Flyland Wars: 1 Mountain Climb

Flyland Wars: 1 Mountain Climb

Flyland Wars is more of a puzzle game than a straight-up action game. It only contains one level with two enemies but it took me a long time to figure out how to beat it. You can’t just rush in and killshot the laser like you’d expect, you need to read the stories in the trainer and part 1 to win. If you’re looking for a basic shoot-em-up, this game might not be for you, but if you want the satisfaction of beating what seems to be at first an unbeatable enemy, Mountain Climb may be more up your alley. The developer has prioritized gameplay over graphics, although the main menu UI is improved from the trainer. There are still some bugs and sometimes unresponsive controls, but Mountain Climb is a pretty good $3.99 challenge.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Flight Games.

Flyland Wars: 1 Mountain Climb on Steam

Flyland Wars: 2 Not Yours Mine

Flyland Wars: 2 Not Yours Mine

Episode 2 of the Flyland Wars improves on the formula set by its predecessor. It is still a combat game with an emphasis on strategt. Like the last game, the level is difficult until you’ve practiced and figured out tricks to win it. This episode is more fleshed out than the previous one; more opportunities for combat and an interesting puzzle element, with some surprises waiting for you. The game’s best quality is its dark atmosphere. I was genuinely creeped out at points when I was exploring the mine. The story in the game of how Not Yours Mine came to be is well-written and funny. I recommend Flyland Wars Ep 2 if you’re looking for a quick, gritty, unique combat game with puzzle and horror elements.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Flight Games.

Flyland Wars: 2 Not Yours Mine on Steam



In Combatant you will live a story with lots of bullets and destruction, controlling Alfie. You can play in first person or third person, and you’ll have several weapons to help you in the main objective, besides, of course, a special ability that can be used by the protagonist. All this with a lot of action, which when combined with strategy, makes everything perfect.

Jordan, owner of a technology company, has his company information stolen by a Russian competitor, which he is using to blackmail and remove Jordan’s company from the segment. Tired of being pressured, Jordan hires Alfie, a sharpshooter, to recover the stolen information. So Alfie will have to break into a Russian company base and erase information on some computers, in addition to destroying the main server. Alfie will have at his disposal an arsenal of strong weapons for violent combat, but he will be able to go with strategy, counting on silent weapons. In addition, Alfie has a special power that can be used to reposition himself in combat.

In Combatant you’ll control Alfie and you’ll have to fulfill some tasks to achieve your goal. All this with a lot of action and strategy.

Are you ready to delete the information? So let’s go!

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Exploration Games.

Combatant on Steam

Trailer Shop Simulator

Trailer Shop Simulator

Really scuffed, but still really fun

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Absolutely love the game and recommend it. This game has very good potential. Check out my Gameplay on the game.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Trailer Shop Simulator on Steam