Steampunk Graveyard

Steampunk Graveyard

I actually really enjoyed this despite some glaring flaws. I’ll mention the flaws first and then go over some of what I liked about it and you can decide for yourself what you think about it.

So, for flaws I noticed that the levels are pretty much identical. There isn’t much variety in the enemies or in the levels themselves. Once you’ve played one level you’ve pretty much played them all and faced most of the enemies. Despite that, I still actually had WAY more fun with this game than I thought I would. You have a melee option, there’s a long distance option, and there are zombie robots. I mean, where else are you going to find zombie robots? There’s just something really cool about that. If you see this game on sale and you dig platformers already, I recommend it. And I’m saying that despite getting frustrated with one of the levels and not continuing any further since then. I still think there’s enough here to warrant a purchase but that’s my opinion.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Roguelite Games.

This game looks like a first game after some tutorials.

First 3 levels are totally the same. You can rush through them without killing enimies. The final boss can shoot only in one direcation so if you will stay behing – he will never damage you.

Even grenades have no range damage!

this “game” should not cost anything.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Steampunk Graveyard on Steam

Imitating Zombies

Imitating Zombies

Lucky me gets to write the first review for yet another HotFoodGames asset flip/cash grab.

Imitating Zombies is another GameMaker Studio asset flip from serial copy+paste infringers, HotFoodGames. All these guys do is rip off game templates and projects from the Yoyogames/GameMaker Studio marketplace, change the name and a few cosmetic details, and try to scam people into paying for someone else’s work on Steam. They have run asset flip scams dozens of times, and this is no exception. It’s nothing but a cash grab.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Arcade Games.

Imitating Zombies on Steam

Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection

Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection

Played this a lot on the Switch, and am gladly going to play it even more on PC. If you have a high tolerance for frustration and can laugh at both your own stupid mistakes and some downright mean BS the game will throw your way (mostly difficulty, but some cheap traps as well), I believe you’ll have an absolute blast playing this. It’s quite a rollercoaster of intense excitement, intense frustration and intense satisfaction.

The GnG series was always quite unique due to how well it evoked a feeling of fumbling or panic with its design and mechanics. No matter how well you know a level and how good of a plan you have, things always go very wrong very quickly, and you will be forced to quickly make some hard decisions or die. This aspect of the games was always the main source of excitement, satisfaction and humor. GnG Resurrection doubles down on this exact element and ramps it up more than any previous game in the series.

Real player with 58.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Hand-drawn Games.

Ghosts ‘n Goblins is back and it’s harder than ever! Having played four games in this series I was convinced that I was more-than-ready to tackle its hardest difficulty (Legend) for my first playthrough, oh how wrong I was. Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection (GnGR) is best described as a remake+. It borrows heavily from the gameplay, enemies, levels, music, and more from the first two games but also contains new content that fits in with what the original games established. GnGR features four returning stages that are significantly longer and play completely differently as well as three brand new stages.

Real player with 45.6 hrs in game

Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection on Steam

Z-Blood Mission

Z-Blood Mission

Edited after release 0.2.0

Finally! Controls are now customizable!

The game is improving rapidly! Now I don’t get stuck in strange places. The gameplay has become much more dynamic and fluid. It is much more fun to play with mouse aiming. Last time I wrote that the game lacks in-game tips and they were added in the following release. It is very gratifying that the developers listen so carefully to the players opinions. And a special thank for the extra kicks. Now it is not only a horror shooter, but also a bit of a fighting game. Amused the opportunity to kick zombies on the ground!

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

Has the potential to be a fun Dreamcast-era-ish zombie game with some improvements.

My thoughts are:

  • Fix visual glitches

  • Iron out physics

  • Reduce HP of the miniboss enemies

  • Add at least 2 more levels

  • Offer an alternate creepy ost

  • Include controller support

  • Consider dropping the price to $5 until more levels are added and other issues sorted out

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Z-Blood Mission on Steam

Zone B Korosu

Zone B Korosu

Zone B Korosu is a story-driven 2D action platforming game.

The mundane reality of day-to-day life is about to disappear forever when a world-shattering virus is released, turning average people into monsters.

Run, jump, shoot, and roll your way from ground zero of Test Zone B to safety.

Click and search your environment for any clues to unlocking the mystery.

Key features:

  • Run or fight? Battle zombie hordes and monsters in single or two-player mode. Face them head-on, or play defensively.

  • Search interactive environments for clues about the origins of the disaster and search for a cure. If you see something unusual, check it out!

  • Bring your allies to safety

Zone B Korosu on Steam

Doomsday Dispute

Doomsday Dispute

customer service dont respond to you and they deleted all their social media

Real player with 138.3 hrs in game


After playing for several days i can tell there is no content. I mean the content this genre had 10 years ago is present, but not improved at all. You can lvl up base to 25 and that’s it. The only activitity for you is to try and beat others in different rankings, which is impossible due to existance of whales who can pay 10k+ $ monthly. Just in 2-3 days the ammount of time to upgrade or research something reached 20+ hours, so without constant speed ups there is nothing much to do about it. And by speeding up you pretty much cheating levels and reach end-game in hours, after which there is nothing else to do.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Doomsday Dispute on Steam

Zombies Desert and Guns

Zombies Desert and Guns

After the terrible virus, only one survivor remained on the planet.

Will he be able to cope with such a sudden responsibility and find at least someone on his way,

except for a whole horde of zombie people? To do this, you together with the hero go to the desert, where,

in his opinion, there should have been uninfected people who did not come into contact with the main population


  • Go through 13 agonizing days of the zombie apocalypse.

  • Collect all types of weapons that will help you survive.

Zombies Desert and Guns on Steam

Bouncy Bob

Bouncy Bob

11/10 !

Gameplay: Just perfect, very fun to play and challenging. The difficulty it’s good, a fast paced platformer!

Art/ Visuals: Great style! creepy and cute at the same time, the characters are funny, the colors, i love it!

Music/ Sounds: The music gives a cool ambient for the game, goes hand in hand with the art, the sounds are perfect, so consistent and creepy too!

Great game, so much fun.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Very nice looking game with surprisingly addictive gameplay. Super easy responsive control. Pretty fun gameplay with nice mechanics. Graphics well polished. Climatic music. Pretty neat multiplayer mode.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Bouncy Bob on Steam

Super Urban Wizard

Super Urban Wizard

Super Urban Wizard is a 2D side scrolling arcade shooter where you control a wizard with guns and shoot your way through various 2D urban scenes.

The game was written in Flash. Much like you can drive a car using only your feet, video game developers can make video games using Flash. But just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should, especially if it’s a terrible idea. There’s no working fullscreen mode, and the game is clunky as all hell, because it was written in Flash, so it’s garbage.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

It’s OK if you like this sort of game, it’s just a left and right, shoot game, too simple, reminds me of the old Sega games, they become real boring real quick, for 79p meh maybe if you like this sort of thing, personally it’s like digging ear wax out… can only do it for so long before it hurts!

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Super Urban Wizard on Steam

Carpathian Night

Carpathian Night

The plague of Dracula’s army continues to spread across the Carpathians, growing stronger with each victim it claims. Those who attempt to resist are met with a fate worse than death. If Dracula is not stopped, he will bring everlasting night to the world.

Only two champions have answered the call to bring divine justice to Dracula and his minions. Abbot Dorin, warrior monk and leader of the Kelemen Church, and Irina Dracul, vampire, pyromancer, and ancestor of Prince Dracula, have joined together to drive back the army of the dead and hunt down the legendary vampire himself. Zombies, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and demonic beings of every kind await all who dare trespass into their master’s domain! Those who survive the horrors of the Borgo Pass will reach the gates of the ancient Castle Dracula, where the real nightmare begins!

Carpathian Night is a tribute to retro horror side-scrollers and the classic monster films that inspired them. Battle your way through legions of iconic monsters, avoid deadly traps, uncover the secret history of your monstrous foes, and face the legendary Lord of the Vampires within his own ancestral home! Answer the call, mighty hunter, and drive the wickedness back from whence it came!

Carpathian Night on Steam