Hedgie Simulator

Hedgie Simulator

By far, the greatest piece of software published on any platform, ever. This masterpiece has reduced Steam to a mere launcher for what is now the sole driver of my existence: Hedgie Simulator.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Singleplayer Games.

Hedgie Simulator on Steam

Green Phoenix

Green Phoenix

  • Informational review

On rails shooter + good graphics - a bit slow = Narrative experience in futuristic world. Avoid obstacles and collect crystals. Could use more enemies or obstacles to shoot.

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Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Fantasy Games.

Green Phoenix on Steam

Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity

Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity

this game has potential but in its current state its basically unplayable on an end game scale. massive game breaking bugs are a regular thing. there are no in game moderators what so ever so aside from automated suspensions for too many accounts there is virtually no check on the toxic behavior of the player base. pvp is drastically slanted to the defender and taking over a full system for a single person can take weeks and the defender can just instantly populate other planets. players can run full pvp fleets from a protected set of starter systems so there is no way to really cripple your opponents and the end game combat is lacking in any sort of diversity. maybe in a decade it will be playable but after over a thousand hours playing this game i must say that i am truly disappoint.

Real player with 1544.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 3D Massively Multiplayer Games.

This is like some 4x meets a kind of dwarf fortress in outer space.

While the game shows a lot of promise the wildly unpredictable nature of the interface and random bugs will have you scratching your nuts off. A convoluted, ad-hoc asymmetrical click fest to do simple tasks, a distinct lack of basic search facilities or even fundamental next/prev selection, walls of worthless text thrown up in modal dialogs, it is arcane, yet strangely addictive.

If you are a diehard basement dwelling mutant grognard with nothing better to do than lament the fact that the Dwarves of Dwarf Fortress never made spaceships, then I highly recommend this game for you, provided you have some kind of obsessive compulsive disorder or like sitting on sharp nails and can’t be bothered getting up off it.

Real player with 491.3 hrs in game

Andromeda: Rebirth of Humanity on Steam

Wall Street Bets

Wall Street Bets

10/10 would lose all my life savings again

Real player with 80.9 hrs in game


Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Wall Street Bets on Steam

Definitely Not Fried Chicken

Definitely Not Fried Chicken

Definitely Not Fried Chicken - “For All Your Legitimate Fake Business Needs!

Definitely Not Fried Chicken is a business management sim with a Twist!

Grow your drugs trade through legitimate fronts by managing both sides of the business. Acquire new “businesses”, meet new clientele, develop more potent narcotics, make lots of money and leave a city in ruin!

Set in a sunshine soaked city in the glamorous 80’s, DNFC will test your entrepreneurial business skills.

Build your drugs compound from the ground up, buy adjoining plots of land and expand. Design and lay out your complete production line and establish distribution routes. Fortify your compounds defences and make sure any “overly-enthusiastic” customers can’t break in. Research and develop better strains of narcotics like marijuana, cocaine and methamphetamine.

But simply making a great product is not enough, you need somewhere to sell it from! This is where your legitimate businesses come in - you’ll need to build and manage these fronts, including selling legal goods to avoid detection, people gotta eat right? Run a chain of Fried Chicken stores or diversify your portfolio with other businesses. Different places have different people with different tastes.

The backbone of every business is your workforce, the people who tirelessly carry out the tasks you assign them for minimum wage. A happy employee is a productive employee so it’s important to make sure your staff have the basic necessities like washrooms and a place to eat. A well furnished break room is great for staff morale!

And safety equipment will really help with staff turnover/mortality rates…

Key features

  • Start your drugs empire from the ground up, distributing marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine and other goods

  • Balance the demanding tasks of managing both your illegal drugs trade and your “legit” businesses.

  • Build and customise your drugs compound and business fronts.

  • Upgrade your facilities and staff equipment for a better product and a bigger profit

  • Design your empire, from fried chicken shops to laundromats to nightclubs

  • Manage your workforce, hire & fire, accommodate for their wants and needs to do great work.

If you like these games then DNFC is for you!

  • Cartel Tycoon

  • Prison Architect

  • Foundation

  • Planet Zoo

  • Two Point Hospital

  • Tropico 6

Definitely Not Fried Chicken on Steam



Wow. So this game is incomplete however it has long way to go for greatness. The Dev needs keep working on it. I am sure though eventually this game will be great.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Economica on Steam

Big Ambitions

Big Ambitions


_“It’s been 3 months since grandma died. I know that I’m an adult now that I’m 18 years old, but still… It feels so scary that no one is there to take care of stuff.

There’s one good thing though. At the funeral, my uncle Fred asked me for my phone number. He said he wanted to help me get on my feet. I don’t really know him, but I guess he’s family after all.”_

Game Description

Big Ambitions is a roleplaying business simulator situated in the open-world city of New York. You start the game as a young kid surviving in the big apple. You have big ambitions for money and success, but you’re starting with absolutely nothing.


In Big Ambitions, you control a single person in the middle of the bustling metropolis of New York City. Your goal is to achieve financial success in various ways. Starting at the bottom flipping burgers or collecting garbage to eventually owning and running big businesses and real estate throughout the city.

As you progress, you always need to make sure that you’re getting enough sleep, keeping up with your health, and making sure your happiness is sufficient. Increasing your capital can be trickier than you think. As you will learn, money can’t buy time.

Money making opportunities

We’re still in the process of adding content to the game, but to give you a better understanding of the basics, we put together a list of ways you can make money:

  • Getting a job (cashier, warehouse worker, garbage collector, etc)

  • Running storefront businesses (clothing shops, restaurants, gift shops, etc)

  • Running office-based businesses

  • Buying buildings and renting them out

  • Real estate investments (buying and selling buildings strategically)

  • Investment Funds


Even though Big Ambitions has an interesting story featuring Uncle Fred and other characters, it’s up to you to decide how much you want to listen to them. Everything is available right from the beginning.

Day to day objectives and tasks

In Big Ambitions, you go through days just like in real life. Every day is different, and you’ll have various tasks to handle such as:

  • Sleeping, eating, and exercising

  • Educating yourself with courses and school

  • Recruiting and managing employees

  • Managing business warehouse status (buying and transporting goods)

  • Expanding into new business areas

  • Renovating buildings

  • Managing your vehicle(s). Filling up gas, maintaining the vehicle, etc.

  • Paying taxes

Big Ambitions on Steam

Chef: A Restaurant Tycoon Game

Chef: A Restaurant Tycoon Game

This game is quite entertaining if your into the idea of managing a restaurant. Keep in mind, when I mention the negatives, that this game is still being worked on and not even at version 1 yet. I find that the game has a bit of charm and every update addresses something that I feel the game is missing. At first the game seems to progress quickly, giving you lots of skill points and new missions rather quickly, this really helps get you into the game, as there are some tedious issues when your just starting out. At first, you’ve got a lot to do before you can open your restaurant and, as mentioned, that can make the start seem a little slow going and dull. Also, the flow of the game might take some getting used to in order to start making a profit, but it shouldn’t take too long to get the hang of it.

Real player with 379.8 hrs in game

No, not yet. I wouldn’t recommend this to a friend until it delivered more on the depth of creating a successful Menu. For me that’s really the attractive and interesting part of playing this game which separates it from any other kind of similar simulator. That turned out to be a much shallower pool than what I had hoped to find in the game as I progressed.

The system in place for the way that you create a menu item I don’t like at all. You essentially have a talent tree system with points you spend on from XP gained during your shift. each tier such as Starter, Main, Dessert, etc has its own branch in the talent tree to spend your points in. to unlock new recipes to customise you spend your points here to unlock templates that you can customise. The game gives you a lose definition of the dish; it must contain X percent of your Protein, it must meet X criteria of fat, this many vegetables, this much seasoning. The problem for me is that kills the concept entirely.

Real player with 105.4 hrs in game

Chef: A Restaurant Tycoon Game on Steam

Highrise Mogul

Highrise Mogul

I’d recommend the game.

It’s a simple build your tower the way you want kinda game. Graphics are good for the game, simple but it matches the feel. Game play itself is fairly easy to pick up, just a little figuring out what works and what doesn’t for the increase and decrease of either offices or residential as well as the businesses you install.

My only complaints at this time are that there’s kind of a problem with keeping employees happy. I’ve got a bunch of businesses and breakrooms, however, janitors leave pretty much every other day and I have to rehire them en masse when i notice that floors are crazy trashed. I only wish that on that account, either people would use the trash cans more or that there were a way to easily see what employees are missing out on to be able to keep them around.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Built a tiny cute tower filled with theaters and shops in the middle of the forest. The visitors were very rude and littered all over the place but other than that it was pretty cozy.

Game seems like a nice relaxing time from what I’ve played so far. Though the tutorial is a bit lacking and it took me a while to figure out everything. Looks like a lot of content to go through with all the researches available. Graphics are simple and cute and fit the game well.

Overall a great time!

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Highrise Mogul on Steam

Planet Hotpot

Planet Hotpot

Still very rough around the edges, I believe in the next few months there’ll be a lot of improvements in the interface and depth of the game. For now, it plays smooth and has a well-defined gameplay loop (kill aliens, get powerups, kill aliens better).

I do recommend this game, but make no mistake this IS very early access at the moment so best not to go in expecting a complete game.

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Now and again you come across an indie game that is so bad, so terribly made that it goes through the arse end of “terrible” and comes out being fun to play. ‘Planet Hotpot’ is one of those games. From the terrible controls to the basic graphics and truly laughable enemies, but it is mad as a box of frogs to play but oddly is so bad it becomes fun! The enemies fly around and glitch out as if they are supposed to do so and the action is relentless. But there seems to be no point to the game other than surviving as long as you can! At least it only costs a few quid and I am not quite sure why I even want to recommend this game, but I am. Maybe I have become so immune to the crap VR games Steam pumps out that I have finally lost my mind.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Planet Hotpot on Steam