Virtual Home Theater Video Player

Virtual Home Theater Video Player

I can’t believe I haven’t written a review yet. As you see from my over 300 hours of usage that I use this exclusively. I purchased this when it was more expensive and never regretted it. I never got it for the audio aspect although it is impressive. I got it for the 3D movie playback. The MAIN thing that drove my interest is that I did not have to use my controllers at all. I could do everything I wanted with the mouse. Trust me this is way more relaxing. I have had many many email conversations with Aurel the developer about features and getting help. I don’t think it is possible to get someone nicer and more hard working. I have had a number of suggestions that without hesitation were implemented in updates. I know there are more things to come as well so if you are on the fence, get this and you won’t be sorry

Real player with 334.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 360 Video Simulation Games.

The only app that can play non head locked surround sound video with hardware decoded video, i tested it against all other players (deovr, whirligig, big screen etc), only virtual desktop come close (with it’s virtual sound drivers enabled), but still not as good, lots of parameters in VHT that you can adjust to your own like.

Of course the complicated and let’s be honest, rather ugly, GUI is the draw back. I would love the 3D model cinema enviroment (best ones are those in virtual desktop workshop),

Real player with 86.5 hrs in game

Virtual Home Theater Video Player on Steam