Super Markup Man

Super Markup Man

A nice, cheap game with 50 levels of HTML, and 50 levels of HTML & CSS. It doesn’t so much as teach you about HTML and CSS, but it definitely helps with making your code cleaner and giving your mind lots of practice to get into the habit of putting code in the right place.

If the average person were to go into this game with zero coding knowledge, I think they would struggle as the game fails to explain what each tag even does. Although it’s easy enough to figure out if you like to experiment.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Casual Games.

It’s good, but you could learn so much quickly if you could arrange the labels with the mouse. Moving the character is fun for 5 minutes, after that it’s not really convenient.

Having completed some other free tutorials, what I appreciated about this game was the pace. You can really learn step by step and understand subtle differences. The way levels are built force you to take the time to practice simple concepts and prevents you to “jump” too soon to something too advanced for you.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Super Markup Man on Steam

Bots Are Stupid

Bots Are Stupid

A 2D game where you try to maneuver robots through different platforming levels. It sets itself apart from conventional platformers by offering an alternative, more precise way of user input. Instead of directly controlling the character’s movement, the player has to write a set of simple instructions telling his robot what to do. The bot will then follow those instructions precisely and maybe (or maybe not) finish the level.


The commands for the robots are designed to be as simple as possible in order to make the game accessible to anyone. This means that you are not required to have any prior programming/tech knowledge to be able to “program” the bots. The game might also have an educational value by introducing players to the very basics of scripting/programming in a playful way.


  • 18 uniquely challenging Platformer Levels

  • Ultra-precise control by writing instructions

  • Grappling hook, Speed boosters, Conveyor belts

  • Level Editor + Level Sharing

  • Global Leaderboards of each level’s best scripts

  • Infinite supply of bots!

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Casual Games.

Bots Are Stupid on Steam

Bananas Academy’s Psyber

Bananas Academy’s Psyber

I saw the trailer for this and was intrigued at the idea of teaching someone the fundamentals of programming while being a puzzle based 2D platformer game. Played it for 1 hour and let my 12yo niece play it afterwards. She finished all the 4 chapters (4 chapters available in the game as of writing this review) and she wanted more. I was fascinated how the game kept her engaged and had her attention throughout. Being an Indie developer myself I want to support up and coming developers. I can see how good concepts like these shouldn’t be compared to titles from established developers. Truly nice work and idea on the part of this developer for bringing this concept into fruition. Looking forward to the future expansive updates or possibly new titles on this concept soon.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Robots Games.

Okay, so first of all I’d like to start with what I liked in the product.

1. This is a very cool concept of teaching programming. I am a competitive programmer myself I regularly

attend monthly challenges in websites like Codeforces and Codechef. I remember how I struggled to learn the fundamentals of programming as none of my school text books had a proper exposure to build a base towards coding.

2. Game is buttery smooth even in my Intel HD 5500.

Here’s what I saw in the product which I feel needs more attention

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Bananas Academy's Psyber on Steam

Drag Engineer

Drag Engineer

In this game, you will play an engineer and write programs for different machines in different places.

You will learn how to write judgments, loop structures, and use them in the right place.

There are 18 levels in the game. Each level will assign you a programming task. Your job is to complete the task.

Drag Engineer on Steam



A.S.T.R.A. - a game made in 2D hand-drawn graphics, which is a collection of various mini-games in different genres.

Do you like exciting arcade games, set a new record, and pain in your eyes? Then I suggest giving this game a try!

ASTRA - artificial intelligence that controls the system in the computer space, which was captured by the virus “B” , the purpose of which is complete destruction of the OS. From time to time he will get in touch and try to do something wrong. You take on the role of a simple user facing an infection. Your goal is clear - reset the system by destroying the virus. However, the virus encrypts all the data from your eyes and does not allow it to be done so easily, and in addition, it takes a fee for each action with an impromptu currency, which will have to be earned in games in various genres. Choose a game, buy it, wait for it to load and voila! It’s on your desktop. Everything is almost like in life.

Several mini-games are waiting for you, which will definitely not let you get bored, and will challenge you to a new record.

In Platform Hero you have to literally survive using a grappling hook and a firearm, clinging to platforms. But this will not last long: the hook does not hold up, and the platform keeps dropping. It’s time to catch on to another, but no matter how it is: the enemy is moving towards the hero. It’s time to use your weapon.

Another mini-game in the space network is Planetoids . The goal is the same - to get points, simultaneously destroying asteroids. Here you have complete control over the ship, and the asteroids themselves are split into pieces, which can be caught game over once again.

Dino Island - a runner in which you play as a dinosaur. You have to jump over stones and trees and periodically turn into a pterodactyl, also flying around obstacles.

ASTRA on Steam

HEDE Game Engine

HEDE Game Engine

Stars received: 2/10

Overview: junk to make even more junk xD

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

HEDE Game Engine wants to be the next “easy” game maker out there. While it might be easy, it is so extremely flawed and absolutely terrible! Between missing features, glitches, annoying features, and just how lazy this engine is makes this a hard pass!

All you need to know why to avoid this is this posted on the store page.

“At the current state, you can’t make a build of your game. You can play it only inside our game engine."

Let me just say, that some the artwork assets included in this are actually pretty good! No real complaints there, other than there is not a whole lot to pick or choose from. Half of the assets shown in the store page are not in here, so be warned with that… Here’s the thing though. It’s all just repackaged Unity Store Assets. With very little looking you can just find them all there.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

HEDE Game Engine on Steam

Debugger 3.16 // Recoded // Despair of the Developer Edition

Debugger 3.16 // Recoded // Despair of the Developer Edition

my play through with all achievements done (first two didn’t unlock from glitch though):

Really fun platformer with some cool mechanics on how you can manipulate the world definitely look foward to the full release all the mini games could be a ton of fun with friends. The first mini game both the achievements glitched for me though I beat it and did it without the developers cheat and didn’t get either of those achievements. I’ll definitely (try to donate since it’s in a foreign currency I’m gonna have to try and figure that out) to the kick starter and I hope others will as well for the full release!

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

he game is short but good, the creators recreated the old game with a bit of topron stuff, at the same time I can say that it is worth recommending metreoidvania, but it is a pity that it is short and you have a feeling that Spiderwork games has abandoned all work on this game, a bit simple story but a pretext for complete manipulation of objects, just a combination of useful and pleasant, this time without hindering things, making new in programming who do not understand everything too much can learn something, also a bit bothered me that only support for controllers and buttons for the keyboard were shown do not appear, I hope it will be thrown in the finished game, I wish the creators to finish the game from the kickstarter campaign as soon as possible and that the game will be very popular

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Debugger 3.16 // Recoded // Despair of the Developer Edition on Steam

FAUN AIR -フォーンアイル-

FAUN AIR -フォーンアイル-

A 2D type adventure RPG. [/]

I created a program of about 460,000 lines by myself from a blank sheet with VC ++. [/]

Original graphics and music. [/]

The purpose of the adventure is to defeat the Demon King and regain peace with your friends. [/]

Travel around the world on ships, rafts, balloons, and even big dragons for adventure. [/]

One of the highlights is the variety of battle scenes. [/]

It’s a royal RPG, but there are many unusual events, so I think you can enjoy it without getting bored. [/]

Several types of mini games are also available. [/]

I think you can clear it in about 12 hours. [/]

Compatible with Windows7 and windows10 [/]

English version is also available. [/]

Well then, thank you. [/]

FAUN AIR -フォーンアイル- on Steam

String Rush

String Rush

Please follow United Critics for quality reviews

Good things:

This is just a short game that you play only by using WASD or arrows. I like the idea for this game as it requires you to think how to do each room in a perfect way to get the achievements. I think the graphic in this game is ok. It is good that there are different obstacles both stationary and moving ones that require you to learn their movement to be able to avoid them.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

String Rush on Steam

WOMG Lite version

WOMG Lite version

Very cool game, I like how you start to get your BOTs to help you and they both have different programmable functions. Also I found the ability to save the functions very useful so that you can just select them when you need them.

All the visuals are very nice, very pretty. And the father-daughter interaction is comical.

Overall I think this is a great game and I hope the full version becomes available soon!

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

I had problem with saving my game, i make videos about this game on youtube with Indonesian languange

but i cant continue playing with this problem, i like this game but sadly cant continue more like this so i drop my video link for proof

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

WOMG Lite version on Steam