Black Ido

Black Ido

Added new game mechanics with gravity and physics, no rotation.This is a good independent

game in a gloomy atmospheric world.

Creating a sequel to a good game is no simple task. But somehow, Dnovel did it. They

improved The Square Key every conceiveable way.

If you liked TSK, you’ll LOVE Black Ido.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Atmospheric Games.

Nice Game with cool design. Better be bought during sale.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Black Ido on Steam

Rot Gut

Rot Gut

6.2/10 - 1920’s Mafia Pixel Platformer with Elements of Noir

I had fun with this game, but I got it for free prior to the finalization of the game I assume since the release now says July 16. I received the game from an unknown friend*, they made a point to say they weren’t affiliated with the developer but I have my suspicions, especially since I played it over a month ago… Regardless, it was fun!

The game is a pretty simple Pixel/Platformer shooter. You must traverse 7 stages using only a few guns of choice; certain guns are more effective against different enemies so don’t get too attached to a single weapon. You will be taking down the mafia in this short but sweet game; it took me about 35 minutes to complete it. So at $2, be aware of the game’s length, but if you like platformers I think you’ll dig this.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Action-Adventure Games.

  • The game is balanced in difficulty almost perfectly (for me at least). Others may find this game too easy I found it just challenging enough.

  • This is Top 5 in terms of action platformers I’ve played on Steam so far. Just so you know where I’m coming from some other great ones are DuckTales Remastered, Metal Slug (Series), Mutant Mudds Deluxe, & Tiny Barbarian DX.

  • Rot Gut could’ve used controller support.

Bottom line this game is worth the time it takes to play and the price being asked.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Rot Gut on Steam

Deep Night Detective - Chapter One

Deep Night Detective - Chapter One

A very fun and addicting game so far. I can say for certain though, there were a couple of times where I couldn’t progress due to some bugs.

The pros. it’s a great and charming game! The dialogue is amazing and charming, and with very funny observations from the Detective that adds to their personality. The music is great and how it’s used in this game is well done, especially with the interrogation segment with Mrs. Bordeaux. The controls, though a little confusing in the beginning, is comfortable to use when you get used to it and when you do it controls well.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Mystery Games.

im honestly hyped for chapter 2

The pixel art, the story, the gameplay… it’s all just so god damn good.

I’m a sucker for any sort of 2D platformers, so I’m kinda biased, but this game is amazing. It can be a bit buggy, and I’ll list all the bugs I found later on, but other than those bugs (one which made me have to reset and play the whole chapter from the beginning) every part of this game is perfectly executed.

Anyways, here’s some feedback:

Every character is interesting and so are the relationships between them. I hate reading through stuff and I tend to just mash through all of the dialogue, but I can’t in this game. Reading about how supernatural stuff works in this game is so much fun and so is asking people questions. The whole thing with the case book (I don’t remember what it’s called) makes it really easy to keep track of what’s going on and really keep you interested in the case.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Deep Night Detective - Chapter One on Steam

Furious Revenge of Bolo

Furious Revenge of Bolo

There is a story in the game, it catches, we take the game at a discount.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

That’s why we love indie games.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Furious Revenge of Bolo on Steam



I’m a fan of Naught games since 2015 .Unfortunately the game that called " Naught Reawakening) was removed .Howeve, we have at least this one available for purchase .

TBH,It’s an amazing game based on gravity .I loved the mechanism that you control the camera not the character.


1-Every level is unique designed.

2-The dark atmosphere .

3-The smooth movement.

4-The controls and physics are pretty good.

5-Great soundtrack.

Cons :

1-The price is exagereted (I think it’s a marketing killer ).

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Games recreation is good, love it! I’ve played naught 1, 2, and reawakening. Are you gonna add extended version for steam like nintendo and playstation got?

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Naught on Steam

Exile Origin

Exile Origin

As a felony, you are exiled to C42, which is a barbaric, desolate and fearful hell. Among other unforgivable prisoners, there are only monsters and darkness that devour everything.

here you will experience: [/]

Build your Rebel team: build your 4-person team among many criminals. Each character has a variety of skill matching options and additional skill options. According to the characteristics of your enemy, give a fatal blow, explore the secret of “origin” religion, a variety of team matching, rich tactical options, and more in-depth cultivation space. Are you ready to face the unspeakable fear?

Explore the secrets of origin Religion: the purpose of tongue cutting ceremony is to return to the legend of the mother planet. What secrets are hidden by origin religion on C42? You need to explore all the way and look for secrets in the depths of the earth. Every step you take forward, you will have fear and strangeness waiting. Whether to join silently or fight back, you need to have your own answer

set up your own team to uncover the truth of this exotic planet [/]

game features: [/]

The origin of exile is a roguelike round RPG with the theme of waste punk played by a single person. It explores the barren planet, faces the unknown fear, seven unique felons and hundreds of skill combinations for you to explore the unknown world. With freely matched tactics and various random events, you will have a new and exciting experience every time in the dungeon

Exile Origin on Steam

Big NEON Tower VS Tiny Square

Big NEON Tower VS Tiny Square

I love the arcade aesthetic of this game, and its very much like the original on, the only problem is, when i close the app it doesn’t register as closed and i have to shut down steam if i want to play it again. edit: the bug i mentioned is fixed

Real player with 81.2 hrs in game

Challenging but fun platformer game. Sooooo relieved there are checkpoints throughout to save my progress! Never thought being laughed at by Security boxes could feel so…personal haha :(. Love the neon theme and music, feels like the 80s.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Big NEON Tower VS Tiny Square on Steam

Death by Refund

Death by Refund


After having accidentally glued two guns to his hands, private detective Frederick Ugarte is visited by a mysterious woman. She hires him to retreive some jewels from her abusive ex-husband. Sadly things don’t go exactly as planned for Ugarte. Is this due to his incompetence or is he being set up?


In this minimalist 2D hard-boiled detective shooter you won’t be distracted by overly complicated upgrade systems, there’s no useless skill points or skill trees, there’s not a gazillion different guns that are basically reskins of one and the same gun, it’s just you and your guns and you shoot and shoot and talk and shoot and shoot and shoot and talk and































Death by Refund on Steam



This is an AMAZING plat former. Every level I beat I felt my brain grow bigger. The last level was crazy!

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Nice game with nice graphics, takes about an hour. Of the negative aspects, I would like to note the lack of the ability to change controlls

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Flaskoman on Steam



Nice (albeit not that new) concept, but overall this game has many flaws.

Basically, it’s a 2D platformer in which you control a ball or better, the ball itself moves according to gravity ‘cos you can only manoeuver through WASD keys the screen.

Ok, do you have in mind the application Windows uses to view photos? In the low bar you can rotate them of 90° degrees? That’s what this game does. Left and right keys and the ball (ok the game says that’s a deformed creature called The Stalker, to me looks like a badly designed ball) will keep on falling or will float in the air while you go from point A to point B avoiding spikes, flames etc.; of course, while you progress other things are added such as mandatory directional arrows, Mario-like fading blocks, exploding tiles and so on.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game



⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡇⠀⠀⠈⠑⢦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀happy gaming son!















Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

GravNewton on Steam