

It needs some polish, but I will be hoping for updates to make the posing more flexible.

The forearm sorely needs a way to be rotated on more than one axis so you can turn the wrist and minor things like that.

But besides minor bugs and that this is the best Rock’Em’Sock’Em Robots type thing I have ever played lol.


Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Robots Games.

you can kick robots and more 😂

create your techniques and your own fighting style 👍

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Robot88 on Steam



To be honest this game is definitely not for everyone. If you would like to get into this game you have to spend a lot of time raising your understanding. The reason why I recommend it though is because it is actually a decent game. Probably 80% of beginners will stop playing before they get past black belt just because they feel very restrained by what they can do. In some ways this is true, but the limit to what you can do is many, many times greater than what people (beginners) think. Watching the Tori Legends as you first open the game can make you feel discouraged as you can’t even do a flip properly. It can takes YEARS in some cases to polish your skills to that level, and even then you may still not be able to do as good as you hoped because this game really depends on the mindset of the player. The physics of this game are difficult to understand and get use to. At moments you feel that you’re flying way to high to do your tricking/sparring or that your body just got 20x heavier and stopped half way through a flip. You need to understand every little effect that each joint does. People (beginners) really underestimate most of the joints just because they are not skilled/experienced enough to use them properly. This is what changes the effect of your physics and understanding of situations. Suddenly your flips and and hand spring landings are getting smoother, faster, and lower to the ground. Your vision of how you see your joints and shadow are completely overhauled. Your arsenal of moves are multiplied to an unimaginable number. You see improved and more efficient ways of overcoming a landing or counter that didn’t seem possible when you first started. Eventually you steadily become a pro at visualizing foreshadows, predictions, and problem solving. You never really realize how much you improve because it almost always felt with you.

Real player with 2593.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Multiplayer Games.

Let me get right to the point and say I love this game. When I first started out about a year ago I felt like a toddler learning to walk, and I admit, it was a bit frustrating. Then I turned to Youtube. I learned a few basic aikido and judo (two different mods/game modes in the game) opening moves and from there my results sky-rocketted. I was flooring noobs left and right until I got to the intermediate level where (most) every player had a rudimentary understanding of how to move in the game then it was fairly evenly matched and I quickly got over myself.

Real player with 1099.4 hrs in game

Toribash on Steam

Drunken Fist 2: Zombie Hangover

Drunken Fist 2: Zombie Hangover

A funny and bloody third-person beat’em up about a drunken rocker waking up in a city full of zombies!


  • Fun drunken fighting physics.

  • Blood, gore and destruction of limbs.

  • Spectacular knockouts.

  • Different enemies with unique behavior.

  • A big city in the setting of a zombie apocalypse.

  • Heavy aggressive rock music.

  • A funny story of the protagonist.

  • Tons of fun and brutality.

Add to Wishlist!

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Beat 'em up Games.

Drunken Fist 2: Zombie Hangover on Steam

dancing chair

dancing chair

Absolutely amazing game about Jesus defeating Mohammad in a game of destroy a class room and sit on a chair. My wife hates me….

Real player with 22.0 hrs in game

Really bad controls and I keep flying across the room randomly, I hope people dont end up with this game via those stupid lootboxes…… Played better flash games online …..

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

dancing chair on Steam

Drunken Wrestlers 2

Drunken Wrestlers 2

To be honest when I first saw this game I ignored it but After a while when I was looking for FTP games I found this again and decided to give it a try with some of my friends and boy did I have a blast I’ve been playing it for a while now and this game is a great way to just sit back and enjoy a fighting game rather than having to go full try hard but not just that it’s also great to play with friends especially if you want to take your anger out on them by beating the crap out of them it’s honestly really fun and people should try it out more

Real player with 117.6 hrs in game

You ignorant children whining about the bugs are spoiled little brats…… its a beta people…. bound to have bugs and will…. OUR job is to help by letting them know so they can fix it quick and move forward with content or whatever…… you ignorant children are giving negative reviews for no reason in my opinion. I spotted two bugs …. sent it in to the devs within an hour it was adjusted and or fixed. So learn to do reviews properly and with dignity, because you look foolish. GREAT GAME SO FAR DEVS KEEP IT UP!

Real player with 53.9 hrs in game

Drunken Wrestlers 2 on Steam

Hellish Quart

Hellish Quart

Dear Prospective Sword Fighter😶

Hopefully you’re doing well and alive!!👻

I would like to bring this to your notice that you are wasting your precious life by reading reviews here !!.. Simply put this darn game in your cart and buy it. You already have many unplayed garbage bought on sale so it’s ok.

Please be aware that this is thousand times better than tekken or MK alikes..those are mindless kids button smasher with zillion button combos of powerful wheesh whoosh farts…

This game is for real MEN..Men of honor, sacrifice vigilence kindness and Bravery.🙄💪

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

Physics based simulation style sword fighting game taking place in 17th century Poland. Think of a cross between… Bushido Blade, Exanima, & Die by the Sword. Created by one of the main animators for Witcher 3. Really amazing to see an animator translate their ideas about animation into gameplay. I’m sure a lot of animators get frustrated by game design limitations.

This would be a really fun party game if you have a couple controllers! It’s easy to learn, very difficult to master, but it’s very fun and feels authentic through and through.

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

Hellish Quart on Steam

The Van of Justice

The Van of Justice

The van of justice is an action, casual simulation game with a lot of physical objects. Experience systematic ragdoll systems, thrown and broken objects, which are not obvious to be found in other games.

“You get revenge, I build results.”

Police J comes to Kim, a student who was bullied at Turner High School in San Francisco, USA in 2005. J offers to give pocket money according to the value of the student’s arrest if he punishes and arrests the students who bullied Kim. Kim, who was bullied by all students, accepted the offer, and now Tooner High School has only to be avenged.

The way to realize justice

All students at Tooner High School are bullying Kim. Punish by throwing weapons or physical objects. Revenge if you make eye contact while walking around the hallway. Punish even if the breathing sound is loud. Even if you’re ugly, punish them. Punish both the teachers and the principal. If you take them to J’s police van, J will pay an additional corresponding price. You don’t have to feel guilty. Everyone is bullying Kim, and you are just realizing justice. If you lost interest in repeated punishment, it’s not a bad idea to carry out additional quests provided by J. If enough money has been collected, the ultimate goal is to purchase nuclear weapons parts through Kim’s home PC, expel all personnel in the school, and blast and demolish buildings.

Slave of capital, student leaders

The counselors (LMCD), as known as student leaders, will punish you when you do something wrong. Openworld games always has this kind of group. However, protection on students is not their jurisdiction. they only work for teachers and themselves.

Is this a school or a subway entrance to hell?

There are many unique friends in this school. Kim is also a very unique case right now. Coco Brothers, who throw up bombs when they’re nervous, Jay and Jenny, a nuisance couple who always stick together at schools where dating is prohibited. Right, There are also a psychopath dancer rabbit Bunny and a 500kg giant Terence who destroys everything and everyone on his way.

The Van of Justice on Steam

Captain Frogger

Captain Frogger

Its beautiful, truly beautiful. I do not believe there is anything else in the world that can compare to this, truly masterful. At first the violence seen in the game play trailers holds a sense of cruelty and barbarity, as if both the gorilla and the frogs are all mystics of violence, hate, bloodshed and nothing else. Ohohoooo! but my fellow primates, we were truly mistaken. You see, the frogs were leaping towards the ape because they were so happy to see him come home from the war but since the ape is still on edge due to all the fighting and his primal instincts, he immediately saw the oncoming horde as the many bloodthirsty baboons from the war-torn savanna and acted in self defense. But what makes this all so beautiful is that both the gorilla and the frogs forgave each other, these beautiful creatures have maintained there strong bond through thick and thin and understand each others struggles and make each other’s lives truly wonderful. Now to you I may seem as just a lowly “Jungle Monkey!!”, but please I beg of you to give this gam- NAY! work of art a chance, for their sake.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Legit more difficult than Dark Souls

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Captain Frogger on Steam

Gang Beasts

Gang Beasts

No warning, no provoking, no long-standing family feuds, just anger and the unquenchable desire to cause pain.

Real player with 73.5 hrs in game

I recommend this game for everyone, it is a good game to play with your family!

Real player with 52.5 hrs in game

Gang Beasts on Steam

Gentle Club

Gentle Club

Gentle Club is a fighting simulator inspired by Hollywood movies, distinguished by the choreographed stunts the players perform while fighting in dynamic and destructible environments.

Players will be able to interact with the environment (use a broken bottle to slice the opponent, break the window of an airplane and depressurize the cabin, throw any kind of objects on the opponent).

At the end of the fight, the players would have the opportunity to see the scene again in the form of an action scene.

Gentle Club on Steam