

Fun little side scroller, love the graphics and the music is upbeat and keeps ya going. Boss designs are awesome, the weapons are awesome … well the ones I’ve gotten so far. I just gotta get use to the dodging and get better at it. Only up to lvl 5 so far, that slime boss is tough but … I’ll get em!

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Roguelite Games.

I love the clear, beautiful spritework on this game, specially the bosses. The main protagonists of this roguelite, however, are the weapons, they are really varied and pretty fun to learn to use. Even the ones that at the beginning seem crappy grow on you. The controls are great and the music is ok.

My only gripe would be that the three main characters aren’t really that different between each other.

Great game that promises a lot of hours of fun.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Critadel on Steam



fast paced bullet hell action, with a great soundtrack

would recommend to anyone who enjoys an engaging action game!

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Arcade Games.

Awesome graphics, great gameplay. Extremely good ost.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game




So… this is a free game, and it starts out feeling ok. The basic gameplay isn’t a problem. The issues begin after playing for 15+ minutes and you realize that you’d like your player to die in case there is an upgrade to add variety to the overall gameplay. Well, the upgrades are ridiculously expensive and that means grinding for at least an hour or two before going for the cheapest of them… The overall experience is negative due to the lack of variety. I can’t suggest to anyone spending more than 15 minutes playing it.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Multiplayer Games.

Best game i’ve ever played

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

BlastFort on Steam

Round 99

Round 99

very good very good 5 star

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

overall a great game, but sometimes buggy and broken, love the art style. edit for game awards lol

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Round 99 on Steam

Knighty Night

Knighty Night

Knighty Night is a fantastic game that can be completed within a few hours. The fascinating story that follows a brave night traversing through four different parts of a haunted land, fighting ghosts and the traps they set up to keep the knight from defeating the evil that plagues the area. Unlike many indie games that stick to a 2D style, this game takes full advantage of Unity by pushing 3D graphics, animations, and a birds eyes camera to follow the player. Not only does the game look beautiful, it sounds beautiful. Every sound in the game plays perfectly with what it is complimenting on screen. But if you like your game silent, this game has the ability to silence just the SFX, Music, or both if that’s what you’re into. Like the sound, this game has video settings that allows your game to be windowed, fullscreen, and different resolutions so no monitor will feel left out.

Real player with 17.0 hrs in game

i have 4.5 hours on this game and i’ve been having some side effects 1. i turned into a cat boy 2. i now wear a maid outfit (which i didn’t ask for) 3. i now have paws and i have to use text to speech because my giant kitty paws cant type one key at a time. so yeah, i rate this game 5/5

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Knighty Night on Steam

Kungfu Cowboy

Kungfu Cowboy

I stumbled upon KFCowboy when I was browsing Steam for new games to play. The game title first caught my attention because it sounded unique and funny and the game looked quite fun from the trailer too.

I would best describe the game as a mix of Celeste-like platforming with bullet-hell action of Enter The Gungeon. You’re constantly fighting enemies and dashing thru spiked platforms while avoiding getting hit. The gameplay is quite challenging, but I like that the runs are fairly short so it never feels tiring when going for another one. You gain exp the more you play and you are able to unlock new weapons with exp. Each weapon has it’s own unique boosts and you are able to stack different ones together to create different builds so it adds a lot of depth and replayability. The enemy variety is great and there’s even some friendly NPCs that you meet along the way that help you out. Also, the music in the game SLAPS. It’s catchy and has a western/Chinese vibe to it.

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

Great game to play with friends. You can choose to play the roguelike run mode (PVE) or arena style shooter mode (PVP). The run mode is pretty chill and it took me and my friends a couple of hours to beat the game. We unlocked hard mode, which is the regular mode but ON STEROIDS. The platforming and enemies are way harder, but I quite like the challenge. Each weapon has their own unique upgrades which makes the game play very differently from run to run. The PVP arena mode is so much fun too. It’s definitely a lot more fun the more people you have so I recommend playing with at least 4 players. There’s online matchmaking, but I think the player base is still quite small so I wasn’t able to matchmake with other players. I highly suggest grabbing this game with a few buddies for the PVP.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Kungfu Cowboy on Steam




(longer version below)

Fun and relatively unique, however it falls short in some aspects where they try to pad out more content by just making it tediously long and hard because of enemy spam. It is very short, still has a few bugs but if you can get it really cheap, and if you’re a fan of platformers, it’s worth the 2 or so hours of gameplay.

| Achievements: | Cloud Saving: | Trading Cards: | Workshop: |

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

If you’re a sucker for cheerful, fun games and cute animals in games, this one is for you. :-) I thought the main character is just adorable, and there’s even a full on story in addition to the fun platforming mechanics. Take a break from your busy day and consider Musasabi, or get it for someone you love.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Musasabi on Steam

Random Heroes: Gold Edition

Random Heroes: Gold Edition

Very Good Game for People who love Pixel Games (myself) !! I have not the best English !!

But there are downsides as well (Its not out for long and will probably be fixed)

1. Achievments do not work at least for now

2. I dunno if its a bug but i had all Characters right at the start

But despite some Bugs its a good Game and not too expensive so

i would recommend it

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

EDIT: This game is more fun than I originally thought it would be based on the first impression. And THEY FIXED THE BUGGED ACHIEVEMENTS! I’ll lever my first review for people to see my first impression, but just know that it’s better than I thought it would be after that first hour. Getting new guns is fun, and they really change up how you play. That made all the difference from it being a good time waster to being a legit just good game.

It’s a good, if somewhat basic game. Nice throw back title that I don’t think would be fun to play for hours on end, but to fire it up and spend a little time with it here and there, it’s perfect for that.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Random Heroes: Gold Edition on Steam



In 1972, as a freshman in college, Steve Allen was introduced to Pong, the first commercial arcade game. He and his college roommates, Tommy Walker and Howard White, began their video game journey and met many of the industry’s biggest names, including Jerry Lawson, the inventor of cassette tapes, Nolan Bushnell, the founder of Atari, and the developer of ET Aliens. Warsaw, Apple’s founder Steve Jobs, and many more, are writing their own legendary stories in this glorious virtual world, but things are far less optimistic than Alan thought, and a video game winter is about to sweep across the country.

GAME OVER on Steam

Guns Boy

Guns Boy

i finished this game

Real player with 30.3 hrs in game

good game

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Guns Boy on Steam