ReCurse: Eternal

ReCurse: Eternal

ReCurse: Eternal is a virtual reality sword-fighting single-player game that is combat-focused featuring only boss-level characters which will be fought one at a time as the player progresses from one stage to another. IT IS NOT AN OPEN WORLD RPG. The game’s progression will work like traditional fighting games such as tower mode or arcade modes where you fight each enemy in a ladder-style progression. The actual combat is inspired by souls-like games that encourage strategic gameplay by punishing rushed and spammy movement and rewarding rhythmic dodging, blocking, parrying, attack patterns.

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Surreal Games.

ReCurse: Eternal on Steam

Wrestling Empire

Wrestling Empire

Wrestling Empire is a great game where you can kill people, kick them out the promotion, lead a promotion,blow up things,and customize characters to look like real people with a wide range of customization.


-Lead promotions

-Be A manager

-You can die

-Year system with calender

-Able to have a big moveset with wide range of taunts

-Huge move pool.

-Able to walk around with people on your shoulders

  • Can bully the ref, annoucers, and managers.

-Can throw people out of windows

-Wide range of areas of people you can brawl in

Real player with 448.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Beat 'em up Games.

*** Best Career Mode in Just About Any Game. Period. ***

I am not a wrestling fan. I do, however, like fighting games. This translates into wrestling games. It’s just good fun to bash opponents and I enjoy the spectacle.

I was on the fence about buying this game. I did, however, play other MCDickie games. This one is by far, his best one yet. So I bought this on a whim.

It’s hard to explain this game. Anything can, and will happen, while you are playing career mode. Just when you think you have seen it all, it doubles down on the WTF factor. It’s not just totally random, since it sometimes does depend upon your choices. It’s like semi-controlled chaos.

Real player with 282.6 hrs in game

Wrestling Empire on Steam

Brew & Brawl - Gnomes vs. Dwarves

Brew & Brawl - Gnomes vs. Dwarves

Really cool! Fun gameplay that becomes really addicting once you get into it! Beautiful artstyle and music. Amazing to play competetively with friends as well. Some minor quirks to work out, but has amazing potential!

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fighter 4 Player Local Games.

Morsomt og lett å lære , fargerik og god atmosfære

Artige karakterer som forteller en enda artigere historie!

veldig holistisk

dette spillet minner meg om min oppvekst i skogen, haha men den historien får bli til en annen gang:D

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Brew & Brawl - Gnomes vs. Dwarves on Steam

The Host

The Host

Sometimes you wanna play some fun jank, and this is one of them.

Feels like someone learned programming cause they really liked Ocarina of Time, which isn’t a bad thing at all.

Lots of hidden stuff, pretty freeform, and from what I’ve played (including some non-steam time in the demo) it keeps you on your toes with weird stuff all around.

Unlike a lot of jank this seems more fun than pain. Exploring actually feel oddly rewarding and the content is pretty varied.

Combat ranges from pretty fun to button mashey and random. Overall, the game is pretty easy at the beginning though and I mostly died to platforming. I did have some bug that blocked progression (like in the crypt fighting the green guy the fight never ended). The UI is really unintuitive and it’s easy to destroy items by accident.

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

The Host on Steam

Kindred Fates: Combat Arena Alpha

Kindred Fates: Combat Arena Alpha

I am hyped for the future of this game.

If you wanna buy it and you are scared of the price, dont forget the price includes alpha, beta and full game access.

Buy it If you believe in the devs (they are the best devs you can dream of) and you want to support them.

This is only PvP but the full game will be an Open World Monster Battling RPG. Keep in mind that this game in its current state has bugs and isnt perfectly optimized (alpha). I just cant wait for the beta and hope many more people gonna buy it so the PvP community to test Alpha and Beta becomes bigger.

Real player with 207.3 hrs in game

Edit: With the alpha being out for almost a year now I got to say the game is still fun and the devs are great!


We will start off with the general gameplay and how it feels.

The gameplay is a fast paced real-time action packed gameplay, A style very unique to a monster taming game. But Skymill does not stop there, they also have what has to be my favorite part of the game, Types as a play style. What this means is that instead of your normal “Fire deal x2 damage to grass” that we see so often Kindred fates instead makes it so that its your player style that counters the type not your damage. This leaves much more room for player skill than other games. Here is an example of what I mean when I saw types as a play style.

Real player with 117.8 hrs in game

Kindred Fates: Combat Arena Alpha on Steam



Great game idea! Things are getting better with time and as updates come out and always looking forward to the new parts missions coming soon. Having helped with beta testing and some ideas i can say this game is just crawling compared to where it will be when its fully released. Degradation is a fast pace new age tank game with realistic missiles and bullet drop from your choice of a variety of weapons to destroy and collect resources from other tanks and wear-houses as you progress world by world. Join your friends and battle your way up the chain and become the most well armed forces around.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Degradation(Alpha) on Steam

Flyland Wars: 2 Not Yours Mine

Flyland Wars: 2 Not Yours Mine

Episode 2 of the Flyland Wars improves on the formula set by its predecessor. It is still a combat game with an emphasis on strategt. Like the last game, the level is difficult until you’ve practiced and figured out tricks to win it. This episode is more fleshed out than the previous one; more opportunities for combat and an interesting puzzle element, with some surprises waiting for you. The game’s best quality is its dark atmosphere. I was genuinely creeped out at points when I was exploring the mine. The story in the game of how Not Yours Mine came to be is well-written and funny. I recommend Flyland Wars Ep 2 if you’re looking for a quick, gritty, unique combat game with puzzle and horror elements.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Flyland Wars: 2 Not Yours Mine on Steam

The Last From Mars

The Last From Mars

‘The Last From Mars’ is a pretty traditional alien shooter. You get wave after wave of cute looking aliens all wanting to eat you alive, or maybe implant their eggs into your stomach. There is only one play area here and a handful of guns with a few powerups thrown in for good measure. It looks OK I guess and feels OK to play, but none of it is original and there is nothing ‘stand-out’ here. I would have liked to have seen it a little chapter than £5.79 (the current asking price) as there isn’t a lot of content here, but even so, I feel you will probably get your money’s worth if you take the time to get into the game. Personally, I found it all too…“meh” to bother with, but I do still recommend it (I just wish I could be neutral about it).

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

The Last From Mars on Steam