Planet Zeta

Planet Zeta

Planet Zeta is a classic 2D platformer shooter with a side view.

The player is equipped with a bulletproof vest that absorbs damage well, without armor, the character is very vulnerable to alien attacks, this is an important element of the gameplay. You can also choose from several types of weapons. A standard pistol that can not be replaced, the character can also carry 1 unit of heavy weapons, including, M16, AK47, or Mossberg500.

The player acts as an astronaut who made an emergency landing on an unknown planet, his goal: to find the necessary spare part for the ship to get off the planet, which is teeming with creatures that are hostile to the player.

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Shooter Games.

Planet Zeta on Steam



A.S.T.R.A. - a game made in 2D hand-drawn graphics, which is a collection of various mini-games in different genres.

Do you like exciting arcade games, set a new record, and pain in your eyes? Then I suggest giving this game a try!

ASTRA - artificial intelligence that controls the system in the computer space, which was captured by the virus “B” , the purpose of which is complete destruction of the OS. From time to time he will get in touch and try to do something wrong. You take on the role of a simple user facing an infection. Your goal is clear - reset the system by destroying the virus. However, the virus encrypts all the data from your eyes and does not allow it to be done so easily, and in addition, it takes a fee for each action with an impromptu currency, which will have to be earned in games in various genres. Choose a game, buy it, wait for it to load and voila! It’s on your desktop. Everything is almost like in life.

Several mini-games are waiting for you, which will definitely not let you get bored, and will challenge you to a new record.

In Platform Hero you have to literally survive using a grappling hook and a firearm, clinging to platforms. But this will not last long: the hook does not hold up, and the platform keeps dropping. It’s time to catch on to another, but no matter how it is: the enemy is moving towards the hero. It’s time to use your weapon.

Another mini-game in the space network is Planetoids . The goal is the same - to get points, simultaneously destroying asteroids. Here you have complete control over the ship, and the asteroids themselves are split into pieces, which can be caught game over once again.

Dino Island - a runner in which you play as a dinosaur. You have to jump over stones and trees and periodically turn into a pterodactyl, also flying around obstacles.

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Stylized Games.

ASTRA on Steam

Space Colonizer

Space Colonizer

The self-elected government on Earth came with a brilliant idea how to solve the problem of overpopulation on planet Earth. All they need to do is to find the best colonizer. Will it be you? Your mission (if you choose to accept it) is to colonize nearby habitable planets. Or is it a little bit different as it seems? This game will test your logical thinking and entertain you with a story at the same time. Only you and your never silent flight computer flying through space with a live load.

You have to launch a rocket with human cargo from your ship and try to make it land where it should. Other planets, stars, black holes, asteroids and other cosmic objects stand in your way. Some of them you can use for navigation, other mean the end of the trip for a few hundred people.

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Casual Games.

Space Colonizer on Steam

2D Neon Cube

2D Neon Cube

I don’t do this that much but I’d like to start this review by literally translating the Italian official Steam game store description, just to ask to myself and maybe to some other guys.. who the heck does the translations here?!

“2D Neon Cube - e ' bella e non difficile nel passaggio di piattaforma. Affascinanti gli ostacoli e gli effetti grafici. Перемещайся protagonista al portale e cerca di non morire!”

“2D Neon Cube - is beautiful (“è”, “is”, is rendered as “e ‘” and “bella” is feminine, but in Italian the masculine is mandatory) and not difficult in the platform passage. Fascinating the obstacles and the graphical effects. Перемещайся (what the fuck?) main character to the portal and try not to die!”

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

It’s a very simple platform puzzle game, there’s the start of some adequate puzzles here but it’s very short and feels incomplete. The controls aren’t as precise as they need to be for some of the more finicky jumps and the lack of sound effects feels hollow. The music is OK, but there’s just not much here other than a truckload of achievements.

I think the developer just gave up and tacked on a ton of achievements so that it will sell to the achievement hunter crowd. (of which I am guilty of being part of).

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

2D Neon Cube on Steam

CUBE-e 2

CUBE-e 2

A demonstration of how to annoy player just for the heck of it.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Lucky me gets to write the first review for CUBE-e 2, which is a 2D retro pixel puzzle platformer/shooter from known asset flippers, Piece of Voxel. This is a basic retro pixel shooter/platformer game where you guide a robot over various platforms on some planet, dodging spinning blades and shooting robots that float from the sky before they can shoot you. Ho hum.

They chose to use obsolete retro pixel “art” as a substitute for contemporary PC graphics. It’s unclear if this is due to lack of budget or talent, regardless, the overall visual quality of the game is extremely low as a result. Resolution and controls are locked. These flaws push this game far below minimum acceptable standards for PC. There’s also an insulting $10 USD price tag for this garbage. Yeah, $10, the same money that would get you one of hundreds of AAA games on sale. Or this trash.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

CUBE-e 2 on Steam



Lucky me gets to write the first review for CUBE-e, which is a 2D retro pixel puzzle “platformer” from known asset flippers, Piece of Voxel. This is a basic retro pixel puzzle game with a gravity inversion gimmick as you guide a robot through a space station factory thing and solve puzzles like how to put a crate on a switch, ho hum, it’s been done to death.

They chose to use obsolete retro pixel “art” as a substitute for contemporary PC graphics. It’s unclear if this is due to lack of budget or talent, regardless, the overall visual quality of the game is extremely low as a result. Resolution and controls are locked. These flaws push this game far below minimum acceptable standards for PC. There’s also an insulting $10 USD price tag for this garbage. Yeah, $10, the same money that would get you one of hundreds of AAA games on sale. Or this trash.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

CUBE-e on Steam

Farlight Commanders

Farlight Commanders


I started playing just a bit to take a break from my uni work and I spent 3 hours in the first sit. BEWARE, it’s a deep game with multiple choices, make sure you check the shop before you spent your ability points so you can buy the right things for yourself and the ship. If you spend your points lately the game will be way more challenging. The game needs more feedback to the player and be more clear at some points with the management of the ship and the ability points but, if you are patient and spend some time with it you will love it.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Has great potential as a coop 2D side scroller mixing both infantry combat and spaceship to spaceship combat. Some of the UI navigation is a bit clunky and takes some getting used to and will hopefully be polished over time.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Farlight Commanders on Steam

Man in gravity

Man in gravity

I love minimalist games, I liked the graphics, good soundtrack, great game!

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

this game is very challenge despite simplicity of its controller.

graphics is simple, but very nice.

I liked the background music, sometimes it makes fax-modem sounds.

its cool.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Man in gravity on Steam

Space Crisis

Space Crisis

I picked up all 12 of these Nacks Soft games. They are essentially just sprite swaps, so either wait for a 90% sale or pick up the bundle if it’s less than $10 so you are getting the content equivalent of a decently sized full game.

The difficulty curve of this one isn’t as well-designed as Accel Magician Mimi and it’s missing the 1P vs. 2P mode. It’s space-themed though. It’s a very soft recommend – a C-range, middling game.

Pick up if under $1 or if you get all 12 games for under $10.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Space Crisis on Steam



SPACE Craft is a 2D retro pixel platformer with extremely lightweight survival elements. Land on a planet and do basic platforming/gathering stuff.

The quality here is extremely low as the screenshots show. They chose to use obsolete retro pixel “art” as a substitute for contemporary PC graphics. It’s unclear if this is due to lack of budget or talent, regardless, the overall visual quality of the game is extremely low as a result.

Gameplay is shallow despite the survival mechanics and unsatisfying. It’s not possible to recommend this.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

SPACE Craft on Steam