Castle Of Collapse

Castle Of Collapse

Bruh, the game kicked me because i was too bad.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Martial Arts Games.

Nice Game, but what do i need to do to get the Achivements?

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Castle Of Collapse on Steam



The city is under siege and you have no abilities whatsoever… yet. Help Chip gain more fighting abilities (as well as increased stamina and health!) as you fight your way Downtown!

Chip was just lounging on the couch like any other typical day when his girlfriend went out to buy some food (she said something about shortages and unrest, or something like that) when he sees on the news that chaos broke out around the local convenience store, fences were erected and no one can get into Downtown! He must find a way in and save her, but first he must learn some skills.

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Beat 'em up Games.

Downtown on Steam

Swordian Hero

Swordian Hero

This game looks and plays like fun but it needs some things to make it easier to play. First of all, there are waaaay to many enemies that spawn at times, and half the time they spawn behind you which makes you have to either stand off and fight them and take a big load of damage in the process, or cast and move back over and over and hope nothing comes from behind you as you go further into the level.

I feel that also there is not enough ways for you to get your health back. The only way you can is by smashing up barrels, which can also explode upon impact which does damage to you. This makes getting health back quite risky because you could get damaged further instead. I think this game could benefit with some kind of inventory system, it doesn’t even need to be that sophisticated. Just somewhere that you can store food/health potions that you can drop off enemies would be quite nice to see. Simple RPG stuff you know?

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Platformer Beat 'em up Games.

First impression review:

I went into this game after buying a dozen of this developer’s games. I assumed they were all going to be nothing more than sprite swaps. I was definitely wrong – mostly.

This developer seems to use the same engine and general design for all of their games. All of their games seem to be on-rails in a limited space. This game definitely has more of an action RPG to it, though, unlike Magicgirl Mimi which felt more like a side-scrolling shooter.

It’s fairly short. If you can get it for less than $1, it’s definitely worth it. It’s a decent amount of fun.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Swordian Hero on Steam

Pixel Ninja

Pixel Ninja

A pretty fun little game where you take on a rampaging gang of thugs, ghosts and other unsavory folk. Very fun for such a simple title.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Pixel Ninja on Steam