am I you ask?”

“Why I’m…”

“thats odd, I can’t… recall…”

“where… am…”

“why would you…”

“come back here…”


“Well friend”

“Come on back this way once your done up there, and we’ll have something special cooked up.”

“Hope you enjoy your stay,”

“Down here In ClayTown”

Read More: Best 3D Horror Games.

ClayTown Horror on Steam

NORSK: Epistle

NORSK: Epistle

Definitely a worthy purchase if you want to experience something new, especially for the price. Solving puzzles in different dimensions is a new concept at least for me and probably the best and most entertaining thing about this game.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

NORSK: Epistle on Steam

You VS Drugs

You VS Drugs


Inspiration & theme: “In 1960, only 4 million Americans had ever tried drugs” (2.2% of people). “By creating the Bureau of Narcotics & Dangerous Drugs in 1968, the U.S. set the basis of an official national/international war on drugs” (Drug Enforcement Administration Museum).

50 years later, the National Survey on Drug Use & Health (2019) showed that 164.8 million Americans aged 12 or older (60.1% of people) were past month substance users. Even worse, “children are already abusing drugs at age 12 or 13 (…), including tobacco, alcohol, inhalants, marijuana, prescription drugs such as sleeping pills & anti-anxiety medicines” (National Institute on Drug Abuse -NIDA-, 2020). And now, the United Nations’ 2021 World Drug Report states that “pandemic effects ramp up drug risk, as youth underestimate cannabis dangers”. So, what now? NIDA (2020) states that “Increased understanding of the basics of addiction will empower people to make informed choices in their own lives”. But if science took +100 years to unravel how drugs change the brain and produce addiction, how can regular kids & adults learn such complex topics to foresee the hidden dangers of trying drugs?

‘You VS Drugs’ is the first brain-based video game saga in the world designed to prevent drug addiction by empowering people with real knowledge, so they can make better choices in their own lives!

Design & gameplay: It’s a chibi cartoon-style 3D graphic design of characters & settings which give players a sense of action and fun at first glance. Friends & foes, level challenges, sounds, structures & objects are designed for players —that can play alone/with a partner— to explore, have fun, get surprised, fight, and make decisions that test the knowledge players acquire while watching how their brain works, and how drugs mess up with people’s lives. All relevant situations are inspired in real events of the working brain.

Game mechanics (and link to the learning experience):

• Incorrect responses to Path questions lead to situations that diminish energy levels.

• Correct responses to Path questions earn players points. Enough points allow the discovery of a special feature in the camp’s hospital.

• Your choices sometimes affect other AI teammates’ energy levels.

• To complete the first half of a level you need to take care of your fellow(s).

• Once a level is completed, the subsequent level is unlocked.

• Before a new level starts, weapon improvements or new skills can be learned at the camp’s gym.

You VS Drugs on Steam





Tldr: Dev grabbed a bunch of maps from the asset store, strung them together with no cohesion or quality control, and tried selling it for 25$

I’m going to put far more effort into this review then the dev put into their entire game which is basically a bunch of random reused assets maps that are strung together with no logic. The reason there aren’t many reviews for this game is probably because it is an indie dev game and also being their first game and also being early access and also being horror and also being TWENTY FIVE FUCKING DOLLARS! And yeah it’s as bad as you think.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

FindDark on Steam



its really fun and scary :)

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

I liked this game more than expected, I’m not even sure why. I loved the pixel graphics, the creepy athmosphere and the several endings (I still have to complete one of them). I would have appreciated a more detailed story and background. Some things are still unclear to me. There are jumpscares, but not so intense and terrifying. The puzzles are not so hard. What really made me cry bitter tears is the labyrinth at the end. If you, like me, have the sense of direction of a mussel, feel free to check my gameplay, it should be helpful.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Whisperwind on Steam

An Odd Tale

An Odd Tale

This is the best game ever made.! ! ! ! ! ! ! !?! !? ! ! The bugs are perfectly okay the story is amazing and dialogue is great!!!!??@?! I think that the music in the game is the best ive ever heard anywhere .!!?@! ! trhe songwriter must be sexy and his brain must be so fulll of amazing stuff !!@!#$! aanyways play da game and buy the soundtrakc its really cool

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

It took me less than 5 minutes to fall out of the map, and establish myself as a world record speedrun any% fall out of the map world champion. I love this game, when is the sequel?

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

An Odd Tale on Steam



_The world is dying. A shroud of heavy, toxic clouds blankets the lands, choking and killing everything underneath. In a last ditch effort to save themselves, mankind has taken to the skies. Atop floating platforms built with the latest technology, and with increased advancements in the field of air travel and transportation, humanity managed to escape its doom.

But all was not well. The once-powerful nation of Solbourne, that had united the people under the auspices of the Sun Goddess, had broken into pieces. The new nations now fight amongst each other for precious resources, and Solbourne itself has succumbed to the corrupt rule of the Solar Ecclesiarchy, almost completely usurping the mantle from the Priestess. With little hope left, the reigning Solar Priestess, Tali’dah et Sol, is secretly launching a campaign to bring the nations back into the fold. Tapping into her loyal followers, she seeks to spread a message of peace even as the world burns. But she has made little progress, and Sol, the Sun Goddess herself, is nowhere to be found.

Amidst the war and chaos of this shattered world, a new evil is brewing that threatens to erase humanity once and for all. An extermination 200 years in the making, a being known only as Ginuun is harnessing the extradimensional powers of the fabled Outsiders, entities that transcend life and death, to carry out global extinction. His targets are the floating platforms that are humanity’s lifeline, and one such platform in the far corner of the world, New Horizons, will be the first to meet that fate._

The game’s primary focus will be a single player campaign. You will follow the story of Marcus as he fights to bring together the people of the world. Along the way you will explore the world of Azure Domain freely to unlock many addition areas with side quests and stories rich with lore.

Gameplay consists mainly of dogfighting in aerial combat to defeat the enemies of humanity. Gearing up and properly fitting your aircraft for the mission at hand is crucial for your success. There are currently 6 different aircraft in the game to unlock with more planned in the future. During the pre-mission briefing you can equip your aircraft with different weapons and modules to change the tides of battle in your favor.

Once in the mission area, the player will have to think both short-term tactical and long-term strategic. A large portion of the combat will be enemy fighters that are fast and agile keeping you on your toes. While in areial combat with these fighters, you will also have to attack a variety of highly defended strategic targets, such as massive airships and overcome the defenses of heavily defended city-platforms.

As you dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge in the air, you will also have to manage your AI wingmen who are sworn to protect you. You can direct them to protect you in a defensive formation, attack a selected target, escort the player, use abilities and more; all to manage their battlefield presence. If poorly managed the player may become overwhelmed and defeated. But if managed properly your squad can become a dominating fighting force on the battlefield.

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And All Would Cry Beware!

And All Would Cry Beware!

A neat little FPS Metroidvania romp through an alien and dangerous world of polygons and stark colors. Short but with intriguing lore, And All Would Cry Beware evokes the spirit of going beyond the veil that marks games like The Dig, Axiom Verge, and Remnant: From the Ashes.

The player takes the role of an unknown survivor of a ruined future Los Angeles, who ducks into a building in the hopes of evading a “kill gang” only to find that the building belonged to scientists who found a means to travel beyond Earth via portal. Finding a pistol and the means to activate the portal, there seems to be no way to go but through. On the other side is a world we know only as “Xanadu”, and the scattered log entries left behind by a previous expedition make more then a few references to the poem by that name.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Cute for what it is, but 10 USD is a rip for around 2 hours of content, much of which I spent trying to glitch myself up walls and sequence break. This is about the quality you might expect from a good, free game or the like. Some neat ideas, but not long enough or polished enough to really be anything great. Particularly the game suffers from sections being hard to navigate due to the limited textures used. In the caves and forest areas, the floors and ceilings look almost identical, and it makes navigation a pain. Once I found better ways to navigate and just jump over all the entire map, it felt much better. Other major note is that the volume has a tendency of resetting to full when you load back in to a save file, and the controls option menu looks like it was just a base default of whatever engine this is on, really throws me out of the moment. On the positive side, the enemies and bosses were all very creative and had good, simple patterns that made fighting them feel fair and enjoyable. The music was catchy but nothing memorable.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

And All Would Cry Beware! on Steam