Splash Jump

Splash Jump

Splash Jump is another Unity asset flip from Crewxaa. This time they’ve taken a basic template for an endless one button platformer/jumper, so barebones it just has coloured squares, and dumped it on Steam as if it was their own work.

The products that result from asset flips aren’t “real” games. They lack depth and content, because they’re just simplistic copies of demos or tutorials. Asset flips don’t involve any professional game development. Sure, sometimes they may change a few cosmetic things, swap out different assets etc, but at heart it’s functionally identical to the asset they’re ripping off. Asset flips are an insult to both PC gamers and to professional game developers who create genuine, high quality PC games. Asset flips like this are harmful to the gaming industry and to Steam because they reduce the visibility that sincerely made indie games should have.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Casual Games.

Splash Jump on Steam

Beach Restaurant

Beach Restaurant

Not even worth 1 buck.

Just a bad asset flip with no improvement at all, bad game mechanics, poor execution and boring as hell. The “game” is so poorly designed that Level 18 is literally impossible to finish because you never get enough orders in the time allotted and since it takes forever for people to waaaaaaalk to their spot and order, you lose every time. That’s how much thought they put into it.

Assets are one thing but they don’t make a game, thanks for proving it once again.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Casual Games.

I bought this game purely for fun to play and relax. Everything in the game is very simple and straightforward, you serve customer orders. Each client has his own unique taste, you make the wrong dish, you will lose the client. I got positive emotions, I rate the game 8 out of 10 cheeseburgers.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Beach Restaurant on Steam