SUMMARY: Although ELDERBORN bills itself as a “Souls-like FPS”, a lot of the videos show the player frantically slashing and smashing; this might give the impression of a more straightforward heavy metal “Doom with Swords” experience (with all of the high-ledge kicking action of a Dark Messiah of Might and Magic). In reality, what I got was a fairly thoughtful and measured experience consisting of dodging, parrying, blocking, and outmaneuvering dangerous enemies; survival, particularly at higher difficulties, was about fighting intelligently and limiting the number of opponents who could bash your head in at any given time. And to be honest, I think I like it more than the game I imagined I was getting in the trailers. An easy recommendation for anybody who has a craving for some FPS-melee action.

Real player with 14.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Dungeon Crawler Games.

Elderborn is a great murder simulator. The combat is challenging and satisfying, but usually not so hard that it made me frustrated (Except on the hardest difficulty that can be pretty frustrating.). The visuals are kind of whatever, nothing particularly great, but nothing that bothered me either, and the variety of enemies, environments and murdertools is more than passable.

The combat is incredibly fun and satisfying, and you have lots of tools and abilities to work with. You have 10 (I think, I feel like I may be forgetting one

! , and no the power mace doesn’t count) weapons that you collect throughout the short ~5 hour campaign and a couple of other special abilities that you can unlock through a skill tree, the most notable ones being deflect, where you reflect a projectile back at an enemy, and a charge move, which sends you flying in one direction and knocks down whatever you hit. You are often fighting several enemies at once, making you dodge all around the nice environments and your reflexes will be pushed quite hard.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game


Crazy Kung Fu

Crazy Kung Fu

Crazy Kung Fu

This game made me feel like I was the Karate Kid, except, instead of a real old man making me wax his car I was given a cardboard cut-out of an old man.

Not that that’s a bad thing, naturally. I don’t particularly want an old man watching me work up a sweat, but I would have liked him to perhaps throw some guidance my way on how I can improve rather than waiting for the end of the match.

This game feels more like I’m training in martial arts than playing a game, there’s no mid-game scoring, no timed events or any tips during the match, you just need to get on with it, give it your best and see your ways to improve at the end. It did feel quite similar to when I was in school doing marital arts training.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Boxing Games.

About as close as you can get to a training simulator for martial arts. You aren’t hitting things to a soundtrack. It is purely a training dummy with spinning targets you either Block (forearm), punch, or dodge. The harder and firmer your form, the more points you build up.

If you’re looking for a game that will give you a little cardio workout, pick this up. Level 5 and beyond will have you sparring with 3 simultaneously spinning targets to work with.

This game had me sweating from my eyelashes. When you find your groove, and stop ‘trying’, your natural reactions become instant. Your right hand will be blocking, but your already looking to your left to intercept the next target.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Crazy Kung Fu on Steam

Meat Beating: No More Horny

Meat Beating: No More Horny

Holding your piss while meat beating actually pretty challenging you know.

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Realistic Games.

Beat your meat to exhaustion while you’re young and fit! Father doesn’t understand.

Meat Beating: No More Horny is a game that defines a generation. Close your eyes and put yourself into this scenario. You are in the woods. Before you stands a sizeable cut of meat. You clench your fists. You know what you must do. Punch after punch. The tender, juicy, red and ripe meat before you squishes and squirms with every hit, every beat. You are relentless. But pace yourself, this is not an experience you wish to rush through. When it’s time to stop, you stop.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Meat Beating: No More Horny on Steam

Not another zombie game

Not another zombie game

Great game! Could use some multiplayer.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game


Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Not another zombie game on Steam

Nightron Wars

Nightron Wars

Nightronia is a very distant planet in the galaxy. The planet is populated with very advanced artificial intelligence.

Nightronia is divided into two clans wearing a great war for the supremacy of Nightronia, the two great clans are known as Cibasian and Henzorian.

The clans are named after two brothers, some heroes of this planet at that time there was peace and quiet in Nightronia.

All androids mined and processed Sitronitium in this peace and quiet until man discovered this distant planet and tried to take control of it.

Due to the two heroes Cibasian and Henzorian was not with possible and the man was forced to withdraw. Shortly afterwards, Cibasian wanted to pursue the man and eliminate him permanently in order to avoid a future attack.

Being a more pacifist, Henzorian did not want to lose other Nightronians in a new war against man.

The two Monarchs decided to split into 2 clans and the decisions of the planet were made through a struggle that has lasted for thousands of years.

That game is called, Nightron Wars.


Fidelityfx CAS is currently enabled with no Disable option

Many Game Modes,

Many Maps,

Many Avatars,

A few weapons

Become a Nightronian and win the game.

Nightron Wars on Steam

Flyland Wars: 1 Mountain Climb

Flyland Wars: 1 Mountain Climb

Flyland Wars is more of a puzzle game than a straight-up action game. It only contains one level with two enemies but it took me a long time to figure out how to beat it. You can’t just rush in and killshot the laser like you’d expect, you need to read the stories in the trainer and part 1 to win. If you’re looking for a basic shoot-em-up, this game might not be for you, but if you want the satisfaction of beating what seems to be at first an unbeatable enemy, Mountain Climb may be more up your alley. The developer has prioritized gameplay over graphics, although the main menu UI is improved from the trainer. There are still some bugs and sometimes unresponsive controls, but Mountain Climb is a pretty good $3.99 challenge.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Flyland Wars: 1 Mountain Climb on Steam



well… its not bad as an early concept,

definitely needs some polish and a clear objective story.

also more than blue shirt guy and stick ninja man as enemies.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Almost better than brutal doom.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Retroninjacyberassassin on Steam

Ultimate Tag

Ultimate Tag

Hey devs,

Love the game you have so far but I think there might be some more stuff you should consider. During the freeze tag gamemode, there was glitches where in the top left corner would say “you are frozen” but you can still run around and even if the “it” person tags you, you would not actually be tagged. Other things for quality of life, making a scoreboard where each round has a clear distinction of ending and starting would be cool. Also maybe a timer for the power ups that can hover over it so you know if you can grab it, or make it fully disappear.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

This game, in my 0.8 hours of playing, has altered my life in ways that I cannot put into words. I truly believe that this game has set me on a course that otherwise would have been unattainable had I not been introduced to the glory and truly awe-inspiring beauty that is Ultimate Tag. I would especially recommend, to anyone even considering downloading this game, to download it in all of its ~400 MB beauty, join map 4, and stand at the top of the map, relishing in the amazing sound design and immersion that makes the player feel as though they have genuine tinnitus, which impressively captures the atmosphere of playing tag riding on the back of a B-15 whilst being strafed on all sides by fighter aircraft. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and grind more ranked Ultimate Tag.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Ultimate Tag on Steam

Galaxy Arena

Galaxy Arena

the game is great but please make more smoother for low pc bro

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game


Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Galaxy Arena on Steam

lab Escape

lab Escape

In Lab Escape, you can defeat robots and bosses while using a jet pack, a Exploding disc launcher, a blaster, and a shotgun! In the levels you need to defeat all of the enemies before you can move to the next level, in which you can fly, duck, and dodge! With the three available weapons that can be swapped around, even with controller support for running, flying, shooting, switching weapons, and more. To see all of the controls, press tab on the keyboard. There are 5 different levels and a tutorial with the bosses that drop different weapons for you to test out. In some levels you get the jet pack and in others you don’t, at least not at the start. In some levels it is necessary to have the jet pack and in others it is necessary to duck. You can change the sensitivity as well as turn on invincibility. (None of the levels require it though)

lab Escape on Steam