

Welcome to Somber, a deeply puzzling action-platformer where players explore a dimly lit world known as Gloom.

Take on the role of a friendly but deadly creature whose mission is to help anyone in need and make things right!

The game features challenging action-platforming gameplay, interesting characters, and a hauntingly beautiful world.

Roll, bounce, and climb your way through the beautifully crafted world of Gloom using precise movements in the hand crafted action-platformer, Somber.

A game by:

A big ❤️ from the indie developers of this game. Talk to us - We love you all! :)

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Dystopian Games.

Somber on Steam

The Runaway Feijoão

The Runaway Feijoão

The game is very interesting, difficulty level intermediate.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Action-Adventure Games.

Honestly I don’t really know what to say to this game.

It didn’t take me that long to finish the game but a few levels made me struggle.

It was a short game but I still had my fun. So with the low price, I don’t regret owning this game.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

The Runaway Feijoão on Steam

Jane Skriff

Jane Skriff

Solid and fun game mechanics. As demonstrated in the video, the combat is juggle and combo based.

The difficulty is challenging and engaging. The boss battles are very fun but mecha-ricardo took quite a few tries.

Dialogue is charming and has some lines that genuinely made me laugh.

This game exceeded my expectations and was worth the price tag.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Beat 'em up Games.

Good game great graphics

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Jane Skriff on Steam

True Hate

True Hate

really love the art style and the soundtrack. its very addicting trying to get through each level. very unforgiving though. once you’re out of health thats it. right back to the beginning. really enjoyed this one.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

The only True Hate I found while playing this game was for myself, after being unable to make the most simplistic jumps after dying several times to different traps. I do believe that another good name is True Pain. I tried so hard to get access to the exit, only for that to be the wrong exit. I’m a fool, I played myself. The game looks nice though and the music is very pleasant. It makes it much harder for me to genuinely get angry at myself.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

True Hate on Steam

After Shadows

After Shadows

I don’t understand it. It has some “game sessions”, so is it some kind of rogue-like game?.. Doesn’t seem to be a metroidvania at all…

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

After Shadows on Steam

Curse of the Sea Rats

Curse of the Sea Rats

Curse of the Sea Rats is a ratoidvania platform adventure lovingly crafted with hand-drawn animations, which charts the epic journey of four prisoners of the British empire, turned into rats by a pirate witch. To regain their human bodies, they will have to fight dangerous bosses, explore the vast coast of Ireland, and ultimately capture the witch who cursed them.

Beautiful 2D, hand-drawn animation breath life into the game’s characters - inspired by the likes of Disney and Don Bluth and reminiscent of the golden age of 2D platforming action. These combine seamlessly with detailed 3D environments and enhanced by light and shadow to create a 2.5D platforming experience of incredible quality.

Chart your own progress through a huge, non-linear game world as you attempt to track down the pirate witch who cursed you. Shipwrecked on the coast of Ireland in the 18th Century, you’ll need more than just your swashbuckling skills to forge your path to freedom.

Whether you play alone or with up to three friends, there are four playable characters to chose from - Douglas, Buffalo, Akane, and Bussa. Each bringing their own unique fighting styles to the adventure to help you get the better of both enemies and the environment!

While each character has their own strengths and weaknesses, you’ll be able to improve their abilities as your adventure progresses - unlocking new special skills, boosting your offence and defence, or unlocking powerful magics!

A labyrinthine network of hundreds of pathways, rooms and discoveries lay before you, in a substantial quest of over 12 hours. Can your master each character’s abilities, find all of the game secrets and unlock all the multiple endings?

Many thanks to everyone who has supported us so far. We look forward to updating you on our development progress. In the meantime we would welcome any feedback in the community - and don’t forget to Wishlist if you’d like to be kept up to date on any upcoming news!

Curse of the Sea Rats on Steam

Forever Alone

Forever Alone

In Forever Alone you play as a lost kitten who, while looking for somewhere safe to stay after their mother dies, encounters a mysterious spark of light! With this new found curiosity, the kitten chooses to follow it in hopes of finding something to help with their pain.

During the course of this adventure, you will be platforming through various different obstacles that are blocking your path by using your ability to peer into a different reality. While this other reality may be similar to your current one, it hides the key to getting past the challenges that block your way! However, it may also reveal different problems meaning you will need to be able to change between realities on the go or you may suffer a not so favourable fate!

This game contains:

  • A heartfelt story!

  • Fun platforming gameplay!

  • Handcrafted levels with a beautiful art style!

  • A unique gameplay twist!

  • A fantastic soundtrack!

  • A lot of charm!

Please know that this game was made by one developer and a composer for the soundtrack meaning that this is a small game which hopefully you’ll find contains lots of charm and a fun little experience.

I hope that you enjoy this fun, little game that has had a lot of love poured into it!

Forever Alone on Steam

Out of Line

Out of Line


Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


Is this game a masterpiece? Yep, as long as you don’t expect more than a linear puzzle-platformer.

It is a day like any other: We slumber peacefully in a secluded corner of the factory, when a flying yellow cube wakes us up. We follow the cube and are thrown into a tube by a mechanical hand … The yellow cube now turns into a spear, which we can call back to us at any time. Armed with the spear, we now run from left to right. Soon we see countless other workers who look exactly like us and have also taken the same path as us - but each on paths running parallel to us. We can wave at them, but not interact with them directly. This is how Out of Line begins - and as yet the story makes absolutely no sense.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Out of Line

An attractive 2d puzzle game with a futuristic feel. Out of the Line delivers on aesthetics and atmosphere but could prove to be a little too easy for puzzle enthusiasts.

🎞Gameplay Video🎞

Out of Line is a hand drawn 2D puzzle platformer set in the confines of a regimented factory run by tyrannical machinery called Claws. The protagonist of the story is San, who is trying to escape from the factory.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Out of Line on Steam



Plokoth es un juego atmosférico de plataformas donde contamos sólo con dos habilidades: saltar y dashear. Bajo esta premisa, recorreremos una serie de desafíos que crecerán rápidamente en dificultad. El juego está muy bien pensado, en el sentido de que cada secuencia tiene una resolución más o menos clara, y ejecutarla correctamente sólo dependerá de la habilidad del jugador. Para más ayuda, casi siempre encontraremos un checkpoint tras cada desafío, para no tener que volver a jugar toooda una sección si morimos culpa de un salto mal dado (cosa que sucederá MUCHO). Otra cosa que se agradece, aunque en cierto punto es criticable, es la ausencia de secuencias de muerte; es decir, cuando perdemos, la pantalla se funde a negro un instante, y en seguida retomamos el control del personaje principal. Esto logra que sigamos jugando casi sin pausas a pesar de nuestros fracasos; el problema radica en que muchas veces no estamos 100% seguros de qué fue lo que nos mató, por lo que poco y nada podemos aprender de esos errores.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

TLDR: Fix the input lag and this game will be a pleasure to play

Unfortunately I can’t say that this one is worth your time. The art is lovely and the levels are good, but the input lag makes the game annoying to play at best. I’d be happy to give this game a proper playthrough once it functions better but at the moment each stage is impossible without retying it many times to work out the exact points that I need to press jump at. This method falls apart on the more complex levels. One other nitpick I have is that there’s no obvious way to close the game :/

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Plokoth on Steam

Souno’s Curse

Souno’s Curse

What is Souno’s Curse ?

Discover a story driven action platformer telling a story about regret and the value of living in the moment. Embark on a journey to a cursed cave, explore, discover hidden secrets and find your way. Your journey will not be easy, you will have to face strong enemies along the way, avoid obstacles, traps and slowly uncover the past, story and mysteries hidden behind Souno’s Curse.

Key Features

  • Immerse yourself in the beautifully hand-crafted world of Souno’s Curse featuring a unique hand-drawn 2D art style and thematic music that pays tribute to the genre’s recent classics.

  • Unveil a touching story about regret and the importance of living the moment

  • Navigate through different environments and test your platforming skills

  • Crush your enemies using both melee and magic abilities

Souno's Curse on Steam