Spin the World

Spin the World

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When I began playing Spin the World, my hopes for having a really great experience were high. Unfortunately, after investing a little time in the game, I can say that I did not enjoy the experience. This title, in its current state, feel a lot to me like an alpha stage game, with some potential, but a ton of extra work to be done.

Firstly, the gameplay is on the forefront of what this title is about. You jump into the game with control of a mystery character, with a mystery purpose but they are holding a gun. Great! As you would, you proceed forward and start shooting things. This is when the game really goes down unfortunately. As I progressed, I kept running into a reoccurring bug where the enemies kept getting stuck in the walls. This problem does not have much effect on the game due to there being no loot, score or any real reason to kill something besides it is in your way. What this does for me, however, is makes any success feel empty due to getting by only because I didn’t have to fight for it. Unsatisfying…

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Stylized Games.

I bought this for 0.89 cent on sale but I still refunded.

There are flash games that were better than this. Not only does the game have no story at all but even the combat is just one hit death to everything while enemies walk back and forth in a straigth line. And jumping is floaty af.

Buggy it is too (of course). Just try walking left out of the room and see yourself fall outside the play area, which is telltale sign of asset flip that was cobbled together in a weekend.

Yeah, I’m sure people will gladly pay 10€ for a game that doesn’t even the pretend of a story.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Spin the World on Steam

Geometric Sniper - Blood in Paris

Geometric Sniper - Blood in Paris

The game isn’t bad but the features are rough. Hiding lasts like 2 seconds - the game fails to tell that you need to time the hiding with the enemy shot.

Also, the game keeps crashing after 20 minutes of gameplay. This is very annoying,

Good idea poor execution.

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D FPS Games.

I recommend it because I like the geometric sniper concept from the first game and the game is an improvment on that.

But, message to the devs: your game is crashing a lot. At least on my PC.

I had probably 10 crashes in 5 hours.

That’s not really a deal breaker because this game does not require more than 5 minutes of your time but still … it crashes a lot.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Geometric Sniper - Blood in Paris on Steam

Shots Fired

Shots Fired

Shots Fired is an assassination simulator inspired by fever dreams, pop culture, point and click adventures, and modern indie marvels.

Your wife has been murdered, your daughter has been kidnapped, and worst of all, your beloved 19-inch TV has been stolen! What’s a former assassin-turned-photojournalist to do? Pick up your rifle and your camera and embark on a mission of murder and revenge that will take you across The Flat Earth!

Enjoy a wacky adventure as your assassin alter-ego explores a world where selfies are banned and taxis can drive across the globe. Engage in murderous mini-games, diabolical driving, and phenomenal photography.

  • Use your trusty cell phone to navigate a world of mystery, murder, and memes!

  • Hone your photography skills as a photojournalist for FuzzBeed.

  • Use the Huntr app to engage in assassination antics.

  • Enjoy a range of gorgeous pixel art characters.

  • Chuckle at our carefully honed comedy.

  • Explore the Flat Earth and all its major nations.

Read More: Best 2D Indie Games.

Shots Fired on Steam

Geometric Sniper

Geometric Sniper

Find the Object, Hidden Object Sniper game.

Intriguing and Simple Pencil line Artwork.

Repeat and Replay till you memorize the timing of target’s appearance, route and where to shoot to higher score.

Some frustration over rinse, repeat and waiting.


' Accuracy ' on target aiming and breathe taking while taking shots,

headshot and chestshot are blind,

the game insisted shooting the nose and cheek for near maximal score.

Calculation of leaderboard highscores as the top ladders somehow seems to exceed the 12 mission limits of 2K each, yet dozens of the top are above 24k ~ 25 K,

Real player with 22.4 hrs in game

I was surprised when I first played Geometric Sniper. I wasn’t expecting a super interesting story but it’s much more than an indie 2D game with a cute art style. I love a good story when I play games and in this one, it even had plot twists and cliffhangers. I loved it! It also goes really deep with themes like depression and philosophical questions.

The gameplay is also TIGHT, it’s addicting and after finishing the campaign I went straight for the other game modes. The need of thinking twice before pulling the trigger it’s the icing on the cake because it really makes you feel like a sniper. You need to be sure that the person on your aim is your target because if it’s not then you will lose points for killing an innocent person. The game is about patience and agility, your targets are never standing still and you need to find them fast before something bad happens.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Geometric Sniper on Steam

Monster Shooter

Monster Shooter



Real player with 1.1 hrs in game


One of the most challenging and innovating games available on Steam!

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Monster Shooter on Steam

Lost Patrol

Lost Patrol

As a kid, I used to play this game on the Commodore Amiga when it first came out….it was frustratingly hard, but had a good story and was really atmospheric (including the music).

When I saw it on Steam, I was really excited and looked forward to trying out an ‘old classic’ again.

Unfortunately, the game has no sound and the controls (after figuring them out) can only be described as horrendous, at best. No mouse, no instruction, no music, and I’m sure a couple of the features don’t work. Such a shame - not a good version of the game.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Lost Patrol on Steam

Target Practice

Target Practice

There’s one game mode: Target Practice.

Click targets to bounce them, if they hit the floor you lose! You have three abilities to help you do this.

Q: Time Pause

Freeze all Targets in place for 5 seconds. Click again to stop early.

W: Bounce All

Bounce all targets at once!

E: Remove Target

Delete a target from existence.

You can also change how the game plays by changing the variables! Head to the Change Variables menu and do whatever you want. Make the targets fall like meteors for the challenge, or reduce the cooldown of your abilities for a relaxed game. The choice is yours.

Target Practice on Steam

Water Ball

Water Ball

Water Ball is a “template flip”, that is to say, it’s a “game” that has been produced by copying a game template from GameMaker Studio, changing a few things, then dumping the barely functional “product” on Steam as a cheap, nasty cash grab. In this case it was a GameMaker Studio template for doing a simple bubble shooter/Puzzle Bobble ripoff, and they slapped a lazy aquatic background on it to make it look underwater.

This is deplorably low quality bundle trash. No professional effort was made in terms of game development, using a game construction kit requires no game development talent, and unsurprisingly produces products that have little to no value as games, especially when compared to the work of professional developers who create genuine products for gamers. It’s almost as bad as an outright asset flip.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Water Ball on Steam

Fast Finger Rule

Fast Finger Rule




Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Fast Finger Rule on Steam

OMG Zombies!

OMG Zombies!

This game made me blind in my left eye. No joke.

I discovered OMG Zombies! on the PSP, which only has a screen size of 4.3 inches. I am 47 years old, which means my eyes don’t work as well as they used to. I should have known better. This game is so addictive that I literally spent somewhere in the neighborhood of eight to ten hours playing it. Continuous. I finished the game, deleted my save, finished the game, deleted my save, and kept right on playing. As a result, I had a massive headache, and the inner lining of my left eye separated, as the ophthalmologist put it, “like peeling off a sticker.” My eye filled with thousands of tiny, black dots (which were actually quite beautiful and which, I later was told, was blood inside the eye). It required laser surgery to repair, and I was told to avoid using the eye and not to lift anything. Two weeks later, it separated again (because I was being foolish and started using the PSP again). I told you all of that in order to tell you this: I regret nothing.

Real player with 198.4 hrs in game

Hey everyone and this is my review about the game!


The graphics are okay.

The music is getting annoying and reoetitive after awhile.

Storyline is some what interesting though. It’s very well drawn.

You can play this Fullscreen or Window mode with many resolution sizes!

You can slide the music and sound volume.

You can play this with keyboard and/or mouse. Al though i do not recommend keyboard at all.

About the game.

You have to shoot on a zombie, the zombie will die and they will have a dead animation. Each animation depends on the zombie, So if there is a cop zombie, he will shoot a bullet. if there is a civilian, he will just die, if there is a runner, well i think he will run first and then explode around him. There are medals in the game “Bronze, Silver, Gold and platinum”. The more zombies you are to kill the better your chances are to get a medal. A higher medal will also unlock more levels and a more cash.

Real player with 184.8 hrs in game

OMG Zombies! on Steam