

Why in the world is Buddha Hitler

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Singleplayer Games.

Cool game

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Geo-Duck on Steam

Before Akhira

Before Akhira

عن ابن عباس قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله علیھ و سلم “اعتنم خمسا قبل خمس: شبابك قبل ھرمك و صحتك قبل سقمك و غناك قبل فقرك و فراغك قبل شغلك و حیاتك قبل موتك

Ibn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Take advantage of five before five: your youth before your old age, your health before your illness, your riches before your poverty, your free time before your work, and your life before your death.”

Journey into the world of Before Akhira to help a young dreamer awaken and return to the real world. Explore the metaphors of Islamic spirituality as you rediscover the afterlife of the virtual world.

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Adventure Games.

Before Akhira on Steam

Sanae Toumaden X

Sanae Toumaden X

Is fun

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Hack and Slash Games.

Sanae Toumaden X on Steam

The Deepening: Eco-Offensive

The Deepening: Eco-Offensive

The Deepening: Eco-Offensive is a spin-off video-game series set in the “The Deepening” book universe and features the protagonist of the story, Kyle, in his adventures prior to the events in the Book.

With merely a few years left before The Deepening Campaign (a massive solar system taming event) kicks off, Kyle has taken up the mantel to help protect those leading the charge from ferocious beasts that threaten daily working life.

The Deepening is coming, do you have what it takes to ensure its survivability?

Presented in a casually-challenging, neo-minimalistic 8bit package, and strapped with a classic platformer control set – think Mario – you will surely experience some nostalgia-with-a-twist while running around this modernly-polished space adventure.

Travel between the worlds aboard Kyle’s ship by making use of “Rails,” enormous rings orbiting around various planets in our system used for immediate and direct work on and off planet.

Prep various planets in our very own Solar-System by defeating an array of alien beasties with an arsenal of Eco-offensive weapons, and convert them into useful Bio-Essence to help the Research and Development of sustainable atmospheres on the respective planets.

  • Admire a minimally retro inspired, but modernly polished art-style set in an 8-bit Space Opera Universe.

  • Hop between worlds, each with their own unique gravities withing classical platforming action.

  • Take on bounties against large, ferocious beasts, and collect Bio-essence from the lesser for a bonus.

  • Explore increasingly dark caves with beautiful 2D lighting to guide the way.

  • Upgrade a series of tools to help explore every inch of the worlds.

  • Discover secret collectables and upgrades on each of the levels.

  • Unleash Kyle’s true potential with his ultimate Hydro2 Armor.

The Deepening: Eco-Offensive on Steam



Yako is a 2D story-driven hand-drawn platformer. Using your wind-powered abilities, explore a mystical underground world, solve the mystery plaguing the area surrounding Mount Inari, and earn a place among the deities of the Japanese pantheon.

Yako on Steam



Do not buy this game. There are better flash player games out there. Simplistic platformer that has very little in terms of everything. The game looked totally different when first uploaded to steam by the way.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Aruna on Steam



Not even 2 min in game, second phase and it crashes, the game its on chinese i know, but still its annoying. pls fix

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Cirno'sBattleofFaith on Steam

Kubinashi Recollection

Kubinashi Recollection

Kubinashi Recollection Originally released on DLSITE as Neckless Collection Developed by ぱらどっと (Paradot) back in March 21, 2021. Finally released on Steam and Nintendo Switch with an English translation.

You play as Sekibanki as you quite literally use your heads to solve puzzles and platform through 10 worlds of puzzles. Simple at first but eventually the puzzles will get extremely tricky. There are 2 modes included, 1 of which is normal mode where the game gives you a limit of how many heads you can use per stage or a Nine head mode where you get Nine heads to use each stage (Easy mode).

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Tried it for about an hour. The ranking system is way too strict considering going straight to the goal without stopping was barely a B rank clear time. Maybe there’s upgrades you get or advanced tech you learn about later on, but honestly I don’t have the time or patience for a game that’s gonna require that level of perfection.

The rest of the game that I saw was decent, but that’s all. Just decent. Nothing to really write home about, and imo isn’t worth the cost of admission.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Kubinashi Recollection on Steam

Gensokyo Night Festival

Gensokyo Night Festival

Should you get Gensokyo Night Festival? Well if you are here, chances are you are either a Touhou or a Metroidvania fan, so it’s most likely yes. But why though?

The game is fast-paced, visually stunning, with complex mechanics to explore, and most importantly fun; however, it is currently very short as it is early access. As it stands, it has about 30-45 minutes of gameplay at the time of this review. Even so, expect two boss fights!

Touching on the mechanics, there are air and ground combos, ranged bullets, dodging, grazing, and a density/sparseness mechanic that affects them all. Density focuses on explosions, implosions, fast movement, and bit hits! Whereas, sparseness focuses on control, freezing, summoning, and area control. Both have their benefits, but I imagine density will be the speedrunner’s choice ‘cause you go dang fast! One concern I have at the time is the lack of incentive to engaged with regular mobs in combat, but that will likely change later on.

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Gensokyo Night Festival is one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever seen, for real.

-Pixelart is just phenomenal and I’m in love with it

! my god that Marisa fight, beware epileptics, not kidding.

-Animation is really smooth that makes messing with Suikas powers twice the fun, with minor things (that I do apreciate) like rain droplets popping on impact or tiny windmills spinning when you run by them.

-Pretty backgounds/“rooms” along with some calming music.

-Somewhat difficult Boss fights

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Gensokyo Night Festival on Steam

YuuYuu Jiteki no Yuukarin

YuuYuu Jiteki no Yuukarin

With its beautiful aesthetics, fluid controls, fun designs, and amazing movement, YuuYuu Jiteki no Yuukarin has become my favourite platformer. The learning curve starts gently and introduces its mechanics well, but make no mistake, the end game offers enough challenge to give a real sense of accomplishment for beating it. The challenges ramp up, but never feel tedious or arbitrarily difficult like “gotchas.” I do strongly recommend against starting your first run on Expert, because it scales up the damage, and it will cause many many enemies to 1-shot you.

Real player with 192.9 hrs in game

Warning: Do not attempt Expert mode until you finished Adventure mode first, do not underestimate it even if you think you are good at games.

This game is great in almost every regard but it’s problems only become really apparent in Expert mode.

I will explain where the difficulty comes from and what kind of game this is:

If you are in Expert mode keep in mind this, almost anything will kill you in one hit and send you back way back, if you lose all of your lives you will get send back to the beginning of the level and healing items will become irrelevant, Levels are pretty long so it will require you to play perfectly but for that you will have to know how the levels look like first, so there will be a lot of trial and error.

Real player with 27.4 hrs in game

YuuYuu Jiteki no Yuukarin on Steam