Brutality club

Brutality club

Good for a quick laugh, maybe a giggle, and if it were a $1 or so game i’d say its alright but not for the $8 price range. You have very little control over your actual dude so you just flail your character around and hope to hit your opponent. Chances are that you’ll play it for maybe half an hour and be bored of it.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Third Person Games.

I thought i’d give it a go because its hard to find a decent fighting/mma game on steam, i knew it was physics rag-doll based but i wasn’t expecting it to be just random flailing with little to no control over your character.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Brutality club on Steam

Urban Street Fighter

Urban Street Fighter

This game has changed my life forever, I don’t think I could have made it through covid without this, I have about 350 hours on my alt account and am considered to be the best in the North American region, so you know you can trust me on this. The gameplay is exquisite and the controls are snappy and responsive. I honestly can’t play many other games after the experience of playing this, the rest of the games on steam just feel obsolete. The characters feel like people you have to know your whole life, it feels so real and immersive and you start to grow a connection with the characters as the story develops. Speaking of the story, it’s about 15 hours long and while ill try to not spoil anything in this review, I got to say the couples in this story are realistic and add some needed romance to this otherwise serious story. Speaking of the serious story, to relive the tone some in this game they added driver for some comedic relief. I like the character, tho he can be a bit much at times even crossing into being annoying sometimes. I think that his jokes mostly fit my comedic style, yet I think that they could have added more jokes for the older generations. The main character is mike and the story follows him as he goes against many formidable foes. I think the choice to make mike a silent protagonist was a brave one, and I think that the decision paid off. I also think that making Ethan a silent villain adds to his mystery and makes his betrayal more emotional as he doesn’t even need words to describe his secret hatred for you and the rest of you’re crew. Finally, I want to speak on the political commentary in this game. The statements on immigration are brave and what we need in this day and age. I also appreciate the message put into the game for young children. The message of “Don’t trust no hoes” is an important one to teach our younglings. In conclusion, this game has great gameplay, amazing controls, characters that feel real, and a story for the ages. 9.6/10 Best game of 2021.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Beat 'em up Games.

I’m the kind of guy that’ll give every fighting game a shot. Went in with an open mind on this one, but it didn’t quite pan out.

For one thing, there’s no option to change control inputs, which is frustrating especially since one of the default gamepad inputs on 1P overlaps with an input on 2P. Since there’s no training mode, you have to go into versus 2P mode if you wish to lab/try things out, and as you can guess that can make things a chore. Even an option to just disable 2P inputs would’ve helped things a bit.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Urban Street Fighter on Steam

Zombie Killer Drift - Racing Survival

Zombie Killer Drift - Racing Survival

Remember “Carmageddon”, the racing game where you could also score points by running over every pedestrian that dared to cross your paths? That was fun, right?

Unfortunately, while “Zombie Killer Drift” does scratch the itch of just letting go and mangling zombies with your car, that’s about all it does, and it doesn’t do it well enough to be interesting for long.

It all starts rather innocently. There’s no plot here, and why would there if you can run over zombies with your car? There are 16 levels which more or less all look the same. Some are set at night, others during daytime, but it’s all rather bland. Your car of choice spawns and zombies come running from everywhere. There’s no indicator how many you killed or how many you need to kill - instead, there’s a huge FPS counter on the screen. Why? No idea. Some zombies are tougher than others and have a health bar so you need to hit them several times. Their AI is rather daft so if you knock them far away by hitting them at full speed they often have trouble to find their way back to you and you can start searching for them. Not cool.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Exploration Games.

This game has a very interesting drift physics with simple and convenient controls.

I was pleased with a large selection of cool and legendary cars.[/h]

В этой игре очень интересная физика дрифта при простом и удобном управлении.

Порадовал большой выбор крутых и легендарных автомобилей.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Zombie Killer Drift - Racing Survival on Steam



In Combatant you will live a story with lots of bullets and destruction, controlling Alfie. You can play in first person or third person, and you’ll have several weapons to help you in the main objective, besides, of course, a special ability that can be used by the protagonist. All this with a lot of action, which when combined with strategy, makes everything perfect.

Jordan, owner of a technology company, has his company information stolen by a Russian competitor, which he is using to blackmail and remove Jordan’s company from the segment. Tired of being pressured, Jordan hires Alfie, a sharpshooter, to recover the stolen information. So Alfie will have to break into a Russian company base and erase information on some computers, in addition to destroying the main server. Alfie will have at his disposal an arsenal of strong weapons for violent combat, but he will be able to go with strategy, counting on silent weapons. In addition, Alfie has a special power that can be used to reposition himself in combat.

In Combatant you’ll control Alfie and you’ll have to fulfill some tasks to achieve your goal. All this with a lot of action and strategy.

Are you ready to delete the information? So let’s go!

Combatant on Steam



Game’s a giant asset flip. It’s like a first draft of a highschool project.

And It’s not remotely finished at that. One of the last levels don’t even load.

The story and dialog were clearly writen by a young child.

Do not buy.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Very amateur game that ended up breaking on the 5th level. Could no longer use skills in combat which made the stage and the rest of the game unfinishable. Restarting the level or the game did not remedy this. Getting to that point was not enjoyable. The combat was fun at first but after the first few levels you have seen all there is to it. It was that janky fun combat like Enter the Matrix.

Every time you finish a level you are kicked back to the main menu and have to select the next one. The story is told through text that pops up at exclamation points located in the stages. There are no cutscenes. Hardly any interaction with the levels. Some levels are just a single room with a single NPC to talk to. The dialog is bad with sentences that don’t start with capitalized words.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game