Developed by French based developers Piranaking and based on also French comic book Lastman Last Fight is essentially the Power Stone game we have been waiting for Capcom to make for the last 16 years.

Back in the days of the Dreamcast the original Powerstone was one of my favourite games. It was different to pretty much all other fighting games at the time and was an absolute blast to play. The sequel inventively names Power Stone 2 added an extra 2 players and actually in my mind was not quite as good but overall I have been aching for a threequel for a good decade and a half.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fighter 4 Player Local Games.

This game got me into the comics, which are amazing.

But, it also made me realize how sad this game is. None of the great characters from the comic are in it, except for Richard. Duke Diamonds is also in the comics, but nothing like he is depicted here. Even the arguably main protaganist, Adrian, isn’t in here. And it’s not because they can’t fight. LASTMAN is an action comic, so practically everybody important is a fighter, even the MC’s mom…….

The comics have amazing action scenes, good characters, and a good world.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game




The day is June 1st 2020. I log onto my steam account and go about my normal gaming habits but this time I come across a unique game Schwarzerblitz. My love for this game can’t be described in simple words but yet I will try. To give background to before playing this game my marriage was callapsing slowly as, I, felt helpless to fix the mess that I created. My disabled adopted cat that suffers from the rare condition of “Blatoma Bicundrius Condition” (BBC for short) had been taking up most of our time and giving me and my wife little to no free time. As any couple this slowly created a rift between us. The girl I fell in love with, the beatiful girl who I spent each night sleeping next to, the amazing women I knew, slowly started slipping from my grasp. I knew things had finally slipped from my grasp when our weekly trip to Spyro’s Subway (our favorite reasturant) had then turned into a monthly occasion and then a yearly occasion until we each had forgetton the place where we once fell in love. Honestly the fights had gotten worse. I was a mess. A foot difference in the bed turned into 2 feet, and then 3, until I was sleeping on the couch, and then finally she said we needed a break. I was at such a low point. I needed a break so I logged onto the computer to play a game before I cuddled up with moreese (the cat) to go to bed. I check the free games and there it was- Schwarzerblitz. The sight of such a godsend beautiful game made me cry. The game in its elegant beauty reminded me of all the reasons I fell in love with my wife who was no longer at my side. I started grinding on the game becoming the absolute best I could be and thats when I started streaming. I would try to impress my wife by mentioning things from her favorite show, “Peppa the Pig” but she just wasn’t buying it. Streaming the game I started to amass massive views very quickly from my high skill level. I would never show my face however because I was nervous. Until one day. My wife and I had been re-hashing old memories and she let it slip she was watching a streamer who played this very same game. My heart stopped and hers did too when we realized me and him were one of the same. All the old emotions came back and we started hugging each other like we were the only two people in the world. Two days later my account had been removed from twitch because they labeled me as having to big of a schwarzerblitz ;) (if ya know what I mean). But things had once again came to a stop. I spent many nights alone with moreese pondering how to get my wife back. It finally hit me. I entered the Schwarzerblitz competition with 68 other contestants where wed battle it out to see who was the best. Long story short I won and now my wife is back in my hands while moreese is cuddling at our feet. Thank you schwarzerblitz you saved my marriage and saved me from losing everything. There was one uncalculated risk I never accounted for. I never read the terms and conditions to this game and by doing so I made a fatal mistake. I contracted HIV as a result. How they did this I do not know. Im sure Schwarzerblitz has their ways beeing such a high up they must have all sorts of connects. But contracting the deadly disease wasn’t all bad. Now I get to play Schwarzerblitz all day, sadly though moreese had a infection and poo pooed and pee peed and threw up all over my pc. I never cried so hard. Now when I want to play my beloved Schwarzerblitz I cant without my pecee goinmg WWWWHHHHRRRRRR really hard a lot. SOME of the pooppy comes out when this happens but its poay because its trying to clean itselfso i cna play Schwarzerblitz even more. I know that my HIV will be cured soon if I ceep playing Schwarzerblitz until I rekindle my audacious love anad youthfullness with my wife and cat ([moreeze] (in case you forgot)). Im sure that even the governmnment would get helpeded if they played Schwarzerblitz more. I know thtat people dont like taxes season but if Schwarzerblitz could revive my marriage then Schwarzerblitz could use the powers of Schwarzerblitz and revive governmenmts. Now I know wat your going to be say: Schwarzerblitz is just a game.

Real player with 77.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Story Rich Games.

I’ve been a fighting game enthusiast for years and even though I will probably never what anyone can consider “good” at this kind of games, I still love play them and improve if I find something that I like.

And “Schwarzerblitz” (german for “Black Lightning”) almost immediately catched my eye.

I mean, a game that is a homage to old 3D fighting games? What is there not to love?

At first I was admittingly somewhat put off by the graphics. I’ve never been a fan of the PSX Retraux graphics style,

Real player with 32.1 hrs in game

Schwarzerblitz on Steam

Too Many Weapons

Too Many Weapons

Edit: After playing quite a bit more, i havent found a single friend that didnt love this no matter the gender. Definetely recommended for some simple stupid fun rounds

Pretty fun. Friends liked it even though we didnt have time to play alot. Will definetely play again soon though

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fighter 4 Player Local Games.

Quite a fun little game. The AI is ok if you’re playing by yourself and the levels are interesting.

In my opinion the best level is the Museum (Because of the smashable Glass).

In my opinion the game is worth it, but only at around 50% off. At full price the game doesn’t justify its cost. The game is fun though. Customization is great and physics is fun too.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Too Many Weapons on Steam

Unlimited Fight

Unlimited Fight

Unlimited Fight is born out of what is a new story created by the enthusiasm of young fighting game lovers.

Become a street fighter, a ninja, a soldier, a muay thai fighter, a wrestler, and more in this incredible world.

Try one of these fighting styles and enter the Unlimited Fighting tournament one of the iconic characters, each with a different motivation to participate in that tournament, and face friends locally.

Unlimited Fight on Steam

Fight N' Fall

Fight N' Fall

Very chaotic, very fun. Always a pleasure to make my friends cry as they fall off the map

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Fight N' Fall on Steam

Urban Street Fighter

Urban Street Fighter

This game has changed my life forever, I don’t think I could have made it through covid without this, I have about 350 hours on my alt account and am considered to be the best in the North American region, so you know you can trust me on this. The gameplay is exquisite and the controls are snappy and responsive. I honestly can’t play many other games after the experience of playing this, the rest of the games on steam just feel obsolete. The characters feel like people you have to know your whole life, it feels so real and immersive and you start to grow a connection with the characters as the story develops. Speaking of the story, it’s about 15 hours long and while ill try to not spoil anything in this review, I got to say the couples in this story are realistic and add some needed romance to this otherwise serious story. Speaking of the serious story, to relive the tone some in this game they added driver for some comedic relief. I like the character, tho he can be a bit much at times even crossing into being annoying sometimes. I think that his jokes mostly fit my comedic style, yet I think that they could have added more jokes for the older generations. The main character is mike and the story follows him as he goes against many formidable foes. I think the choice to make mike a silent protagonist was a brave one, and I think that the decision paid off. I also think that making Ethan a silent villain adds to his mystery and makes his betrayal more emotional as he doesn’t even need words to describe his secret hatred for you and the rest of you’re crew. Finally, I want to speak on the political commentary in this game. The statements on immigration are brave and what we need in this day and age. I also appreciate the message put into the game for young children. The message of “Don’t trust no hoes” is an important one to teach our younglings. In conclusion, this game has great gameplay, amazing controls, characters that feel real, and a story for the ages. 9.6/10 Best game of 2021.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

I’m the kind of guy that’ll give every fighting game a shot. Went in with an open mind on this one, but it didn’t quite pan out.

For one thing, there’s no option to change control inputs, which is frustrating especially since one of the default gamepad inputs on 1P overlaps with an input on 2P. Since there’s no training mode, you have to go into versus 2P mode if you wish to lab/try things out, and as you can guess that can make things a chore. Even an option to just disable 2P inputs would’ve helped things a bit.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Urban Street Fighter on Steam

Wrestling Cardboard Championship

Wrestling Cardboard Championship

A game experience inspired by wrestling, making use of simulated physics, cardboard boxes with unique skills and movements, fight in large arenas based on arenas that have marked wrestling, such as Madison Square Garden, Arena México and Tokyo Dome.

A new wrestling company has been born, offering a unique show around the world, different fighting styles and extremely skilled fighters ready to give it their all in the ring. The Wrestling Cardboard Championship gives all kinds of cardboard boxes the opportunity to show that they are the strongest and that they have the talent to entertain the people.

Experience different game modes for up to 4 players: 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2, 3 vs 1 and All vs All

Single player mode or up to 2 players, choose your favorite box and face the entire WCC roster in 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 matches depending on the modality and show who is the king.

The Normal Box is in its last days of useful life, after knowing what its cruel destiny would be, being crushed and recycled, it decides to change it for wrestling, arriving at the WCC in search of an opportunity and showing that his passion can take him to the top, although you will soon realize that being a professional wrestler is not an easy thing.

12 unique boxes with varied fighting styles, inspired by well-known brands and professional wrestlers. Each Box has its own theme song and its own personality. (Adding more post-launch boxes via DLC).

Inspired by real settings such as Madison Square Garden, Hammerstein Ballroom, Arena Mexico and Tokyo Dome. (Adding more post launch scenarios via DLC)

Wrestling Cardboard Championship on Steam

Dancing Cube

Dancing Cube

About this game

You end up being trapped in the “Dancing Cube” which deforms to the rhythm of the music. View and feel the music, while doing your best to survive the sudden changes to the cube. Challenge your friends and see who handles the beat better.

Single or multiplayer

Play alone or with up to four players, locally or using Steam’s “Remote Play Together” feature.

Description of the game

The music will animate the “Dancing Cube” in which you are trapped with the other players.

But beware, some animations represented by the color red, will penalize the players who will come into contact with them.

You can move and jump to strategically position yourself in the cube to avoid obstacles or prevent another player from entering a safe area.

Your final score will be affected by your overall performance, so feel free to sabotage the other players.

Powers appear and allow to spice up interactions between players, such as a shock wave pushing all the players around you.

Level editor

Create custom levels using the level editor and let your friends test them.

Dancing Cube on Steam

Glorious Tournius

Glorious Tournius

A really fun party game with friends. Lots of screaming and laughing. You can really see the passion put into this game. Plus the zombies are really hard!

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Similar to Gang Beasts but with weapons. It’s a blast to play in its current state, definitely added to the game night roster with it’s local co-op play. Tons of hilarious moments have been had already. Can’t wait to play more and for more content!

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Glorious Tournius on Steam

Fight Party

Fight Party

Loving this game in the short time I’ve played! I must have said to the two people I was playing with that I’d stop for the night about 10 times. Finally, I had to just force myself to close the game so I could be up for work the next morning.

This is a very fun and engaging party game. At the time I’m posting this, there is a single player Hunger Games style FFA where you face a handful of CPUs, if you can’t or don’t want to play multiplayer. Speaking of the multiplayer, it supports up to 32 players and provides a good number of different maps/biomes to fight to the death on.

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

This game, despite being simple in concept, is un ironically the most fun I have had with a party game in quite sometime. This isn’t due to a lack of searching either, I own xbox gamepass, I own a switch, both have an amazing selection of party games ranging from Overcooked to Mario Party, that said, this game’s dumb fun value is nothing to scoff at. If you have a group of friends, say 3 or 4, this game is absolutely worth the price of admission if updated beyond its current state. Keep at it Mr. Vibin.

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game

Fight Party on Steam