Dire Vengeance

Dire Vengeance















Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Action-Adventure Games.


Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


Is this game a masterpiece? No, but it is a fine time-waster for anyone who likes the genre. It plays fast and satisfying, the visual presentation is good and magic spells and bossfights require a bit of thought during the mayhem.

It is a platformer on speed. You play a heroine with a long reaching sword which she can use very skilled (and fast), slicing through weak enemies like pudding while guitar riffs provide the musical background. There is no stamina bar, so you can slash as much as you want. You can also use a magic weapon (only one of the 20 that can be found can be equipped), as long as you still have magical energy (which regenerates over time). Killing enemies and destroying the picturesque environements (hanging corpses, gloomy lightsources) often yields you pickups. The sword can be used fast and has a far reach, so it is not too difficult to defeat your foes, also you can (double, later triple) jump rather far, which makes the platforming a joy. So, with a little bit of training, you slice through the levels quite fast - until you reach the boss at the end, where a little more concentration is necessary. With enough pickups, you can upgrade your heroine’s powers, when you die (you start with only one life but quite a few health points) you restart at the last checkpoint (without the upgrades). Game progress is saved when you complete one of the eight stages.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

Dire Vengeance on Steam

They Bleed Pixels

They Bleed Pixels

They Bleed Pixels - Satisfaction that comes at a price

If you check on Steam it actually comes at pretty low price. But obviously I was not talking about money. I was talking about time (which equals money) but let talk more about why I came to such a conclusion.

So if you have read my previous review you probably guessed that I like this game because it is a 2D platformer. And yes I like platformers and I was collecting them in the past when I had time to play any games. Naturally I came across this game and loved it at first sight. And why not? I watched the trailer and I saw fast paced action, lots of different moves and attacks. I loved this simplistic but beautiful art style. It also said it was inspired H.P Lovecraft which told me absolutely nothing at first but after searching online I know all I needed. Another thing that got me really excited was the number of achievements to unlock. And my friends know that I’m a achievement-junkie. But I should have read what those achievements are about. From the tags I new it wasn’t going to be easy and I was quite ready for that. So I grabbed my controller, fired up the game and focused on my TV screen…

Real player with 43.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Difficult Games.

They Bleed Pixels is a challenging wall jump platformer, with a satisfying unique premise, quality combat and engaging mechanics.

You control a presumably troubled student at the Lafcadio Academy for troubled girls. She stumbles across a magical book that makes you have wild dreams involving a few strangely horrific creatures, several bloody spikes, and an ever present number of saws. The book also has glowing bits and pages that not only are missing, but found inside said dreams. Take heed of any such events that occur in reality, as these are not normal behaviors for books or their pages.

Real player with 34.0 hrs in game

They Bleed Pixels on Steam



As the end approaches, the two men ride a train to the city of hope. Hurry up and board the train!


  • A fierce struggle on the train

There is no proper means of transportation in the world ahead of the end. You get on an old train and then you run towards your destination. You can’t run away from monsters anymore and you can’t hide anywhere. Take your gun and fight the threat!

  • Strengthening gun parts

There’s not enough supplies in the end-of-life world. Get the Material, reinforce the weapons' parts, and kill all the monsters that flock to the train!

  • The appearance of an uninvited guest

Different uninvited guests threaten trains depending on the region! Gather all the clues to kill the uninvited guests and knock them down!

  • multi-ending

The end of this journey is not one. What will be the end of the world?

  • XBOX360 Pad Support

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Shooter Games.

En-Train on Steam

Lore Finder

Lore Finder

Become K.C. Morgan, paranormal investigator, and search a New England mansion for your missing father. Battle the forces of corruption infesting the mansion armed only with your wits and an old .38 revolver, and gather scrolls of forbidden lore. But the more you discover, the more warped and twisted the world – and you – become.

Uncover the story of Lore Finder, a 2D metroidvania and a modern queer reimagining of the cosmic horror genre.


  • Traverse a changing world: Individual rooms will transform and hold new surprises as you accumulate powers.

  • Find your own path: Non-linear design encourages freeform, exploration-based, and self-directed progression. Complete sections of the game in what order you like.

  • Experience atmosphere: From the dark and oppressive living areas, to the impersonal basement with its cold steel and mortar, to the dank caverns that lie even further below.

  • Accumulate forbidden powers: Embrace your own corruption, fight fire with fire, and wield dark powers against their own progenitors.

  • Face climactic terrors: Within the mansion dwell dangers of elevated strength and influence, often guarding crucial ways and powers.

  • Uncover a family’s corruption: Experience the result of the restless emotions of the mansion’s formerly human inhabitants expressed through an eldritch power, from the anxiety of a frustrated would-be scientist to the isolation and anguish of a child unloved.

  • Piece together past events: Explore and find scattered evidence of the inhabitants' otherworldly transformation through journal entries and memory-stained objects.

  • Girlfriend mode: Beat the game to unlock this mode, allowing you to play as K.C.’s girlfriend, with all new powers and story.

  • Speedrun mode: The speedrun mode offers a built-in timer and will streamline play experience for speedrunners.


Lore Finder is a modern queer reimagining of the cosmic horror genre, taking influences from the various games and literary works in the genre first inspired by H.P. Lovecraft, set in the latter half of the 20th century. It is the story of K.C. Morgan (a non-binary character) who is a Private Investigator turned Paranormal Investigator after the disappearance of their father, Richard Morgan, a professor and researcher at Boston University. Eventually, their search takes them to a mansion owned by the Wright family on an island off the New England Coast.

Once there K.C. discovers that the residents and staff have been horribly corrupted by some twisted occult influence, the only clues as to their fate, and the fate of their father seems to be found within scrolls, written on human skin, filled with dark forbidden lore so terrible that it may rend the very fabric of reality itself.

Matters become even more disturbing once K.C. begins to explore the basement. Evidence of terrible, inhuman experiments lie discarded next to twisted bodies and implements of torture.

Alone, and facing terror, madness, and corruption, not only all around them, but also within their very soul, K.C. must work their way through the mansion, risking death, madness or worse in an attempt to uncover what happened to the inhabitants of the mansion, and their father.

Lore Finder on Steam

Sheepy: A Short Adventure

Sheepy: A Short Adventure

Help Sheepy, an abandoned plushy brought to life, as he explores a forgotten and broken world. Sheepy: A Short Adventure is the first short game from MrSuicideSheep.

Independently Handcrafted

A short, handcrafted, fully independent pixel art platformer, spanning several zones with unique skills to unlock. Discover an abandoned world full of secrets and lore influenced by themes driven by the music and community of MrSuicideSheep for more than 10 years. The game is created by the ‘Thomas Duo’; solo Developer Thomas Lean and Producer Rob Thomas with Seeking Blue’s Label Manager Lucas James leading Soundtrack development and of course the enigmatic Sheepy.

Mailing List

Join the Mailing List and be the first to learn about playtesting opportunities, dev news, limited edition merch and more.

An Original Soundtrack

Weaved into the world is an incredible original soundtrack created by Seeking Blue artists Yoe Mase , Hahlweg and Tal from ECHOS , currently in development. Announcement Trailer music provided by Exist Strategy .

Support the Game

Sheepy: A Short Adventure will be free to play, with a Supporters Edition and more ways to support the game coming soon. Stay connect by Wishlisting, Following, joining the Mailing List and Discord to discover how to support the game in the future.

Wishlist & Follow on Steam

Make sure to wishlist and follow the game for the latest updates. Due for Release Q4 2021 - Q1 2022.

Sheepy: A Short Adventure on Steam

Skeleton Crew

Skeleton Crew

Welcome to the crumbling world of Karpathia where humans are the endangered species. Only the Yeoman Eldritch Extermination Team can protect humanity against the hordes of chaos.

Fight battles solo or with friends in this frantic gothic butt brawler, platform-brawling, co-op adventure for 1-4 players. Experience fast paced tactical combat as you battle a host of enemies, minibosses and giant bosses

Pick up, aim and kick everything you can lay your hands on - stunned foes, skulls, brains, rocks, cabbages or even friends

12 playable diverse gothic heroes to find, recruit and upgrade. Unlock and collect an array of usable scrolls, potions, weapons, traps, staffs, grenade bags and many other items

17 hand-crafted non-linear levels to explore across 3 vast regions. Lush, hand-painted artwork complemented by glossy VFX depicts an atmospheric world of ghosts, demons and ghouls that chills and charms

Coming soon

Skeleton Crew on Steam

World of One

World of One

I reviewed this for Two Credits. You can find the full review, the score I gave it, and some cool screenshots from my time playing here: http://twocredits.co/review/world-of-one/


When World of One sticks to puzzles and dealing with enemies by avoiding them, a bright light begins to shine in its dark world. Puzzles are varied and many have multiple solutions. They are also surprisingly nuanced; simply solving some of them incorrectly will solve them, but it will also lead to your death. The experience falls apart a bit when it begins to focus on combat, but it should be noted that, despite that fact, I played through practically the entire game in one sitting, which took around seven hours, a testament to the fact that the game was still enjoyable long after the focus had shifted slightly. It’s a game that I wish had focused more on its puzzles, bringing back some of its mechanics in new and interesting ways more often, but one that still manages to remain interesting and present challenging puzzles throughout despite the fact that it does not.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

World of One is a dark fantasy puzzle-platformer that reminds me Tim Burton’s work. Obviously, any black/white platformer gets compared to Limbo which really isn’t a good comparison beyond surface level features. It is not a bad game but I feel like toward the second half there is more frustration than fun (mostly do to poor hit boxes, combat, and time-consuming respawns) While I feel that game could be sufficient with few updates I was forcing myself to enjoy it.

The first Act focused primarily on puzzles, story, and platforming which was very enjoyable. I only died few times and felt like I was playing a casual, sinister looking puzzle game. Then it starts snowballing downhill almost to where I considered refunding it. In next few Acts, generic combat becomes a big part of the experience. Game has a lot of insta-death so you constantly replaying 2-4 minutes sections between checkpoints. I died at least 100 times to just poor visual hit boxes. The combat system gets really boring and just feels like a massive waste of time when you die in an unfair way.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

World of One on Steam

DERE EXE: Rebirth of Horror

DERE EXE: Rebirth of Horror

DERE EXE: Rebirth of Horror review





+Nice story

+Nice and short

+Prequel to DERE EVIL .EXE



-Some moments can be too scary or creepy for some people

-Some levels will be annoying to beat

Do I recommend DERE EXE: Rebirth of Horror?


Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

I loved it! I was just looking for a simple platformer and found this 3 the first jumpscare left me with a lingering feeling and it was so eerie, and the ending was so melancholy 3

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

DERE EXE: Rebirth of Horror on Steam

Kill Fish

Kill Fish

Kill Fish is an indie game with a linear storyline. Hero is almost dead from fatigue in the forest, but someone founds him. Next morning he wakes up in the house of the girl who saved him. As the game progresses, you collect notes with fragments of an important story for the girl. In an attempt to protect her and survive on your own, you kill monsters on the way.

I liked the keyboard controls better. If you, like me, accidentally passed the control tips at the first levels, their full list can be found in the settings menu.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

I enjoyed what this game offered even if it was really short. The creatures including the bosses had nice looks to them and their mechanics were pretty cool.

I did come across 2 bugs, One was the tentacle creatures not spawning in the beginning level where you come across a well in the beginning of the game and the 2nd bug also had to do with the same creature where I believe if you kill them off screen there was a chance of the noises they make getting stuck on a loop, becoming distorted and loud. The controls were also non responsive at times which made the game annoying at parts.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Kill Fish on Steam



A terrible ancestral prophecy has unleashed total drought in the sacred lands of Huapalli, leaving its inhabitants without water and on the verge of extinction.

Nuez is the only descendant of a marginalized tribe that does not need water to survive, she is the only one who can bring life back to her lands before it is too late.

Enter the beautiful and terrifying world of the abyss that protects a sacred ancestral object. Destroy every life form that is a threat, at long range with your crossbow or tearing your enemies with your bare hands. Search for minerals, food, and items to craft artifacts that give you an edge over your ruthless enemies and battle colossal bosses willing to annihilate you.

Explore a vast and beautiful world: Discover an incredible world full of dangerous enemies and poisonous plants that inhabit the abyss.

Combinable Combat: Destroy your enemies with the power of your crossbow, a sacred weapon created by your tribe. Create devastating new ammo for your weapon and unlock special moves for Nuez tail that will give you the agility and power to achieve your goal.

Executions: Release your anger by tearing your enemies apart in a bloody way with carefully animated executions.

Customize your game mode: Discover and equip yourself with amulets, which will completely change the way you play, acquiring skills that allow you to overcome areas without being seen or destroying everything in your path. Try different combinations to find one that fits your style of play.

Unforgettable battles against colossal bosses: Face impressive colossal bosses animated in pixel art.

Discover unimaginable areas of the abyss: A world of constant rain full of beauty, magic, horror and sadness. You will find really charming, disconcerting and mysterious characters that could help you, or maybe not. An epic unique and unforgettable adventure that will touch each of your emotions.