King’n Knight

King’n Knight

King’n Knight is an arcade platform game that takes place in a medival fantasy world. Play solo or coop in this game inspired by Ghosts’n Goblins and Megaman!

In King’n Knight, you will travel alone or with your friends for an adventure in a medival fantasy world filled with demons. You have to fight against the demons to restore peace and free the realm from evil.


  • Solo / Coop up to 4 players online or on the same screen.

  • Collect gold and reach higher levels, stuff your hero buying weapons and equipment.

  • You can at any time change your play style by selling your equipment.

  • Play in coop and chose your roles : The bow will help you attack the enemies from a distance, the sword is the perfect play style to defeat small monsters, whereas the axe will help you kill the stronger one. The torch which is one of the hardest to master, will help you guide your friend!

  • You will play against 50 differents type of mobs and tenish boss on the 10 levels.

  • Use the workshop to chose, create and share your hero style.

  • Controller support.

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Co-op Campaign Games.

King'n Knight on Steam

Pyxel Knight

Pyxel Knight

Be the Hero!

The King has declared,“He who marries another kingdom’s princess shall rule the land” Try to win the hearts of the stubborn picky princesses trapped in dangerous dungeons full of dubious enemies, surprising traps, bountiful treasure, frightening bosses and more! Pyxelaria needs heroes and now it’s your chance to shine.

In this pixel art co-op Metroidvania-Maker game get ready to Jump, Slash and loot enemies to earn and find badges to power up your player.

The current list of features are as follows:

  • Co-op: 1-4 player Co-op. Go on an adventure yourself or with friends.

  • Use 20 different Tiles to create your own custom campaigns to share.

  • Defeat 4 different enemies or place them in your campaign.

  • Collect 5 Unique Badges or hide them as secrets in your own campaign.

  • Earn Badge Points by finding them and defeating enemies to equip badges.

The game is in development so there is more to come! See the Early Access page for more details about upcoming features.

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Adventure Games.

Pyxel Knight on Steam

Rad Rocket

Rad Rocket

Hear ye, hear ye! Hear the news… and despair! For the robots have acquired rockets!

This is very much a fun, although frustrating game! The style is pretty memorable and reminds me of Borderlands. Controls are somewhat tricky in the beginning though I picked ‘em up quickly enough. The collisions/mouse are sometimes a bit finicky still, though maybe this is more of a ‘git gud’ aspect than an actual complaint :P

I’m definitely failing/falling often, most of the times by attempting to grab the collectible hats (which are very cute!) but the smooth smooth soundtrack helps rein in the frustration… No, seriously, the jazz is smoother than a baby’s bottom. Each time I go up again, though, I get a little bit better, a little bit faster, so I’d say this game also has lots of speed run potential! All in all, a pretty great game for a solid price!

Real player with 32.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Difficult Games.

60 minute review (in-depth review will follow after 10 hours)!

This game! It’s funny, it’s frustrating but mostly it’s frustratingly funny!

First experience:

After 60 minutes all I can say is: “FFFFFFFFFFuuuuudge” since I dropped down again after a brutal climb where I eventualy panicked from making the right move/jump!

And what do you get for it as a reward? A hat and a 300 meter drop back to the start.

Silver lining: Atleast you will develop the needed skills for that first part pretty fast.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Rad Rocket on Steam

Glam’s Incredible Run: Escape from Dukha

Glam’s Incredible Run: Escape from Dukha


Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Disclaimer: My scores/reviews are almost always based on having bought the game at close to the “lowest historical price” on steam at time of purchase.

Quick score: 3/5

In terms of aesthetic, probably one of the most horrificly terrible things I’ve ever seen/played lmao. I actually despise the main character design. The background art is decent, but the levels are very much copy paste drag and drop assets “mario maker” style so they can look a bit bland. Some of the music is actually pretty dope, but doesn’t match the game at all lmao.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Glam's Incredible Run: Escape from Dukha on Steam

Lakeview Cabin 2

Lakeview Cabin 2

Another good chapter in the Lakeview series, the 80s Horror/slasher genre feeling is captured again and you can feel it in this new adventure. True moments of distress and the feeling that you have to watch your back will hit you as soon as you start the game (at least after the first night ;-) there is new set of scary Killers waiting for you in this First Episode and new ways to deal with them with some traps you could “built” resembling the ones made by the kid of the old movie “Home alone” that will allow you to make really convoluted ways to hurt and kill your persecutors (The lore is expanded in this new game and as it’s still early for anything “official” everything is left to the interpretation of the players but is clear it is another work of love by the author). The game is still a work in progress but you could lose hours trying to beat it in the best way possible. There is again no Save option and your choices (and some times luck) will determine the outcome of your play. Highly recommended to buy and support the creator and enjoy another Terrific story.

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

It’s so good. Great for fans of the last games especially. You’re put back into the wild world of Lakeview Cabin with new mechanics, new enemies, and the same amount of full frontal nudity.

I love how this has turned out, BUT be warned that this is very much in early access. You’ll experience lots of bugs, incomplete features, and less levels than the first game. Currently there are 2-ish levels, tons of new items along with old ones, absolutely fantastic graphical improvements, and new physics.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Lakeview Cabin 2 on Steam

Zero Zero Zero Zero

Zero Zero Zero Zero

Zero Zero Zero Zero is a unique 1-bit low-fi platformer that sets to challenge players in a plethora of levels that will require skill and careful maneuvering. Dodge, shoot, and jump your way through randomly selected levels as you progress or die.

Featuring a smooth, spectacular soundtrack to groove to while jumping your way through hazards and enemies.

Do you have what it takes to complete all 100 levels?


  • A fast-paced, difficult, but fair gaming experience.
Zero Zero Zero Zero on Steam



Lucky me has the dubious honour of writing the first review for Freon.

Freon is a 2 player split screen retro pixel platformer brawler from serial asset/template flippers, wow wow Games, who do very little but dump GameMaker Studio and other game construction kit template flips onto Steam as nasty cash grabs.

In the case of Freon, I’m not sure where they ripped this off from but we should expect it’s another asset flip because of the terrible past history of this “developer”. It’s a basic 2D retro pixel brawler with a twist, it’s split screen local multiplayer. They call it “hotseat”, but that’s not how hot seat games work, so I guess they probably didn’t look too deep into the game template they ripped off before they did.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Freon on Steam

Scatteria - Post-apocalyptic shooter

Scatteria - Post-apocalyptic shooter

Its a great game,funny i played about 5 hours, i recommend it, if someone wants to play, just tell me!

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

So i bought this game after seeing it on youtube i am quite impressed that one man made this game that’s insane. It’s got some fun mechanics i quite enjoyed the explosions and death animations, the reloading and difference between weapons is really cool as well. bolt action was my favourite by far. There’s definitley a few annoying bugs in the single player mode when you die you sometimes spawn back to a heap of enemies on top of your body and they just instantly kill you however that doesnt happen too often.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Scatteria - Post-apocalyptic shooter on Steam

Super Markup Man

Super Markup Man

A nice, cheap game with 50 levels of HTML, and 50 levels of HTML & CSS. It doesn’t so much as teach you about HTML and CSS, but it definitely helps with making your code cleaner and giving your mind lots of practice to get into the habit of putting code in the right place.

If the average person were to go into this game with zero coding knowledge, I think they would struggle as the game fails to explain what each tag even does. Although it’s easy enough to figure out if you like to experiment.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

It’s good, but you could learn so much quickly if you could arrange the labels with the mouse. Moving the character is fun for 5 minutes, after that it’s not really convenient.

Having completed some other free tutorials, what I appreciated about this game was the pace. You can really learn step by step and understand subtle differences. The way levels are built force you to take the time to practice simple concepts and prevents you to “jump” too soon to something too advanced for you.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Super Markup Man on Steam

Fish Fight: The Prequel

Fish Fight: The Prequel

The “Last Fish Standing” game, over various maps and with lots of different weapons.

Rules a super simple and the game takes just a few seconds to catch on: aim either left or right, pick a weapon, shoot. The rest is up to clever movement and positioning in this fish-on-fish brawler!

Fish Fight: The Prequel on Steam