Missing Features: 2D

Missing Features: 2D

Few troll games have charm, and Missing Features: 2D kept me playing.


If you want to see my first impressions as they happened, check out the video above. Make no mistake, Missing Features: 2D is a troll game. But it has fairly tight control, and it’s surprisingly charming. Levels that might be mediocre in another game have a steady feeling of progression here. You’re not just beating levels, you’re unlocking basic features. That might sound boring on paper, but it’s surprisingly effective in practice. Once you unlock music, it’s the best music you’ve ever heard even though it would have been mediocre if it had simply been included from the start. As sprites and animations come together, you see a simple game develop over time, making you feel like you’re along the ride for development. Not many games give you that feeling.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Adventure Games.

Missing Features: 2D on Steam

Benbo Quest 2  (LEAKED)  reeal 2021 pre released???

Benbo Quest 2 (LEAKED) reeal 2021 pre released???

WTF Portal to the Skeleton Universe have opened up and it is a catastrophe; The Ultimate Infinite Unlimited Skeleton Army of All Time has come to take over the plant……very uncool anyway like i was sayin the skeeltons came outta the portel and now the all the everything is messed up :( Seceret Government Organization combat the menace to no success, there are too much powerful Skeletons and President Obmama can’t do shit about it.

Meanwhiel at your house: you (anime girl) all like o_o wtf why is there skeleton lol so you GO ON THE EPIC QUEST TO BUY THIS GAME FOR $15


SUPER BENBO QUEST TURBO OVERDRIVE is the newest first and last installment of the Benbo Franchise

you play as The Legendary Anime Girl with unlimited damage attacks and its a 2d pixel platformer so you basically walk to the side of the level - and punch the skeletons on the way it’s not complicated


  • more than 9 million level

  • Punching Skeletons


  • game about self discovery

  • list

  • me adding speeling miskete on purpous so you have to reread it 20 times

  • 99% more epic and swag than any other Benbo Game


Read More: Best 2D Platformer Conspiracy Games.

Benbo Quest 2 (LEAKED) reeal 2021 pre released??? on Steam

FAUN AIR -フォーンアイル-

FAUN AIR -フォーンアイル-

A 2D type adventure RPG. [/]

I created a program of about 460,000 lines by myself from a blank sheet with VC ++. [/]

Original graphics and music. [/]

The purpose of the adventure is to defeat the Demon King and regain peace with your friends. [/]

Travel around the world on ships, rafts, balloons, and even big dragons for adventure. [/]

One of the highlights is the variety of battle scenes. [/]

It’s a royal RPG, but there are many unusual events, so I think you can enjoy it without getting bored. [/]

Several types of mini games are also available. [/]

I think you can clear it in about 12 hours. [/]

Compatible with Windows7 and windows10 [/]

English version is also available. [/]

Well then, thank you. [/]

Read More: Best 2D Platformer RPG Games.

FAUN AIR -フォーンアイル- on Steam

The Simplest Game

The Simplest Game

Good game. It has nice graphics and good puzzles, because of which you will spend some good hours

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

The Simplest Game on Steam

Dogot Games

Dogot Games

Welcome to this mini-game collection! All games in it are made in Godot Engine. Here you play many fun casual and puzzle games.

In Sleepy Owl, you are a sleepy owl who are trying to not be hit by bad birds. You need to keep flying when the gravity always keeps dragging you down. Try to react at really good timing and survive! As you defeat more bad birds, the score gets higher!

In Food & Hunger, you play as a gray dot who needs to collect foods as fast as you can. There are 3 types of Special Dots, speed-up dots what make you faster, speed-down dots that make you slower, and shrink dots that make you smaller. Some levels really acquire you to solve fun puzzles so as not to fail the level. It contains more than 50 levels. Who will get the best score? Go and compete with your friend!

Dogot Games on Steam



Develop software with fun, game-like programming.

With this application, there’s no need for you to know any technical terms.

You’ll set up things like houses and tools, without using hardly any words, just like a simulation game.

This becomes an act of programming, and as a result, you’ll be able to develop software.

“Programs are toys.”

You may wonder what it means to think like a program.

Some people might even see the word in English and scream “Ahhhh! English!!! Run awaaay!!”

In that case, why not think of it as “playing with building blocks (programing)” instead?

The block structure you make runs as software. The only resource you need is this application.

I’ll say it once more.

“Programs are toys.”

Now’s your chance to assemble some toys.

This isn’t simply a program (toy).

This isn’t simply a game.

Through this toy (game), you can develop software.

Once you’ve developed something, you can use the attached CARPEXECUTABLE.exe (HANDMADE CARPEXECUTABLE)

(It is in the [C:\Program Files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\HANDMADE CARPROGRAM\CARPROGRAM] folder) to execute your creation, and even distribute it to others.

(“Sample” is in it.)

(Icon is able to be changed too)

Create games and software of your own imagining by thinking outside the box, and then release them out into the world.

Note: CARPEXECUTABLE.exe (HANDMADE CARPEXECUTABLE) that comes as part of these files is able to be redistributed on its own. Icon changes are also possible.

You can also make image files of your creations and show them to others to receive praise.

You’re welcome to use this product for videos and livestreams!!

(Though I’m sorry to ask it, please do so responsibly.)

Manual Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFj80BqaOoBFl7k-e8KtAj3Tio9t2AAYr


Head Bumper: Editcraft

Head Bumper: Editcraft

Platform Racing 2 but awesome

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Head Bumper: Editcraft on Steam

10mg: You are such a Soft and Round Kitten.

10mg: You are such a Soft and Round Kitten.

Really fun game to play especially during quarantine as its overall mood is really upbeat in these hard times. Only negative is it can get confusing during your first playthrough but not confusing to the point it feels impossible to complete without a guide (looking at you half life). Overall fun game with mechanics that surprised me, highly suggest playing it but make sure you have the time.

*Even though I had received a copy early, my opinions here are completely unbiased.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Great game for anyone, an excellent introduction to the genres of sylvie-game and 10-minute-game, and a short sweet and cute experience for existing fans. If you must close the game you will start over from the beginning, so try to set aside a little more than 10 minutes for your playthrough in case you want to take your time and admire this gentle world. It’s hard to say too much without giving away any of the delightful moments you will encounter in these 10 minutes of game, so give it a try!

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

10mg: You are such a Soft and Round Kitten. on Steam



This is the very first public review on the video game known as “Cat Sudoku” It is my duty to make sure that all the humans reading this spends the correct amount of currency to play this wonderful form of entertainment. Please, this video game is very educational and good for the human mind. It also has the species known as “cats” which I can assume is one of the mammals that you humans enjoy owning when domesticated. This game is a wonderful experience and it should be shared among the humans of earth. Thank you.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

CAT SUDOKU🐱 on Steam

Hunter Girl

Hunter Girl

Rating / Bewertung: 01/10


Game installs problem-free on Windows 10.

At the start of the game, the first problem comes to light:

you are immediately in the game - without any possible volume settings etc.

Also no help, which functions there are in the game …

You are constantly playing in the same screen area and can only click left or right to change direction or to shoot around there, with the figure itself running in the previously selected direction within the screen area, which is why you find death quickly and often, especially since the opponent is simply short show up without warning. So a very chaotic control and programming.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Hunter Girl on Steam