

Yako is a 2D story-driven hand-drawn platformer. Using your wind-powered abilities, explore a mystical underground world, solve the mystery plaguing the area surrounding Mount Inari, and earn a place among the deities of the Japanese pantheon.

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Singleplayer Games.

Yako on Steam

Don’t Be A Baby!

Don’t Be A Baby!

Don’t Be A Baby! is side scrolling run and gun with heavy influences from Metal Slug and Cuphead but with a focus on story and animated cutscenes to convey a hilarious narrative inspired from the works of Matt Stone and Trey Parker, Mike Jude, and Matt Groening. Difficult but rewarding gameplay with a boss focused goal in each level.

You play as Max Murphy who is baby who has been fed up with his mother leaving him alone every night. Finally after breaking out of his prison they call a “Crib”, Max finds himself in a world that he doesn’t know and must defend himself!

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Adventure Games.

Don't Be A Baby! on Steam

Forgotton Anne

Forgotton Anne

| Byte sized review | Lost and found |

| Graphics | 3/5 - I am generally not a huge fan of anime, especially when it’s hypersexualized as most often than not seems to be the case to the uneducated (in the art form) like myself. As a kid growing up I always thought of it as too raw and too ugly for my tastes much preferring the style of western cartoons, but over the years I have gradually come to enjoy some of Studio Ghibli’s output (that is about as far as my anime adventurousness extends as I have never had any desire to seek out other studios output). Forgotton Anne visually reminds me of Studio Ghibli’s output and that is the highest praise I could possibly reap upon it. While I would have much preferred a more traditional western cartoon animation style, and that is just my personal taste, it works here and continues to help me broaden my horizons which is only a good thing. |

Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Story Rich Games.

So that’s where my socks go. Well, I hope they had a nice life.

We all lost something. Whether it be that jacket that you forgot to take with you or an important paper that you misplaced. Or perhaps you forgot you had something as years pass. If you’re lucky, you would be able to find it again, if not, it’s a mystery where it ended up. However, what if a whole other universe houses these items and gives them life?

Anne lives in such a world, along with another human named Bonku. Anne is the Enforcer, which requires her to keep the order and make sure those not following the rules gets repercussions. But why should Forgotlings (lost and forgotten things) listen? Well, Anne and Bonku both wield the Arca which can give or take away Anima, their power source and their life energy. If a Forgotling’s Anima is taken, or distilled, they will just be a regular old item again. However, rebels have risen up despite the threat of being distilled and has threatened the near completion of the Ether Bridge as well as everyone to go back to their owner. Things have gotten too far out of hand, it’s time for the Enforcer to step in.

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Forgotton Anne on Steam



Doesn’t load youtube vid; Doesn’t load local mp3; Just doesn’t work.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Musicle on Steam

Cutie Bear

Cutie Bear

This is my first negative review, and I’m really sad that it has to be this game. This game looks really good, the physics are ok, the graphics are just fine, the music is a little meh, but tolerable, and the controls aren’t clunky. This is exactly the type of platformer that I would really enjoy under normal circumstances. But the game is also absolutely relentless and unfair.

I found a way to get an infinite amount of lives (and even made a guide about it, check it out if you still decide to try out this game), and suffice it to say, 200 lives weren’t enough for me to beat the game (I don’t even know how close I was to achieve this, cos I just decided to quit).

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game


Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Cutie Bear on Steam



the best ever

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Imoto on Steam



Humans have left the Earth following a nuclear disaster. 50 years later they received strange signals from Earth, possibly human. They have sent you, a nuclear-fueled exploration droid, to search for the source of the signal and find out if human life in Earth is possible once again.

In this journey you will encounter different creatures, solve different puzzles and discover the story about how it all went wrong in the first place.

Dive into the experience of a 2D sidescroller platformer metroidvania game as you explore unique areas, unlock secret paths, learn new abilities, fight bosses and more!

A.T.O.M. on Steam



You’re lightyears off-course, low on power, and have one critical goal: throw an epic surprise party so the colonists don’t freak out when they defrost. Harlow is an atmospheric 2.5D platformer where you’ll use physics to evade the dangers of an ancient planet, gather materials, and plan a party in space.

Meet Harlow, a compact robot aboard the R1-Humanity. Along with Manifesto, the ship’s logistics A.I., you’ll stockpile supplies and transform the ship from a cold wayward vessel into a stellar celebration to cheer up the cryogenically frozen crew onboard.

Jump, Roll, and Evade! Harlow’s physics-based controls will have you navigating oceans of acid, dodging ancient machinery, and traversing lavafalls!

Plan a Surprise Party: Decorate the R1-Humanity with 3D printed party supplies. Unlock different endings based on how you transform the ship!

Harlow on Steam



Good Story

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Oh boi… The ending. Almost make me want to tearing down !

The story of the game… Is really beautiful and I love it so much ! Although the first of the game is kinda scary haha.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Shanghai1920 on Steam

Cloud Rack

Cloud Rack

Cloud Rack is a traditional 2D action adventure game. The game world is interlinked. Explore deep caves, ancient forests and dangerous tombs, fight with bewitched creatures, get to know friendly and strange characters, and go deep into the mountains to uncover the truth of the mystery.

Game features

Classic horizontal scroll game level.

Consistent and compact 2D control: Dodge attacks, sprint forward, and use easy kungfu to defeat deadly enemies.

Explore the interlinked world and shuttle between forgotten mountain paths, overgrown wastelands and abandoned tombs.

Make your own adventure! Strange mountain is a vast world, you can freely choose the way forward and the enemy you face.

Get new weapons! Improve your skills, jump on the wall, dodge and block in the battle, return the long-range attack, and launch powerful killing skills to the enemy!

Stylized and abstract characters, funny, silly and cute.

More than 50 enemies, 10 epic bosses. Face fierce monsters on the road and conquer powerful kung fu masters.

Cloud Rack on Steam