The last Baron’s stunt (Anime)

The last Baron’s stunt (Anime)

fun game for an hour or two

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Casual Games.

Its a simple but fun Game with surprisingly good music

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

The last Baron's stunt (Anime) on Steam

Jetpack Jack

Jetpack Jack

Precision Jetpack Platformer. Play as Jetpack Jack, the airborne lumberjack on a mission to feed his dogs!

  • Multiple campaigns

  • ENDLESS Mode!

  • Fly and dash through an ever-moving environment

  • Collect dog biscuits

  • Pet the dogs


  • Simple controls

  • Deceptively challenging gameplay

  • A relaxing lofi soundtrack

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Retro Games.

Jetpack Jack on Steam

Meteor Genocide

Meteor Genocide

Lucky me gets to write the first review for Meteor Genocide, from “What a game ?”

Meteor Genocide is most likely a Unity Asset Flip. It’s a basic retro pixel side scrolling dodging game/endless runner. The quality is deplorably low, there’s nothing more to the game than you see in the primitive screenshots.

The game was dumped into DailyIndieGame bundles immediately at launch, and the crazy $10 USD price tag and minimalist/asset flip tier quality of this confirms it’s just a cash grab and should be avoided.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Casual Games.

Meteor Genocide on Steam

Emi & The Super Boba

Emi & The Super Boba

I fucking hate this game

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game


Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Emi & The Super Boba on Steam

Fury Knight

Fury Knight

Fury Knight is an asset/template flip of a 2D platforming game made with a game making engine. They slapped some kind of zombie/knight tileset on the engine.

The game maker/engine they used is of deplorably low quality. Retro pixel “art” style, the laziest of all copouts for developers who lack the money/talent to do better. Locked controls, locked resolution. This bundle garbage really doesn’t belong on PC.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Fury Knight on Steam

Alien Cat 8

Alien Cat 8

has 1 cheevo that doesn’t unlock

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Was looking for a 1€ game and this one was well worth it.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Alien Cat 8 on Steam

UFO vs Bikini

UFO vs Bikini

A very unusual game with an original idea. We have to play the role of a UFO, which collects resources on earth, and in very strange proportions and for incomprehensible purposes. The game itself is not difficult and is perfect for a weekend.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

If you love 2D games, then in general this game is worth paying attention to. The only thing I didn’t like was that the price was too high. I think it’s worth buying at a discount during the sale.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

UFO vs Bikini on Steam

Skyward Descent

Skyward Descent

A really compelling game, I started it up to see what the deal was and immediately lost half an hour to it.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

The game is very easy to pick up and play, and for the most part the gameplay is easy to understand. There are a few things that are frustrating to me playing this game, though.

After defeating a boss, if you haven’t taken any damage, you get an option to shuffle around some of your stats. I’ve gotten options like “+30 HP & -30 HP” multiple times, which is incredibly frustrating because it makes one of your options useless. There is another power up called “Lucky Items” that is supposed to give you more stat boosts in the game, but I never noticed any difference when I got it.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Skyward Descent on Steam