Crazy Kung Fu

Crazy Kung Fu

Crazy Kung Fu

This game made me feel like I was the Karate Kid, except, instead of a real old man making me wax his car I was given a cardboard cut-out of an old man.

Not that that’s a bad thing, naturally. I don’t particularly want an old man watching me work up a sweat, but I would have liked him to perhaps throw some guidance my way on how I can improve rather than waiting for the end of the match.

This game feels more like I’m training in martial arts than playing a game, there’s no mid-game scoring, no timed events or any tips during the match, you just need to get on with it, give it your best and see your ways to improve at the end. It did feel quite similar to when I was in school doing marital arts training.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fighter First-Person Games.

About as close as you can get to a training simulator for martial arts. You aren’t hitting things to a soundtrack. It is purely a training dummy with spinning targets you either Block (forearm), punch, or dodge. The harder and firmer your form, the more points you build up.

If you’re looking for a game that will give you a little cardio workout, pick this up. Level 5 and beyond will have you sparring with 3 simultaneously spinning targets to work with.

This game had me sweating from my eyelashes. When you find your groove, and stop ‘trying’, your natural reactions become instant. Your right hand will be blocking, but your already looking to your left to intercept the next target.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Crazy Kung Fu on Steam

The Thrill of the Fight - VR Boxing

The Thrill of the Fight - VR Boxing

120 hours played as of now. This is over about a little more than a year period. If you are even a little interested in boxing/fighting and/or would like more cardio workout. This is for you. It’s a boxing sim that just works. There can always be improvements in little areas or more different enemies to add in and improve the AI or other things, but the base is solid and customizable. That is all I need and I understand the limitations for one developer.

This is the ultimate work out game. I’ve tried lots of real workouts like HIIT, 5x5, heavy lifting like squats, benching, overhead press, weighted pull-ups, and cardio like ellipticals, treadmills, outside running, etc. They all have different pros and cons with different goals, but in the end it’s just hard to motivate myself to go and do them consistently to get any workout in at all. This is much easier and it is fun. It feels like boxing, and sometimes I feel like Mike Tyson with the proper dodge/block, and counter punch combo with an uppercut that results in the opponent being knocked out. I can do it indoors at my own place, and there is a high heart rate and amount of sweat every time, it can be comparable to doing a hard sprint at times. The end result is I just workout more and dread it much less and can even look forward to it, which has never happened before. This is my workout now. As opposed to how easy it is to quit or slack mid treadmill because of how boring it is, I do not slack or quit mid-bout while fighting. This can push me 3-9 minutes more of hard working out even if I am dead tired, which makes a difference.

Real player with 170.3 hrs in game

This is a really great boxing experience and responsible for the last 10 lbs of the 60 total I’ve lost having started playing VR. Its nearly impossible to play this game for more than 20 min strait. This was one of the first games bought when I got my Oculus. I first started playing it just for a few minutes at a time and always found it very difficult. I soon realized it I was just weak, fat, and had terrible cardio endurance. For about a year I would check back in on the game from time to time to see the updates. Back then “Ugly” Joe looked like a potato man and was really quite ugly. The game has progressed along very well. At the beginning of this year I decided to add more to my VR “workouts” because I was not getting enough from Beat Saber anymore. It’s become something I look forward to each time I go to fight. The AI is pretty good and the difficulties are very defined very well. There is a big jump between them and the higher you go, the more it really requires of you. Easy lulls you into a false sense of security and lets you get away with some pretty stupid moves. Then normal hits back harder and requires a bit though but you can still knock out the guy in the first round if you know what your doing. Endurance on the other hand sees your hard work and laughs in your face while it pisses on your shoe. Anyone you fight will not go down and makes sure you do unless your dancing around. Its learn to read and doge your opponent or lights out. I don’t know how but the AI knows when your gassed and will just ride out your attack until you stop for air. I had to learn to control my breathing and exhale on each punch to keep from getting light headed. I know I’ve only played like 12 hours but you need to understand that this is the most demanding VR game out there. I have never seen anyone play this for more than a minute with out getting out of breath and breaking a sweat. The starting matches are only 3 two minute rounds but that might as well be an eternity. Three months ago I could barely go a starting match and now I’m fighting the spider for 4 minutes a round and still going back for more. Screw going to the gym, just get this.

Real player with 66.0 hrs in game

The Thrill of the Fight - VR Boxing on Steam



Game is very good. Reasonable level of difficulty that requires you to actually try new gear and upgrade

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fighter Third Person Games.

this is basically like that tv show robot wars and that game robo-pit

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game


Fisticubes - One Button Boxing!

Fisticubes - One Button Boxing!

[I’ve edited my review since the game brought new updates. All small edit notes are like this]

Think “Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots”, but instead of robots, it’s cubes who bounce around in a retro Nintendo 64-like world. It’s a game with strong arcade roots - you don’t have long cutscenes, no stories, you just get told how to play and jump in. It also reminds me of mini-game classics like Mario Party, a popular franchise back then which birthed many titles on the N64. If you want quick, mindless fun, it’s one of those games. If you’re at home with a friend and you’re bored, you can avoid a dull evening with Fisticubes.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

This game has some of the most advanced combat mechanics I’ve ever seen.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Fisticubes - One Button Boxing! on Steam

Prison 69

Prison 69

game’s poorly developed and completely killed my pc from the downloading phase. i rate it 0/1,000,000 stars

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Prison 69 on Steam



This is test product really. Nauseating to play in VR sometimes even for my guts of steel. I don’t really see the point of playing a VR game in this perspective either. Controls are annoying, just not a finished product what else can I say? Oh actually, might be top for most lacklustre end to the game. You win a feel nothing trust me :-)

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game


Real player with 0.1 hrs in game




I like the game; it’s a fun little game that I can play if I have 5 minutes to spare and nothing else to do. I am, however, experiancing crashes every 5 minutes or so. Overall, I think it’s a fun game that could become great with the right development.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

The concept is great but the game gets boring after 5 minutes. Maybe if leader boards are included for competitiveness I would be inclined to play more. At the moment it seems the developer hasn’t spent much time on the game.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game


Beat ‘Em Up

Beat ‘Em Up

Old style beat em up game in story mode. Nice graphics and easy to control. Makes really fun!

Would like to see more characters and not just different clothing. And a 2 Player mode. This one could be cooperative or in an arena.

Until now, a good work.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Nice game.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Beat 'Em Up on Steam

Yoshimitsu Hatsumi

Yoshimitsu Hatsumi

A great game, I played for a couple of hours, and was very satisfied.

A beautiful girl beats a ninja, you can’t take your eyes off the heroine.

Passing locations with great music.

An atmospheric game, I recommend you to buy.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

An excellent old school fighting game in 3D. True, there is not enough second player mode for complete authenticity) Well, I think it will be added later. I would like to pay special attention to the music, it is just great. I’m really looking forward to the ost to buy it and listen to it while playing cs)

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Yoshimitsu Hatsumi on Steam

Beat the Beat Up!

Beat the Beat Up!


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀♫ I Set The Sea On Fire - Tastes Like Funk ♫⠀⠀⠀⠀


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Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Simple games like this could be a lot worse but this one has a good feel to it. It’s another fitness game too.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Beat the Beat Up! on Steam