The Bible - Exodus

The Bible - Exodus

A work of art unlike any other. Can’t recommend enough. Go buy this game now. I can guarantee you, that your eyes have never beheld such historical accuracy and theological truth.

Real player with 48.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Third Person Games.

I’m Christian now.

Don’t play this game. It’s not good. It’s bad.

I actually beat it, take my word for it. I have lost 3 hours of my life. I will not get them back. Not now, not ever.


Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

The Bible - Exodus on Steam



Very fun game. There is plenty of characters you can play. Voice acting and graphic is good too.

Though if you are mainly interested in playing online then you should think twice before buying this game. Vast majority of players are Asian and if you are, for example, a European you will probably have to put up with lags unless you host a match. Also, sadly there aren’t that many players. Depending on the time you play you may not even be able to find an opponent for quite a long. What I didn’t liked about ranked games is that it seems that if you abandon the match there is no penalty. I happened to play with someone who quited 2-3 times in a row. I know that it’s annoying playing with lags, it can be hard to win unless you are a way better than your opponent or just got a bit lucky, but if there’s no penalty at all for abandoning the matches you just cannot drop in ranking even if you keep quitting them all the time.

Real player with 30.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Bullet Hell Games.

There was nothing wrong with the game play or presentation. The game is very entertaining to play and enough effort was placed into the audio/visual quality to pass as a good game. Everything about the game was fine all the way to the point when I started doing the single player mode, then I came into technical problems.

I am unable to complete arcade mode without the game crashing during the load of a stage. A couple of times it happened on stage 2, then another time on stage 5.

These crashes do also occur in Sky Adventure mode, but since it’s stage select and no progress is lost, I didn’t mind it as much.

Real player with 29.2 hrs in game


GunFu Fighter

GunFu Fighter

GunFu is a lost ancient skill.The master of GunFu can control the surrounding time and let it flow slowly.Using the bullet time effect, the geometric distribution position of the enemy is analyzed and prejudged, and the order of planned attacks gives the opponent a fatal blow.

The bullets are limited. You must use the interactive environment to kill the most threatening enemy, and this is the key to victory.

Additional challenge tasks:

1. Use only bullets to kill all enemies.

2. Kill all enemies by any means other than bullets.

3. Don’t kill any enemy.

I hope to be able to reproduce the movie-like fight scene under the minimalist style of painting, thank you for playing my game.

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Bullet Time Games.

GunFu Fighter on Steam