Galaxy Arena

Galaxy Arena

the game is great but please make more smoother for low pc bro

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Arcade Games.


Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Galaxy Arena on Steam

Urban Fight

Urban Fight

I bought a gorgeous chocolate cake for $1,

When I went home to enjoy it, I found that its chocolate was special and unique,

Chocolate flavored sh233it, Chocolate made of sh23it, they are very different,

Obviously I bought the former,That’s good. After all,

I bought a real chocolate cake,

And it cost only $1,That’s enough

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Combat Games.
















Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Urban Fight on Steam

Rushing Beat Of Rage

Rushing Beat Of Rage

《Rushing Beat Of Rage》 is a hardcore action fighting game. Players who like classic arcade games should not miss it. The hearty floating combo and the quickly block are the favorites of operation enthusiasts.

Game Features

  • Co-op Mode

Support two-player cooperation mode, support remote play together, you can play with your Steam friends!

Perfect gamepad support, such as Xbox360, the whole game can be completed with the gamepad, gamepad enthusiasts good news!

Steam cloud save support, don’t worry about local save lost!

Support Steam achievements, Steam global leaderboards, check out the leaderboards in the game, and play with friends all over the world!

  • Floating Combo

This game uses a strict floating combo system, which is no longer a fake or unrestricted floating combo.

Floating combo: refers to the ability to continue to attack the enemy after knocking the enemy into the air, in order to cause more combo num and damage.

Floating combo Limit: Observe the “four actions and two no-repeat” rule, that is, after the enemy is floated, a maximum of four actions are added, and the same action can be used up to two times. After this limit is exceeded, the floating combo will be forcibly terminated (normal attack and Jump attack is not subject to this restriction).

  • Block System

This game uses a strict blocking system, which extremely tests the player’s hand speed. After a successful block, you will get a short invincibility time. The invincibility time will increase as your character level up.

In Crazy Mode, it is recommended that players use more blocks and use the invincible time after the block is successful to move. In addition, there is a short invincibility time after the blood kill, please use it with caution.

  • Level Up System

In order to increase growth, this game adds an level up system. Characters gain points by hitting or props. After the points reach a certain value, they will be level up. When the character reaches level 10 and 20, certain actions will be strengthened and changed.

As the level increases, the character’s attack power and blood volume will increase accordingly. The level can be increased infinitely, and the attack power and maximum blood volume are limited.

  • Weapon System

In order to increase the fun of the game, this game uses a storable weapon system. Players can collect various weapons such as AK, rifles, bazookas, etc., use them as much as they want, and put them back in their backpacks when they are not needed.

  • Crazy Mode

In addition to the traditional pass mode, the game has a new ultra-high difficulty Crazy Mode. In the Crazy mode, there are a large number of soldiers and bosses, and the enemy’s attack, blood volume, and AI are greatly improved. It requires extremely skilled operations to pass the level.

  • BOSS Rush

BOSS Rush mode is a mode to directly challenge the BOSS. In this mode, there is no interference from soldiers, and players can enjoy various floating combo.

This mode lasts for 12 levels, and there are even 2BOSS and 3BOSS levels behind it, which is an excellent place to level up and show operations.

About development

This game was made by a person who spent a whole year and carefully polished it. The full-time development process is very difficult and it is not easy to finish it.The original intention of making this game was to miss the arcade games that were often played as a child. Are those games that were once all the rage really going to be forgotten by history?

If you like arcade games, please support this game. If the sales volume is good, there will be a sequel version later.

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Arcade Games.

Rushing Beat Of Rage on Steam

Battle Arena VR

Battle Arena VR

The game is a very immersive and dynamic, fast-paced shooter. Easy to get the controls and survive but harder to master, especially when my opponents use the hook to move around faster and in less predictable ways. I wish the bots to be smarter and to be able to fly around as I do (they just walk and jump). Worth checking out!

Real player with 121.6 hrs in game

There are great games. There are great free games. But you know you’re playing something really fantastic when you’re playing a free game and you feel like you should be sending money to someone. This is a very fun game. It’s a PVP battle arena in VR with a twist. You’ve got a choice of weapons in your right hand, but in your left hand you have an electronic grappling hook that basically lets you navigate the map like you’re Spiderman. I was in the process of looping under a suspended pedestrian walkway and firing my hook into a new attachment point so that I would spiral back over the top of the bride to finish off an opponent when I realized that my face hurt from grinning. The tether that attaches to your hook has just enough elasticity that you can swing and bounce all over the map but still retain some semblance of control. The graphics are a little bit minecraft-ish, which isn’t my favorite stylistic choice, but the playability and engagement are off the charts. It’s one of those games that is just FUN. It’s immersive and everything just works/feels just right. They’ve done a particularly good job with the sound design and haptic feedback for your weapons. There’s something viscerally satisfying about feeling the kick from the gun and a specific type of haptic feedback that lets you know that you’ve hit your target or confirms a kill. It’s easy to dive in and start shooting, but there’s enough complexity that you’re not going to just immediately reach your maximum skill level. You play fast paced 5 minute matches with about a minute’s worth of cooldown/warmup between each. The voice chat feature works great and the players that I’ve played against have been a lot of fun. Look, it’s a very fun game. It’s free. Why would you not try it? If you hate it, you can yell at me for wasting your time and I’m a delicate little snowflake, so it’ll be fun for the whole family.

Real player with 43.9 hrs in game

Battle Arena VR on Steam

Cyberpunk SFX

Cyberpunk SFX

A good cyberpunk game about a girl who is locked up in a secret complex and is forced to fight not only for her life, but also for the lives of many innocent people …

This is how the game we see begins, which evokes a lot of emotions. Among all these good effects and atmosphere, attention to detail is visible, starting with short tracks and other sounds, ending with the backgrounds of this wonderful game, for which I would like to thank the developers, I recommend you to familiarize yourself and use

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Cool game in which several types of weapons, its own mini-story and interesting animations of action.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Cyberpunk SFX on Steam

Urban Street Fighter

Urban Street Fighter

This game has changed my life forever, I don’t think I could have made it through covid without this, I have about 350 hours on my alt account and am considered to be the best in the North American region, so you know you can trust me on this. The gameplay is exquisite and the controls are snappy and responsive. I honestly can’t play many other games after the experience of playing this, the rest of the games on steam just feel obsolete. The characters feel like people you have to know your whole life, it feels so real and immersive and you start to grow a connection with the characters as the story develops. Speaking of the story, it’s about 15 hours long and while ill try to not spoil anything in this review, I got to say the couples in this story are realistic and add some needed romance to this otherwise serious story. Speaking of the serious story, to relive the tone some in this game they added driver for some comedic relief. I like the character, tho he can be a bit much at times even crossing into being annoying sometimes. I think that his jokes mostly fit my comedic style, yet I think that they could have added more jokes for the older generations. The main character is mike and the story follows him as he goes against many formidable foes. I think the choice to make mike a silent protagonist was a brave one, and I think that the decision paid off. I also think that making Ethan a silent villain adds to his mystery and makes his betrayal more emotional as he doesn’t even need words to describe his secret hatred for you and the rest of you’re crew. Finally, I want to speak on the political commentary in this game. The statements on immigration are brave and what we need in this day and age. I also appreciate the message put into the game for young children. The message of “Don’t trust no hoes” is an important one to teach our younglings. In conclusion, this game has great gameplay, amazing controls, characters that feel real, and a story for the ages. 9.6/10 Best game of 2021.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

I’m the kind of guy that’ll give every fighting game a shot. Went in with an open mind on this one, but it didn’t quite pan out.

For one thing, there’s no option to change control inputs, which is frustrating especially since one of the default gamepad inputs on 1P overlaps with an input on 2P. Since there’s no training mode, you have to go into versus 2P mode if you wish to lab/try things out, and as you can guess that can make things a chore. Even an option to just disable 2P inputs would’ve helped things a bit.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Urban Street Fighter on Steam



Game is very good. Reasonable level of difficulty that requires you to actually try new gear and upgrade

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

this is basically like that tv show robot wars and that game robo-pit

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game


GunFu Fighter

GunFu Fighter

GunFu is a lost ancient skill.The master of GunFu can control the surrounding time and let it flow slowly.Using the bullet time effect, the geometric distribution position of the enemy is analyzed and prejudged, and the order of planned attacks gives the opponent a fatal blow.

The bullets are limited. You must use the interactive environment to kill the most threatening enemy, and this is the key to victory.

Additional challenge tasks:

1. Use only bullets to kill all enemies.

2. Kill all enemies by any means other than bullets.

3. Don’t kill any enemy.

I hope to be able to reproduce the movie-like fight scene under the minimalist style of painting, thank you for playing my game.

GunFu Fighter on Steam



KAIKATANA is a fun 3D action adventure game.

Fight giant creatures, explore maps, find hidden items, engage NPCs, do parkour, buy new swords and follow your journey with all your hatred to free your people from despair.

Enter battles with colossal Kais in this difficult adventure to save the people of the planet Laphit.


KAIKATANA tells the story of the warrior Kirai, who lives in a world where all living beings are descendants of nine giant creatures called Kai.

Most living beings have direct links of humor with the original Kais, who when they are very agitated can influence the way beings feel and act on a daily basis.

Most beings are influenced by several different original Kais, but there are exceptions in which a living being can be influenced by only one original Kai, these are called pure.




It needs some polish, but I will be hoping for updates to make the posing more flexible.

The forearm sorely needs a way to be rotated on more than one axis so you can turn the wrist and minor things like that.

But besides minor bugs and that this is the best Rock’Em’Sock’Em Robots type thing I have ever played lol.


Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

you can kick robots and more 😂

create your techniques and your own fighting style 👍

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Robot88 on Steam