

I thoroughly enjoyed this game. between the cute enemies, the neat little story line, and the seemingly simple puzzle mechanic of mimicking the limitations of a Chess Knight - I was quite satisfied. My brain got an excellent work out from it. Took me almost 4 hours to beat, but i missed out on whatever happens if you beat it with all the coins - lost them dying in the last level (facepalm) so I have to play again. (not complaining) –- the soundtrack is a good bop too.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Adventure Games.

Knightmare on Steam

Super Welder

Super Welder

So bad it’s good

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Clicker Games.

Super Welder on Steam

Timeline Traveler

Timeline Traveler

Timeline Traveler is one of thousands of 2D retro platformers polluting Steam, but in this case there is a difference. It’s also a basic, somewhat educational sequencing puzzle at the same time. The game starts paused, and instead of controlling your character in a direct, action orientated way, you add instructions to the panel on the right hand side of the screen, to run, jump, open doors and so on.

It’s not the worst idea I’ve seen and it’s a fun spin on the concept of platforming. Unfortunately the delivery is very flat, with primitive graphics, locked resolution and so on. At least it’s not retro pixel. This might get a “maybe” if there was an option to give it one, because of the novel idea and potential educational value, but as a PC game for PC gamers, this falls shy of the mark.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Casual Games.

Timeline Traveler on Steam

Luna’s Fishing Garden

Luna’s Fishing Garden

Luna’s Fishing Gardenis a short, cosy fishing and building game. Players take on the role of Cassie and catch fish, trade items and create a dream garden by cleaning up, planting flora, and bringing animals to the curious archipelago.

The game sees Cassie complete quests for the various animal characters that she meets, whether it is cleaning the islands for Luna the fox or collecting specific fish for Jellybean the seal. As various tasks are completed Cassie is able to clear more of the storm’s residual fog and explore further, encountering more characters along the way. Fishing is obviously a major part of the game and can be set to either relaxing or challenging mode. There is also a definite idler aspect to the game as most farming items have a timer dictating how often they can be harvested such as the tamarillo tree which has a 95-second turnaround.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Really fun and relaxing game. The premise is simple but entertaining - catch fish and plant flora to harvest and sell for money which you can then use to plant more decorations around the colourful, pixel islands of the game. As somebody who really enjoys the fishing mechanics in Stardew Valley, this game easily had my attention for hours. If you find that method of fishing too difficult, there is an option to switch to an easier method, so the game remains fun and relaxing for people of all preferences.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Luna's Fishing Garden on Steam

Cyjin: The Cyborg Ninja

Cyjin: The Cyborg Ninja

Great game ! The difficulty is well adjusted so that it’s pretty challenging and rewarding without ever being too frustrating.

Kudos on the boss fights, they felt pretty epic :)

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

At first I thought it was a normal game. But when playing and can’t put it down, it’s very fun. I want to try to play together very good skill.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Cyjin: The Cyborg Ninja on Steam

Draw Slasher

Draw Slasher

You know a game’s gonna be hard when you’re having a helluva time just making it through the Tutorial. Fortunately, Draw Slasher is one game whose novel mechanics you gradually get the hang of, and for a short while thereafter you might even fool yourself into believing you’re pretty good at it. Don’t get too cocky, though. Get your guard down for more than a second, and this game knows how to hand your arse back to you, in several more pieces than it started.

Even the so-called “Easy” mode will give you a run for your money, especially if your hand-eye coordination and reflexes are as dodgy as those of the person writing these words. But rest assured: persistence can pay off, and it’s in the personal rewards department (y’know, pride an' all that stuff) that Draw Slasher truly pays off. Almost every new enemy requires its own strategies to take ‘em down, e.g. attack ‘em only from behind, look for the chink in their armour, etc. Learning each of these strategies, then becoming increasingly competent at executing them, is enough to convince even the crappiest of gamers that they can make it one checkpoint further (and maybe, just maybe, get past that pesky boss once and for all).

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Sub-Par Mobile Game, Horrible PC Game.

While playing this game and achievement hunting it, I made up some key points to why this game isn’t really worth a purchase. The main point of mine is that the key mechanic, which is drawing with your mouse to make your character attack and jump, isn’t a good idea to be distributed to a computer-only market. Not only are the hitboxes for the draw mechanic incredibly off and don’t feel right, but the general concept doesn’t appeal to mouse-keyboard gaming, as I found it very hard to complete the story mode and challenge modes alike with this mechanic. Another point for this game being not as great would be the boss fights; I would completely understand if this was a budget issue, but the boss fights (and fights in general with the average enemies) aren’t engaging at all. No second phases, no gimmicks, nothing—the game’s story mode has nothing to offer in thrill and difficulty other than training you how to accurately draw lines with your mouse.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Draw Slasher on Steam

Yugo Puzzle

Yugo Puzzle

This is a great puzzler, the game looks like many similar games but the level design and the mechanics make this game a joy to play . Some puzzles are very hard and the developer implemented a hint system post release, I used it once because I don’t like those but I was stuck on 2 puzzles for many hrs. The developers even warn that it would be good to take breaks between puzzles and then I saw that the devs are Japanese. I can tell you after finishing this game I need a longish break from puzzlers :)

Real player with 32.7 hrs in game

If you’ve played Jelly no Puzzle before then you know the kind of brilliant puzzles that qrostar makes, and this game is just like that. Interesting nuances in mechanics just keep unfolding as you play through the game, and it’s a thing of beauty.

Also if you know qrostar’s style then you know he’s not very gentle. There’s no throwaway levels just to ease you into a mechanic; he will throw you right in the deep end. But if you give it a shot you will see how beautiful these levels are.

A feast of a game for puzzle game lovers.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

Yugo Puzzle on Steam