Nice Spice

Nice Spice

Nice Spice takes JRPG-like elements (in-depth story segments, towns, equipment, leveling, etc) and combines it with randomized action-platformer battles.


In an enigmatic hellish underworld, different queer furry folk on their own journeys find one another and quickly form friendships and band together. They learn of mysterious arcane spices that when consumed, giant monsters and dungeons are summoned. With different personal goals and needs they decide that working together to collect the spices and conquer the dungeon is the best way to move forward, even if the path is full of dangers and peril. They travel through caves of guts and bones, goo, etc.

The story will feature themes of sexuality, mental health, queer comradery, and finding a sense of place in a hostile world.


The game has an ensemble cast of playable characters and NPCs, such as:

  • Oregano, the perpetually anxious green canine who must rescue his boyfriend captured by a cultist.

  • Yonko Donko, the donkey who taps into her inner butch badass when she learns to channel her punk idol.

  • Preston, the nudist burnout shopkeeper who scavenges the ground for items.

  • Marble, the otherworldly latex-clad being who is a total sweetie.

  • A furry dragon with a thing for being tied up.

  • Clyde, mysterious mummy, possibly hibernates in an egg made of bandages.

  • Two mysterious canine demons who love prophecies, and have a floating head mascot creature pal.


The fighting revolves around action-platforming and randomization. Once you get into an encounter with an enemy in a dungeon or in a random battle, you must complete a series of random-generated rooms with varying terrain and enemy placements, as well as random powerups when you defeat enemies, etc. You’ll also be focusing on managing XP, equipment, coins, finding shops etc.

Aside from the action segments, the other equally major focus of the game is on the story segments. You’ll spend lots of time getting to know the ensemble cast, spending time with eccentric townsfolk, and progressing a large story. The main story will be linear but you’ll be given freedom to explore and find denizens to hang out with to also further the plot.

In all there are several different views and modes used to traverse the game’s world:

  • side-view random-gen action platforming battles

  • side-view to explore towns and caves, very chill

  • a top-down dungeon-crawling view, very trippy

  • a SNES-style psuedo 3D overworld

  • and scripted story segments will bring you to new areas too


A few accessibility options we’ll include:

  • turn off screenshake & tone down flashy effects

  • slow down time for all battles, to make the game easier to control

  • hide nude illustrations

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Action-Adventure Games.

Nice Spice on Steam

四色跳跃/Four color jump

四色跳跃/Four color jump


| Adult Content? | (FxM) sexual content. |

| Censorship? | No. Woot! Woot! |

| Hours of Gameplay | One hour. |

| Patch Available? | As DLC. |

Four color jump is a platformer with assorted unlockable hentai.

Note: this article is a FRACTION of the full review. To read the whole article (including commentary and ratings), be sure pay my site a visit.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Casual Games.

why the faqing update is suck

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

四色跳跃/Four color jump on Steam

Floating Girl

Floating Girl

Easy Little Shmup

First off, this game IS safe for work…depending on who your boss is. The unlockable artwork contains no naughty bits or suggestive themes, so…those game tags were big fat lies.

In fact, given how simple this shoot ‘em up is, Floating Girl is practically safe for children. In other words, it will NOT tax your gamer skillz, but should be just about right for a 5-year-old. I kinda hoped the difficulty would increase with each level, but it did not.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Hentai Games.

Extremely slow “bullet hell” arcade game. As you destroy the little spaceships an ecchi image of a girl slowly lowers.

-There is no sexual-content/nudity

-There is no patch I could find to fix that

-The does not offer anything that another game does better already

It’s so barren that there isn’t even much to write about it. Very simplistic.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Floating Girl on Steam

Infinite Jump

Infinite Jump

umm cool animated arts

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game


| (Adult) Content | (F, FxF, FxM) sexual content. |

| Censorship? | No. Woot! Woot! |

| Hours of Gameplay | Thirty minutes. |

| Modding Support? | No. |

| Patch Available? | Download as DLC. |

Infinite Jump is a lewd side-scroller platformer (or a “science fiction theme breakthrough leisure game”).

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Infinite Jump on Steam

Sexy Jigsaw | 性感拼图 | 섹시 퍼즐 | セクシーなパズル

Sexy Jigsaw | 性感拼图 | 섹시 퍼즐 | セクシーなパズル

Standard jigsaw game where you piece together how to manipulate the hot babes into displaying their full splendor for your enjoyment. No doubt most of you Casanovas will find that your real-life experience in this area makes you experts IN the game. Great for multi-tasking on a second monitor at work or while halfheartedly paying attention to lectures at school.

Have only done a couple of puzzles so far but the developers seem to have hit a good sweet spot for balancing challenging and relaxing. The puzzles are taking me about an hour or so each and there’s about 20 of them. So great deal for the price. Artwork is very high quality.

Real player with 116.8 hrs in game

Absolutely satisfying and enjoyable jigsaw game to relax with. If you want something to casually play while listening/watching something in the background, I would thoroughly recommend. There are no clunky mechanics, you can easily zoom in/out and it saves your puzzle’s progress. I would thoroughly recommend playing on a large enough sized screen, I played widescreen with resolution 1680 x 1050 and a few puzzles had me squinting a bit, but nothing to complain about. As you probably guessed by the title, maybe play this one when you’re alone - or anywhere if you aren’t afraid to have some anime oppai on screen

Real player with 37.8 hrs in game

Sexy Jigsaw | 性感拼图 | 섹시 퍼즐 | セクシーなパズル on Steam



It’s a text-based alien world game.

Need to advance the game through your various choices

Otherworld selection game if you choose wrong you die if you choose right you can defeat BOOS

The general plot

You woke up in an otherworldly room

The goddess doesn’t seem to remember that the demon king has been released

The goddess of the other world gives you a maid

The task of defeating the rampaging Slime was arranged

However, after defeating the Slime ………………

异世界无厘头生活2 on Steam

Blazing Aries

Blazing Aries

“Blazing Aries” is an ARPG game developed by Kuroto Zakka, and published by OTAKU Plan.


The game tells the story of a new adventurer named Aries.

She visits all kinds of cities, travels around the unknown world, fights against the “Calamities” that spread all over the world.

This game’s core is the orthodox action fighting mode!

Players will use all kinds of skills to adapt to the situation in battle, and fight against various enemies.

Enjoy the experience of refreshing and unrestrained battle!


  • Orthodox Japanese ARPG

  • Combat mode with great pleasure

  • Rich skill Combo

Blazing Aries on Steam

My boss is weird

My boss is weird

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… … /::::::/:::|::::::|:::::|::|::::::::::/::::/:::||:::::::::|:/::::::|:::|

Real player with 39.5 hrs in game

nice hentai game where you choose what to response make sure you install the free hentai patch dlc, to enjoy

juego de escojer dialogos, si quieres agregale el hentai con el patch dlc gratis

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Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

My boss is weird on Steam

Misty Girls

Misty Girls

This is a “flop elimination + sexy cg” type of casual puzzle game. While exercising memory, it will give players a visual impact and increase the sense of pleasure! There are 8 cards in each level. Players must remember the position of each card and turn out the same two cards to eliminate them. After all the cards are eliminated, the level will be unlocked to obtain a beautiful cg.

Press “Win + R”, then enter “steam://install/1769620”

Misty Girls on Steam

2D Neon Cube

2D Neon Cube

I don’t do this that much but I’d like to start this review by literally translating the Italian official Steam game store description, just to ask to myself and maybe to some other guys.. who the heck does the translations here?!

“2D Neon Cube - e ' bella e non difficile nel passaggio di piattaforma. Affascinanti gli ostacoli e gli effetti grafici. Перемещайся protagonista al portale e cerca di non morire!”

“2D Neon Cube - is beautiful (“è”, “is”, is rendered as “e ‘” and “bella” is feminine, but in Italian the masculine is mandatory) and not difficult in the platform passage. Fascinating the obstacles and the graphical effects. Перемещайся (what the fuck?) main character to the portal and try not to die!”

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

It’s a very simple platform puzzle game, there’s the start of some adequate puzzles here but it’s very short and feels incomplete. The controls aren’t as precise as they need to be for some of the more finicky jumps and the lack of sound effects feels hollow. The music is OK, but there’s just not much here other than a truckload of achievements.

I think the developer just gave up and tacked on a ton of achievements so that it will sell to the achievement hunter crowd. (of which I am guilty of being part of).

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

2D Neon Cube on Steam