Once Upon a Sea

Once Upon a Sea

Once Upon a Sea is a poetic, interactive XR documentary telling the tragic tale of the legendary Dead Sea. Through a physical exploration of the sea’s forbidden, moonlike landscapes, to intimate encounters with local characters, the user gets a rare glimpse into one of the world’s most dangerous, soon to be extinct, wonders. Centuries of human intervention and political neglect have turned the Dead Sea into a precarious place. Its water levels have dropped dramatically, leaving behind sinkholes and collapsing beaches. The experience offers a deep insight into the complexity and very human impact of this ecological and geopolitical crisis. Once Upon a Sea is our call to action.

Read More: Best 360 Video Realistic Games.

Once Upon a Sea on Steam

Queerskins: a love story

Queerskins: a love story

This left a bad taste in my mouth.

There just wasn’t enough time for reflection or enough moments to challenge the perspective that is being driven into us (that being Gay is wrong because it is against God). I suspect (hope) the intention was to prompt reflection and thought, but in a 15 minute 360 video, there is no opportunity for this, and the developers don’t fuel it at all.

The result, whether intentional or not, is a mess of bigotry and “cruel and irreligious piety.” I hate this. It should be withdrawn until it can be amended so that it isn’t provoking hate. I have reported it.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 360 Video Interactive Fiction Games.

game bad and about hating gays

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Queerskins: a love story on Steam

Queerskins: ark

Queerskins: ark


Unfortunately, Steamworks has decided to inexplicably censor this 6DoF interactive VR. If you want to support queer content and voices, please let Steam know of your displeasure. And, head to Viveport to download this woman produced and directed interactive experience, part of a Peabody award winning series! https://www.viveport.com/bcbd1d54-ac06-4b2e-a393-3851e6173440

Queerskins: ARK is a 6DoF interactive virtual reality experience. Reading a diary left by the estranged son, a Catholic mother (Hadley Boyd) finds a way to transcend herself and her grief by imagining him alive and in love. With heart-wrenching performances by Michael DeBartolo and Christopher Vo in volumetric video and the storytelling potential of spatial sound, Ark allows you to enter her imagination and co-create the lovers’ intimate dance through your body position and movements. An Intel Studios Original co-produced with Cloudred.

The Attic

The viewer finds herself in a dimly lit attic bedroom, a place that seems to be stuck in time, heavy with memory. Here, you assume the passive role of an observer in a 360˚ environment. Unable to move, you can examine the memorabilia-laden surroundings and begin to get an idea of time, place and what the story might be about. Mary-Helen begins reading her son’s diary.

El Matador

As Mary-Helen begins to imagine her son’s world, you are transported to a beautiful beach at dawn. Sebastian and his lover Alex appear, like a daydream nearby in the landscape. We allow Sebastian to break the 4th wall and directly implicate you in the scene. We position you quite close to the two men, just outside their personal space as you listen to their conversation. As Mary-Helen finds freedom in her imagination, you too now have the freedom to move around the beach as the experience transforms into 6DoF.

The Memory

The scene crossfades to an abstraction of the beach. Sebastian and Alex begin an intimate dance. Depending on how you move in the space, the dancers appear to respond to your presence. The performance has been choreographed as a series of segments, each visitor sees only 5 out of possible 24 combinations within each play session. Replay it to see other potential variations, follow the blue glowing lights to hear Mary-Helen reading Sebastian’s diary entries. Raise both arms to gain a new perspective, point your arms forward to fly!

Back in the Attic

As the lovers fade away, you are now back in the attic. It is the magic hour. The room is lit with a flat, golden light, reminiscent of the light on the beach. With a return of detail and color, it feels like the room has come back to life. Mary-Helen contemplates her new found sense of self.


Queerskins: ARK is a room scale experience. It can be adjusted for available space:

— Small (10’x10’ / 3x3 m)

— Medium (20’x20’ / 6x6 m) — Default

— Large (30’x30’ / 9x9 m)

Subtitles are available in English, Spanish, Italian and Polish. Subtitles can only be set at the beginning of the experience by using your controller or by pressing corresponding keys on your keyboard. Please see the experience splash screen for details.

Read More: Best 360 Video LGBTQ Games.

Queerskins: ark on Steam

Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery

Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery

Игра хороша,если вы не хотите стрелялок) Дает возможность расслабиться и получить наслаждение от музыки и красок. Ну а если вам близки импрессионисты,то и художественный стиль вам будет по нраву. Минусом игры есть отсутствие возможности самостоятельно рисовать(мне думается это сделать было не сложно). Но и как в детстве раскрасить тоже приятно. Игра не большая но эксклюзивная,что приятно. Рекомендую .

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Charming and engrossing; a little gem which deserves the relaxing game award. I really enjoyed my time in this little world . My PC froze when the kitty cat first entered the flat…but it is easily solved by exiting (via the paint tin) and entering from the front page again. I wished that there was a longer story so am hoping that these developers continue on; they are so talented. I see many compare it to the world of Ghibli; in my opinion, it is far better ; more subtle and heart felt. PLUS the art is gorgeous. Recommended and I look forward to more….

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery on Steam