Big NEON Tower VS Tiny Square

Big NEON Tower VS Tiny Square

I love the arcade aesthetic of this game, and its very much like the original on, the only problem is, when i close the app it doesn’t register as closed and i have to shut down steam if i want to play it again. edit: the bug i mentioned is fixed

Real player with 81.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Parkour Games.

Challenging but fun platformer game. Sooooo relieved there are checkpoints throughout to save my progress! Never thought being laughed at by Security boxes could feel so…personal haha :(. Love the neon theme and music, feels like the 80s.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Big NEON Tower VS Tiny Square on Steam



This game has incredible movement with a super fun momentum based physics system and I absolutely love it. It has been incredibly satisfying to improve at this game and experiment with all the various items and techniques as well as game modes. The base game is not overly difficult so it’s fairly easy to get in to and there are quite a few compelling alternate game modes.

I give this game a huge recommend and I believe it deserves way more attention than what it has gotten. If you are into movement games, roguelites or platformers of any kind creatorcrate highly worth checking out.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Difficult Games.

Tons of fun! Its a creative platforming game with a fairly open world to play in with a fun storyline so far!

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

CreatorCrate on Steam

25 Layers of Pain

25 Layers of Pain

A very well thought out (and cruel) platformer for those that enjoy a good challenge. Definitely worth checking out, if you enjoyed Cat Mario style twists, this is for you

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Female Protagonist Games.


Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

25 Layers of Pain on Steam

Golf Club Wasteland

Golf Club Wasteland

A neat little mini-golf game set in the post apocalypse. The vibes are pretty depressing, since you ARE golfing in the wasteland, but it’s easily offset by RADIO NOSTALGIA FROM MARS!!!! (There used to be a mini review here but I’m done with this game for now)

After trying out iron mode for 5-6 hours, I can confidently say that this mode is a gimmick and that the developers did not play-test this mode at all. Want proof? Check out the achievement statistics, you’ll see that the Iron mode achievement has a VERY low % of the players completing it. Clearly, this a cardinal sin of laziness, with the developers thinking that it’s okay to slap a mode like this into the game and market it but not attempt it themselves. This is a ridiculous challenge in of itself, the weakest point of the game, and you bet your ass that I’m going to give some brutally honest feedback for it.

Real player with 26.6 hrs in game

I’m not recommending this game because the whole package is a bit of a mess, but it does has its merits.

Without talking too much about the story, it’s a bit of a mess in that when you go through and re-read it, things don’t match up or just aren’t very well told. There’s a story here, and then there’s another telling of another tiny story, and those two somewhat contradict each other a bit. The stories told on the radio are also fantastic on their own, but it paints a bit of an incongruent history that might be a bit too scathing for the things it has a bias against; to the point where it sorta ignores how the world works…but I mean, it’s a story; there’s nothing wrong with that besides making it a bit unbelieveable.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Golf Club Wasteland on Steam

Helheim Hassle

Helheim Hassle

Hello, new hyperfixation! You are just what I needed to get through everything else, my ray of light in this time of darkness!

That might sound overdramatic, but in all seriousness this game is excellent. To be honest I was a bit worried that the world of Manual Samuel might have been ditched, so finding out that this takes place in the same universe was a relief! I’d been pretty attached to MS’s characters back when I was into it, and it would seem that Helheim Hassle is continuing Perfectly Paranormal’s trend of introducing characters you can really feel for!

Real player with 338.5 hrs in game

Honestly, I too would want to escape Valhalla if I was forced to be on an Esports team.

The creators of Manuel Samuel is back with another game! And just with how Manuel Samuel was a unique adventure will humor surrounding Samuel’s unfortunate situation, so is Helheim Hassle. And fun fact, Helheim Hassle and Manuel Samuel takes place in the same universe and even on the same day.

Helheim Hassle brings us to a young teenage Viking named Bjorn Hammerparty who isn’t like his Viking brethren. Unlike everyone else, he is a pacifist. He doesn’t want to go out fighting so he makes sure he doesn’t get into a situation where he has to and he sure doesn’t want to go to Valhalla. However, during a battle that is sure to wipe out his whole village, Bjorn gets into a fatal accident while he was running to his hideout. The sketchy bridge he was crossing may have made him fall straight onto a bear. Once Bjorn comes to, he’s a ghost and his body is limbless. Before moving on, Bjorn attaches his limbs back on his body and talks to Modgunn to be granted passage into Helheim. However, his cowardly fall to his death was counted as him heroically killing a bear without a weapon and is brought into Valhalla by the Allfather.

Real player with 36.2 hrs in game

Helheim Hassle on Steam

Meme Run 2

Meme Run 2

Meme Run 2 review

This is my Meme Run 2 review, this isn’t anybody else’s Meme Run 2 review.

Whilst there may be several like it, this is MY Meme Run 2 review. It’s not warxillusion’s steam review of Meme Run 2, its not Twitter User GoingRandomNow’s steam review of Meme Run 2. It. Is. MINE.

Anyways, now that i got that out of the way and that you guys know that it is my Steam Review of Meme Run 2, i would like to express my opinions on Meme Run 2 in this Review about Meme Run 2 by ioletsgo.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

I love this game so fucking much, it is incredibly addictive and very difficult. I see a few reviews on here calling the game bad but I don’t think they understand the point, you see all the crazy seizure inducing shit on the screen is what makes the game interesting, funny and hard. Every single crazy thing on the screen is designed to do three things, be funny, be ironic and make the game harder. Instead of having mobs that you have to fight off you have 1000 dollar bills on your screen covering 50% of what you see. In the past 24 hours I have spent 6 hours playing this game and every minute was worth it and I hope to be meming on for many more.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Meme Run 2 on Steam

Safe Climbing

Safe Climbing

Soooo funny! You die lots of times, in some hilarious ways. Traps are challeging and you have to discover how to avoid them, needing some witness and skills. I’m trying to compete in the ranking!

Retro look and feel makes it still better, it reminds me some of those video games rooms from the 90’s.

Good investment!

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

You will love this game as much as you will hate it (wich is a lot) . Very fun to play , nice controls and keeps pushing you to the next trap

Highly Recommended . Nice work Flat Cat Games

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Safe Climbing on Steam

A Pretty Odd Bunny

A Pretty Odd Bunny

Note: I received a free copy of this game from the developer with the intention for me to review it.

So, first things first, A Pretty Odd Bunny is hard as nails stealth platformer that despite it’s cute appearance, has some pretty violent aspects to it, making it a poor choice for a younger audience. Do not go into this expecting a kids' game, because your ass will promptly be handed to you by it’s many perils.

I really enjoyed how fresh this game felt. I’ve played a lot of platformers over the years, I would even say it’s one of my favourite genres, but a lot of them can feel very samey or average. A Pretty Odd Bunny keeps the platforming gameplay fresh by adding in some stealth elements. You cannot attack your foes, you will need to find ways to avoid or sneak past them. There are other levels that change things up additionally by chasing you with a overflow of carrots, or making you ride in a minecart.

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

After completing it, i can safely say it’s a extremely fun game

it’s short, simple, cute, and just fun

it’s visuals and art style combined with it’s mild gore and central theme feels very reminiscent of newgrounds platformer game

There’s not much to say besides that if you’re looking for a simple but addicting fun game or want something cute or want bunnies(although one that eats pigs) then i’d highly recommend it especially for it’s price.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

A Pretty Odd Bunny on Steam

Death by Refund

Death by Refund


After having accidentally glued two guns to his hands, private detective Frederick Ugarte is visited by a mysterious woman. She hires him to retreive some jewels from her abusive ex-husband. Sadly things don’t go exactly as planned for Ugarte. Is this due to his incompetence or is he being set up?


In this minimalist 2D hard-boiled detective shooter you won’t be distracted by overly complicated upgrade systems, there’s no useless skill points or skill trees, there’s not a gazillion different guns that are basically reskins of one and the same gun, it’s just you and your guns and you shoot and shoot and talk and shoot and shoot and shoot and talk and































Death by Refund on Steam



PomboTroll is a “joke” game with MS paint tier hand drawn “art”. Control a “pigeon” and puke on/avoid other birds in 2D side scrolling arcade style gameplay.

The quality is deplorably low, resolution and controls are locked and can’t be changed. Gameplay is a sloppy mess, literally and figuratively. The developer made this bundletrash in the hopes it might get a few clicks from the funny concept, but there’s nothing of value here for gamers, or anyone else for that matter.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

If you consider everything that we have on steam, pombotroll is on average.

Good work steam.

Best regards,

Mineirinho ultra adventures fan.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

PomboTroll on Steam