

I played this quite a bit more on itch.io but I wanted to say something about it here. I love this game! It is just a perfect little fighting game, and well worth the humble asking price.

There is something very satisfying about swinging your weapon, and feeling it’s effect on your movement. When you are able to land a blow, that is something special. I think it feels pretty random at first, but slowly you gain a sense of timing, and for some of the later bosses, you really have to strategize a bit more. I guess it would fall into the easy to play, difficult to master category.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Indie Games.

I have beat all the characters, with all the weapons. very fun, may play it through one more time. well worth a dollar if you ask me!

would love to see more from this game developer!

edit: this game will not be further developed and the developers do not check on the discussions thread or do updates… dont get this thinking it will be any more than the initial level.

keep in mind though… this game is 99 cents! a plain taco bell taco costs that much!

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Swordlord on Steam

Armed with Wings: Rearmed

Armed with Wings: Rearmed

Having played the original Armed With Wings and its sequels as a kid, I was really excited when this was greenlit for Steam. I always wondered how a small 30min or so flash game would fare and what kind of final product the developers could create.

I gotta say, the final result exceeded my expectations.

SPOILERS BELOW (Though really, the original game has been out for so long that it really doesn’t matter)

The lore behind the first game and its sequels really created a lot of creative potential in expanding the idea of this game. Now that I think about, the gameplay in the original Armed With Wings was a lot less dynamic then its successors. It got to the point where I was confused at how the Lone Warrior was able to defeat Vandheer when he was so powerful in the 2nd game.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Indie Games.

I dsicovered the armed with wings series by pure accident and I played the games since they were released on armorgames.com. I played a bit of the first one,but I wasn’t all too into it. The next game in the series I played was…blood moon I think it was called? It was a good game,but I wasn’t all too into that one either. I was able to tell they were the same game however. Next up,I played armed with wings two,following the story of vandheer lorde. It was right up my alley. The boss fights,the atmosphere,the enemies,the five main weapons of choice you could pick. (One was endgame.) However,it didn’t have it’s own soundtrack at this point if memory serves,just used other music. Didn’t really phase me however. It had been a few years and I had found the third game of the series,this one adding some new twists on the combat system,which I loved so much. You fought with not only your sword,but now with different martial arts styles. (The god styles were the most powerful of course. What would you expect?) Lastly was culmination,which was essentially armed with wings 1 with more polish I guess? I dunno,the game was confusing to me.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Armed with Wings: Rearmed on Steam

Demons of Asteborg

Demons of Asteborg

Demons of Asteborg promised to be a “Metroidvania” kind of game and it delivers. While it still is pretty linear there’s some exploration in all stages. Also I love how you have to use your new abilities to beat each stage and bosses, giving it new mechanics on all of them. There’s a ton of variety here. This was originally a Mega Drive/Genesis game and this looks and sounds AMAZING, can say without doubt it is one of the best games ever made for the console and glad all people can play it in the og hardware and digital too.

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Physics Games.

Ok so, I really did like this game, it was really fun hacking your way through demons advancing levels, getting stronger as you go and the overall journey is great….but that ending….that ending was so abrupt, I got to the final level I didn’t even know I was at the final level, and when things just started to get really good, I was fighting the final boss, mind you again, I had no idea I was fighting the final boss…..this guy was a joke it only took me 3 tries to beat this guy, I had a much much much tougher time fighting the previous bosses, and when I finally finished him…..small dialogue and ROLL CREDITS….really? I mean really? (spoiler) you couldn’t put in a few more levels now that I achieved my demon form? come on such wasted potential….

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

Demons of Asteborg on Steam

Hero Sword

Hero Sword

Hero Sword is a “template flip”, that is to say, it’s a “game” that has been produced by copying a game template or using a game construction kit, and changing a few things. In this case it was a game construction kit/template for doing a simple retro 2D side scrolling brawler game.

This is deplorably low quality bundle trash. No professional effort was made in terms of game development, copying a template/using a game construction kit requires no talent, and unsurprisingly produces products that have little to no value as games, especially when compared to the work of professional developers who create genuine products for gamers. It’s almost as bad as an outright asset flip.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Hero Sword on Steam



Shadowlings had a nice appeal for the first 15 minutes. It looked nice and felt nice. The way combat is done felt like something new. Sadly the initial appeal wears off very quickly and slowly declines into a boring grindfest. You get loads of money and XP with no real need for either of them. I kept waiting for game to become more interesting, but it never did. I even thought the final boss was just a prelude to the real boss. After an easy 1min fight you get a few lines of how you are now the leader of your clan, which btw you were the only survivor of…

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Really good game, simplistic but lots of strategy involved. I’m lazy and that’s all I want to type for now, but overall it’s highway robbery at .99 cents. I kind of feel bad buying it that cheap. I think 5-7.50 USD would be a perfect price for this. I’ll come back later or tomorrow when I’m sober and expand on what I think could be improved on a bit. All simple fixes too. Anyways, highly recommended, great 2d top strategic swordfighter game.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Shadowlings on Steam

Sword Game

Sword Game

Good time waster

Real player with 65.8 hrs in game

This is a very straightforward party game where you can kill your friends with increasingly large swords and is that not all you want from a game? The survival mode is also pretty nice if you want to play solo.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

Sword Game on Steam

Unto The End

Unto The End

I want to start of by saying that I have now beat this game 3 times. This game is truly a 9/10 for me as a standalone game. Does this mean this game is perfect? No. Does it mean it’s for everyone? No.

First: the not so good of this game. Initially, the combat in the game feels clunky. It’s quite difficult to learn early on, and the first play through can be VERY frustrating at times. Once the combat is learned well, it feels very satisfying though, but it never gets easier. There are no tutorials in game except for the “sparing area” which can be accessed from any fire. Though this helps with the basics, I wish there were a few more advanced techniques gone over. Another con for the game is the apparent random damage amount a player takes from enemies. It feels like sometimes you’re really hardy, and other times you’re a piece of over ripe fruit. Initially this can be frustrating, and apparently illogical, but after DM’ing 2TON about this in the game, I was told that damage variance comes from the current position of vulnerability the character is in. For example: if you are rolling when you are hit, you take 2 or 3 times the damage than if you are in a guarded position. As a design decision, I think that this makes sense for the type of game this is, but I would like to have maybe seen at least a mention of this in the “sparing area”. Last con for this game is that in some areas visibility of the character is frustratingly difficult where you need to interact with something because of placement of a rock or something.

Real player with 29.6 hrs in game

Death is inevitable


Unto The End (UTE) is a cinematic platformer that like several other indies rakes in uniqueness and originality. The main focus is the challenging combat that has excellent nuance. It doesn’t have much of a setup nor does it try and hold your hand at all. I should also address the storyline or rather, lack thereof. All that is shown is a Father leaves his family to presumably go on a hunting expedition. Of course, it isn’t long before he gets into trouble and players must aid him through an unrelenting frozen wasteland to return to his home.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Unto The End on Steam

Black & White Bushido

Black & White Bushido

This is a game about speed, stealth, and lighting. The lighting seems to change at random times.

You play on either the light team or the dark team. If you stand still while in your element (a light team member in the light, a dark team member in the shadow) you disappear from sight, and can hold a button to stay hidden and move slowly. But if you dash (your typical movement speed), your outline becomes a bit easier to see. I’ve found it’s easier to distinguish a moving dark team member in shadow than it was to detect a moving light team member in light, which unbalances it a bit, but it’s not too bad, and I’m sure its something the devs can easily fix.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Short version:

Worth buying at 75% off, if you have friends to play it with. Not worth full price. Don’t expect to find people to play with online.


Black & White Bushido is a game heavily based on stealth. You can play either Light (white ninjas) or Shadow (black ninja). There are four character models, though (ironically for a game so heavily based on the popular idea of ninjas), none of them are in stereotypical ninja garb. You then choose to play online or offline.

Offline, you can play either against bots or (presumably, since I’ve never tried it) couch two player. The stage is small, so there’s no need for split screen. Online, you can try to find a match, but the matchmaking is extremely barebones. I play with my fiancee, and the only way we can find each other’s matches is by coordinating over the phone. There is no indication of who else is playing, even once you’re in the match. You don’t see screen names, just “Player 1.” Also, as many other reviews have noted, there is virtually no community for this game. If you want to play against a human, bring a friend.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Black & White Bushido on Steam

Driven Out

Driven Out

Takes the gameplay from A Bastard’s Tale and improves upon it, so I’ll compare it to that.

  • Better attack visibility. High, mid, low is easier to see than left, overhead, right

  • More enemies

  • Better graphics

  • Bigger difference between NG and NG+.

+/- Continuous world instead of levels looks better but requires more backtracking, which might annoy some players.

+/? Better story. I wasn’t really sure what was going on in Bastard’s Tale, and it seems more clear here.

? Save points. It’s nice idea, but hard to say if it’s plus or not, since the whole difficulty is balanced with it in mind.

Real player with 24.5 hrs in game

When the World and Vidya Were Young.

This game is a truly nice homage to the 16-bit era.

It was a sunny and dry summer afternoon, parents were off to work, you woke up from a long nap, grabbed a can of chilled coke from the fridge, opened a bag of salted potato crisps, you plugged that old, worn out Sega Genesis into the back of the TV, loaded that favorite game you had been playing for a week, and then leaned back into the sofa.

Pixel graphic then was eye-catching, midi music then was beautiful, but games then were absolutely brutal. For the whole afternoon you spent in the game you died and died, stages and enemies seemed hard. The fun was so simple, almost simplistic, but it never failed to keep you attracted for an entire long, long afternoon. Today you did well, reached a new boss for the first time, couldn’t get pass it, but you kinda mastered how to reach the point before this boss, consistently.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

Driven Out on Steam

Freyr’s Love

Freyr’s Love

Although the game is not finished, it makes me think that it may be a great experience with a story.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

DISS TO MARİO. When i was kid. I played mario but now i am getting old that’s why its not for my generation. I was looking for new style 2d game but game soul must be like a mario for my son. In these day a lot of game in the market but they aren’t safe for the kids. I trully say this you can buy this game for your child. Also i liked sounds in the game.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Freyr's Love on Steam