Café Rouge

Café Rouge

I wish there was a middle-ground in whether to recommend the game. At least not until some of the bugs have been fixed such as being stuck after one of the endings and some minor adjustments as well.

While I did feel some nostalgia for the old game and was really excited to see how the reboot plays out, it feels slightly off-putting. While It does have beautiful artwork and the visual presentation looks divinely polished, it doesn’t seem to have some of the charm the old one has.

Don’t get me wrong; the artwork may have been inconsistent in the old version and those cooking mini games were hard AF, I thought the way it was made was very innovative and I always wonder what it would be like if those aspects were polished and brought back to the reboot or just something to add after unlocking a chapter.(I can only just dream about it lol)

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Visual Novel Games.

3rd edit, probably final. I’ll reiterate ; My review may seem harsh but due to the polished look of the art and characters it gives the impression it’s a very polished game - It is not.

I don’t recommend this game.

You can play it for free on a browser I believe via the publisher for 3 of the routes. Try that/the demo first - then decide.

Honest suggestion ; You name your character “Ebony Darkness Dementia Raven Way”, the Ebony Darkness part being just the first name. You’ll have a better understanding of how this game reads if you’re familiar with the name.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Café Rouge on Steam

Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY! 2: Return to Kale Bay

Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY! 2: Return to Kale Bay

So this game is a ride! One that you realize is going to go crazy about 15 mins. into it. I’ll not spoiler anything, other than to say Its definetly different. I’ve no idea why the author took the story in the direction they did. And it left ALOT of unanswered questions about what happened to everyone from the original game! Questions I was not expecting a sequel to bring up, and all the usual questions you would expect some answers from in a sequel. No Answers given, just unexplained mysteries. This one created alot of loose ends, which i absolutely cant get into cause spoilers! but grrrrrrrrr I so wana ask why what and how now!

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Dragons Games.

Dementia the game! (A Friend bought me this game)

The plot is super confusing and all over the place but none the less sort of all makes sense at the end,.its 4 am so i mean i’m tired as heck but yea it was an overall weird? decent experience or something. Breaks the 4th wall a couple of times and has some humor in their like dragons going to space even though they have wings and can fly.


Wyatt is a sweet heart best character in the game.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY! 2: Return to Kale Bay on Steam

9-nine-:Episode 3

9-nine-:Episode 3

The game is much more developed with the plot and the romance is build to parallel episode 1’s version. Though, episode 3 is a mix of a visual and kinetic novel. It’s much more straight forward than the last two games of the 9-nine series. Although I wish I had waited for episode 3 to be on sale, I was disappointed the there was no spring break sale for 2021.

Anyhow, it’s certainly easier to interact with Haruka because you can barely hear anything she says in the last two games. This game is (obviously) much more concentrated on letting her interact with Kakeru and co., so at least even on listening at full volume you can finally her hear more clearly.

Real player with 18.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Casual Games.

9-Nine Episode 3 is the penultimate volume of the series with the establishment of the main villain.

Here we focus on Haruka, an older senpai with split personalities. Her personalities are a side effect of her unique superpower and her insecurities, and while a classic case of self-development, her earnest efforts rings true. Haruka’s drastic change between her two personalites increases her appeal, and along with her unique reactions, makes her an expressive and animated heroine.

The series is noticeably weaker when it’s not emphasizing its comedic bits, romantic heart-to-hearts and action heavy scenes, but in the grand scheme of the story, it’s only going to get better from here.

Real player with 17.0 hrs in game

9-nine-:Episode 3 on Steam



Cracks is a single player side-scrolling platformer following the couple Liam and Lana, as they navigate the highs, lows and struggles of their relationship. Their relationship is part of the game, where their level of cooperation depends on how connected they are. Join them on their adventures and learn how you can overcome the biggest obstacles as a team, whether it’s dealing with overbearing store clerks, or finding seats together on the tube. Experience the joy of doing even the most mundane chores together, and grieve with them when their arguments turn ugly and they are unable to work together on the smallest task.

Cracks on Steam



Fun game. Got kinda stale toward the end so I never finished it. Maybe I’ll mess with it again some day.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Really unique puzzle to story interface. I really enjoyed it! I just wish that the interface wasn’t so sensitive. Sometimes when I would move a frame, it would lock in somewhere that I didn’t want it to go and I would have to restart the level. You also HAVE to play fullscreen if you want to see everything. Unfortunately the story was also pretty unsatisfactory.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Elizabeth on Steam

Mythos Ever After: A Cthulhu Dating Sim RX

Mythos Ever After: A Cthulhu Dating Sim RX

You’ve been abandoned by your con buddies at the world’s most popular pop culture convention! But wait, twelve ultra-cool monster squid things that are also medical doctors and may or may not be creatures of the dark that travel through time have just walked in! Can you muster up the courage to ask them if they want to be your new Con Friends? Maybe you can spend all four days with one of them?

Basically, the gameplay is thus:

  • You have four days at the convention, with multiple things to do!
Mythos Ever After: A Cthulhu Dating Sim RX on Steam

Personality Dating Sim

Personality Dating Sim

There’s something magical about only knowing someone by their words on a screen. This aspect of Personality Dating Sim delivers, but the second half of the game falls short.

If you want to be spoiled, go ahead and watch my video. The first half of Personality Dating Sim is about getting to know the five colors, and this part of the game shines, especially with the banter between the five personalities. It’s like being on one of the old dating TV shows with Bachelor #1, Bachelor #2, etc, except with the contestants smacktalking each other. I wish the game had expanded on this and included multiple sections, perhaps in a style similar to TV’s The Bachelor, where you come back to the group after going on a date.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Very cool concept for a game that sometimes delivers.

What I didn’t like:

1. The Story (if you count dating each color a story). It can get repetitive very quickly. At first it’s cool to see all the different options but it just boils down to picking a few options to get the ending that you want. I wish that there was a bit more mechanics to it and dialogue options. It would’ve been cool to see more branches to each storyline.

2. The Speed of the Dialogue. It’s especially slow when you get to the life story. I really think the game could benefit from adding a button to speed up the dialogue.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Personality Dating Sim on Steam

Sucker for Love: First Date

Sucker for Love: First Date

Obsessed with occult rituals, you have finally obtained the last thing you need to summon the eldritch horror that has been haunting your dreams; a strange, bright-pink Necronomicon. You perform the only ritual that doesn’t appear to be insane ramblings, and inadvertently summon Ln’eta, a cute cthulhu-like girl. She agrees to a kiss, on the condition that you perform a few rituals from the book for her first. Looking back at the Necronomicon… all of the other pages suddenly make sense?

  • Three chapters of laughs, screams, and tears, all in one thick package!

  • Every decision you make will significantly affect gameplay and determine which ending you arrive at!

  • Immersive re-imagining of the visual novel genre loaded with gameplay!

  • “Three” “fully-voiced” “dateable” “girls”

  • A stylish artistic/musical direction reminiscent of old-school anime and dating sims!

  • No horror elements or danger whatsoever

Sucker for Love: First Date on Steam

The Sound of Fireworks: The Haiku

The Sound of Fireworks: The Haiku

_Hey new journal,

My old journal ran out of pages, so you’re holding the fort now. Let me introduce myself! My name is Amimi Imai, I’m 18, and most of my friends call me “Hanabi”. Why? Well, I’m a big fan of fireworks! My mom loved them, and the way she always talked about them made me want to see them for myself. But you know, life happens, and I haven’t had the chance to see them in person. Well…not yet at least, but we’ll get to that. This year has been a doozy: I had to move to a new city for family reasons, had to leave my friends behind, and we could only communicate through our phones. Major bummer. But I had a new school and new experiences to look forward to! I had big plans to do my best and get into the best university so I could follow my dreams of being a writer. But school can be like life sometimes: hard, cruel, and unwelcoming. I knew if I just put my head down, I would get through it somehow.

But that all changed, when a certain dumb, uncoordinated, but amazing guy found his way to me.

Him and his haikus. You’ll get what I mean.

Well, I gotta run, but I’ll talk to you soon!



The Sound of Fireworks: The Haiku is the first part of a (hopeful) trilogy following the friendships, hardships, and path of Amimi, an 18 year old student who’s recent move from home has left her succumbed to a new high school and new life without the friends she’s had by her side. But as a few weeks pass by, Amimi gets to know Uta, another student recently transferred living the same issues that Amimi is going through. While the chemistry is, well, off to say the least, a budding friendship is soon to be made, and Amimi’s high school life will change: like the night sky from the bang of a Firework.

Part 1 of The Sound of Fireworks Trilogy, TSOF: The Haiku is a single path/ending visual novel about love, acceptance, and a good ol' awkward budding teenage friendship.

Length: ~40,000 words

The Sound of Fireworks: The Haiku on Steam

Your Story

Your Story

Your Story is a Visual Novel that takes place in a fantasy world. You will become a guide to a young half-elf named Lia, who is a somewhat lost girl with an unclear future. She spends her entire life helping her parents run one of the most popular taverns in the kingdom. She will need your help to move her life forward. Your decisions will guide its narrative in various possible ways. The most crucial elements of the storyline are your own emotions - we want to bring forth even the most extreme and controversial ones. You’ll experience a mix of joy, sadness, love, regret, and even terror.

You will lead the plot to both the brightest and the darkest corners of your own mind by making decisions in accordance with your own conscience. That’s the idea behind Your Story.


  • guide our protégé in multiple fashions,

  • multiple storylines with unlockable, alternative paths,

  • variable gameplay (each act has its own motive),

  • over 10 reachable endings,

  • over 20 interactive characters,

  • over 30 CG’s,

  • a unique mix of fantasy, mystery, conspiracy, suspense, romance.

Your Story on Steam