Loading Story

Loading Story

The short story that stopped abruptly, when it ended, I was still expecting something, laughing and crying. The content of the dialogue is easy to understand, the mini-games are simple and interesting, the characters are also very cute, and the gangsters who can fight and trade in a fair and just way are really unsatisfactory. When I looked at the name of the game, it made me smile again.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Casual Games.

A little nice simple game, nothing more to say. I think a continue with more lore would be aprreciated but not necessary.

I wanted to report a bug tho:

If you fast forward the dialogues the text clouds will disappear and you may remain stuck in a dialogue forever because of not seeing the option to close it.

Thats because i tried to speedrun it to see if it had more ending, but no. So don’t waste your time trying to find it-

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Loading Story on Steam

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

Free for everyone at the time of review.

Hardware: Win 10x64, 3570k mildly OC, GTX 1070, 16 GB, SSD.

Super laggy on my system; took me a full 30 minutes to complete a game advertised as 5-10 minutes. I see the system specs state “Windows 7”; I’m guessing this is either a Win 10 issue (some games lag badly in 8 / 10 that run fine in 7) or possibly the 10xx series video card.

I recommend taking a very brief glance at the videos before playing to see how fast the game is supposed to move. If the game is going to lag for you, it will start at the opening credits, which take so long to change screens (tapping an arrow key helps) that it feels like the game is locked up. Don’t press ESC; that instantly closes the game.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Indie Games.

‘The hardest tumble a man can make is to fall over his own bluff’' - Ambrose Bierce

James Cox has adapted, as part of his ‘100 games in 5 years’ project, the timeless classic short story titled An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge written by Ambrose Bierce in 1890. It has seen many variations since its inception ranging from short story to full novel inspirations, radio screenplays including a Twilight Zone broadcast, TV drama/movies and even music videos including Bon Jovi’s song Dyin' ain’t much of a livin'.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge on Steam

Fire Guild

Fire Guild

I like the idea of a game fighting forest fires. However this is more of a short story than a fire fighting simulator and the story here is astonishingly terrible.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Indie Games.

Written for 1561’s Thoughts - Honest reviews, for busy people.

Fire Guild is a casual side-scrolling game where you pilot a hot air balloon and spray an extinguisher to put out the fires below you. The controls are very easy to pick up! 6/10


Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Fire Guild on Steam

A Gay Love Story About Gay Love

A Gay Love Story About Gay Love

It is what it is, but not what you actually are thinking about. A Gay Love Story About Gay Love is not shoving it in your face and sets out a story where two men are in love and stuck in a war, where they struggle to keep the love afloat until…

Game play is quite unique along the other games by Sigyaad, controls take a while to get used to but are quickly adaptable in the end, sucks that the dev couldn’t remove the [esc] error the game has. But this game is still heavy on story and not game play, so the simplicity of the fights are nice to have here, just as a quick change of pace before the deeper parts of the tale.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

A Gay Love Story About Gay Love is probably one of the better games out since Black Ops 1. My friend who practices hot gay steamy sex with men recommended and even went as far as to gift me the game, has shown me a new light in the future of story-driven video games. I couldn’t have been any more pleased with the outcome. I’ve played this game many of times and I don’t think that I would ever stop replaying.

The turn-based gameplay is could not be anymore enjoyable, and the battle(s) are simple yet pleasing to see. The BGM is another piece of the game that will bring tears to your eyes. The “Beach Theme” gives off a classic feeling of how tropical islands soundtrack should sound; giving off an almost bossa nova style feeling. While the “Battle Theme” is and intense mix of intricate melodies and a beat that will have you bopping in an instant. The illustrations and characters have color and life, unlike other games that TRY to be as great.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

A Gay Love Story About Gay Love on Steam



An excellent small hidden object game with wonderfully detailed art. Small variations from the usual HO gameplay switch things up. Has one of the cutest meet-cutes in video games. Unfortunately, it seems to run out of steam after the protagonist reaches maybe 30? Still, a beautiful way to spend 15-20 minutes.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Nice art style, Short n Nice game.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Jivitam on Steam

2 Times Circles

2 Times Circles

For “CASUAL LOVER”, This is the game you must try, :D

This is a Good Game! You can play in the game all day.

  • Easy to play.

-Have a Nice & Clean user interface.

  • Very colorful gameplay.

  • Love the background music.

  • Relax while playng.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

You can enjoy your free time by playing this game, because the clean UI and music will make you relax.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

2 Times Circles on Steam

Count Dookie Fart

Count Dookie Fart


Real player with 36.9 hrs in game

Due to the many hours I have acquired whilst playing this modern day masterpiece. I can confidently confirm that this conglomeration of game play mechanics excellently blends together to form an experience worth sharing with the family.

The primary game play loop of shining the torch light onto the primary antagonist Count Malodorous Von Dookie-Fart has been a very addictive yet strangely satisfying experience. Seeing the count slow and drawn-out death animation provides me with a sense of euphoria due to the knowledge of the many war crimes he has committed against the state of Israel. However, one criticism I do have on this shining marble statue of a game is that we do not know about the lore behind the counts actions. Does the count have a deep yet tragic backstory detailing how he became the count we battle against in the final product? What is the backstory of our protagonist? What town is he a sheriff of? Simply so many questions that I hope will be answered in the sequel.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Count Dookie Fart on Steam



A surprisingly affecting music video describing the memories of dying soldiers in the Great War. Though brief, perhaps a bit too repetitive, a few more scenes would have helped a great deal (you will see the same scenes several times, wait for the fade out and credits to reach the end). Interesting that the composer, Julie Buchanan also did the music for The Other Half. For more about the Great War, listen to Dan Carlin’s Blueprint for Armageddon.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

This is a heart wrenching game. Although simplistic in nature, it’s atmosphere really makes you feel for the soldiers and makes you want to rewind over and over in the hopes that the bullet just might miss them. There isn’t any dialogue or character names but you get a feeling that each and everyone of those soldiers has a story and a family that misses them. This reminds me so much of “All Quiet on the Western Front” (Great book and movie, you can get the movie on youtube for free) in which you have a group of friends join up and slowly die one by one. The cut scenes sort of build on the semi-story of your individual character and in a way make you connect with him. I had to rewind time and pause after the final bullet came, I sat there and contemplated what I’d just witnessed. I highly recommend this game.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Temporality on Steam



Before talking about broken achievements and developers not giving a fuck about the game, let’s take a look at the whole description which is.. quite clarifying by itself!

“2D plaformer with hardcore levels. Play as one of three heroes with different abilities. Complete levels by helping each other. Enjoy minimalistic graphics and fantastic music. Do you dare to complete all levels?

35 levels

678 achievements

7 fantastic music track”

Intentionally passing over the rest of the information related to achievements, how they should appear or unlock and so on, let’s get it straight - this indie game is definitely one of the most minimalistic things you’ll ever play (or avoid, if you’re reading my suggestion.. xD).

Real player with 123.0 hrs in game

break your keyboard!

perhaps the most minimalistic platformer i have ever seen and played, so great in design you just have nothing to distract you from a game, so clever that keeps you in tension every second of a gameplay, and with all its visuall cleanness, all minimalism its a real hardcore: my keyboard appeared just too bad to properly operate all these double-triple-quadruple jumps in time (or maybe this is just me too old))))

a note to developer: please add some “lives”, some easier mode ))))

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

Trio on Steam

ADventure Lib

ADventure Lib

Well, this was a silly game. It basically randomizes items and mixes them up, so instead of a knight, you might be a chicken or butter or what have you. Your spear might actually be other random items. The puzzles are as simple as they get and the whole game wont take but 10 minutes or so to finish for most people. You can play over and over if you like with randomized items, but other than that, there really isn’t a point to playing the game again. I think all told, I would probably give this one a 3 or 4 out of 10. Easy achievements if you care to get them all. I walked past an item that would have given me the two I am missing and I really cant be bothered to go back and grab them, lol. Meh.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

ADventure Lib is a very entertaining, funny and short experience.

A Gameplay & Review video showcasing the features I’m about to talk about:


When you start the game, all objects and characters in the world are shuffled with the game’s database of objects.

That means the character you play as could be a potato, and you’re trying to save toilet from a fire-breathing plunger.

The gameplay is incredibly simplistic. You have a “Look” action that gives you a hint what the object is meant to be used for. E.g “This rope is very sharp” so you know to use it as a sword. You also have your primary action which is to use or talk to objects/characters.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

ADventure Lib on Steam