Rag Doll Kung Fu

Rag Doll Kung Fu

Amazing fighting game with responsive physics and bullet time slowdowns. Still one of the most unique games in my library. The reviews don’t do it justice, this game went over most heads due to the difficulty curve and was rightly criticised for being abandoned by Mark Healey when he went on to develop little big planet.

Ignore my playtime, we battered this game before records began


  • smooth ragdoll physics creates amazing combat sequences

  • weapons, bullet time and magic from your fingertips

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Multiplayer Games.

To all People Who Want To Buy This:RETURN.NOW. DONT WASTE 10 EURO ON THIS GAME…

The Game’s Fully Abandoned,It Was In Work For A Few Years,And There’s No Multiplayer.

The Story’s Meh,Combat System Feels Weird,No Advice,And And And…

I acutally paid for this…Im Not Happy,But it’s Ooookkaaay.

If you want to use this as an Review in the Internet,Try it.

Yet there are no real features…there are many missing ones,And Such…If you want to support someone who gave up on this game,buy it.If Not,Then Waste Your Money On Hats In TF2 Or Something Like That.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Rag Doll Kung Fu on Steam

Juan v Juan

Juan v Juan

A solid typing-shooter with hilariously creative character art and design. Although frustrating when my opponent can apparently type as fast as a macro, I can see this being a neat, chill game to play.

Real player with 27.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Indie Games.

Juan v Juan is a simple game but has a unique charm within it. It reminds me the days when my dad took me to work and i played browser games on his pc. Back then i was laughing in enjoyment to silly kid games but with this game im laughing because of frustration.

Jokes aside the game might look easy to play but trust me when you load the game up for the first time read the fucking “How to play” if you don’t want to look like an idiot. It’s not just about shooting, what makes the game interesting is the whole reloading concept with balanced perks you unlock later on in the game. The pixel art is also pleasing to look at.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Juan v Juan on Steam



keyg is a game experience unlike any before. On paper, it seems easy enough, but in reality, using your entire keyboard as a controller (yes, almost EVERY KEY) is extremely difficult, especially as you get into the

! hardcore mode. A decently short one, it’s frustrating but highly rewarding and well-polished. The game’s puzzles are clever and the challenges are insane to do as you try and figure out where to put all ten of your fingers on your keyboard. Really unique game, highly recommend it!

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Indie Games.

I purchased keyg during a sale without putting much thought into it, simply finding the screenshots and trailer appealing as well as its bargain of a price: little did I know I was in for a surprise.

The game revolves around different sets of puzzle-like levels that the player must guide their selected avatars through (a circle, a square or a triangle): in order to spice things up, the layout will be based on a keyboard, which means that you’ll have to press the correct keys in order to progress. The game will introduce some mechanics and different stipulations to clear levels as you advance as well as increase the difficulty, so quick reflexes and smart thinking will be needed.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

keyg on Steam

Sloth Quest

Sloth Quest

Enjoyed this more than I expected. At first I thought it looked “kinda silly, kinda fun…” I wasn’t wrong but it’s more “lots of silly, lots of fun.” Give innovative “sloth-based” mechanics a go.

Kotaku summed my first impression up well when they said “Sloth Quest looks stupid, but I still wanna play it.” Took a bit to get into it at first (the controls take some getting used to) but it’s been a blast!

For more niche curation, follow me at: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/27440015-CSH-Picone/

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

One of the hardest games i have ever played but that is also because i suck at these types of games, but i absolutely love this game!!! you get to play as a sloth! that’s all you need to know. you are a sloth. if you like sloths, buy this game period.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Sloth Quest on Steam



Relaxing fun, especially when you get good at swimming fast.

Controller support didn’t work for me (Steam/Linux) but configured as keyboard instead.

For the price well worth a punt.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Guppy is a poetic game, which lets you control a fish by moving its tail left and right.

No other control is used; and every movement of the tail is propelling the fish in the direction of the movement. Used alternatively, left and right movements allow the fish to progress forward, or any way you so desire; by gauging how much of each movement to produce.

Both the left and right sticks can be used; but the game really shines when shoulder controls are used, epecially the analog ones. I am unsure as if the game is using them in an analog fashion (I think not), but using them feels most natural to me.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Guppy on Steam

International Space Banana

International Space Banana

I just got this because of the minute hour dude. I kept coming back to this like an abused partner. the level with the shifting gravity was particularly brutal. worth it on sale lol.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

honestly just get it for the dialogue alone. This game is great! Yes it can be rage inducing, Yes it will make you want to buy all the banana’s at the super market and blend them out of pure hate. But I still highly recommend it!

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

International Space Banana on Steam

Because its hot! Prologue

Because its hot! Prologue


So you’ve read the description and now you’re down here in the comments trying to figure out what’s it all about. Click the video above to see some of the gameplay, mechanic and hear my thoughts on the game.

Because its hot! - Why pizza? (prologue) is a colorful puzzle platformer that will have begging for more. The graphics are sharp and pop right off the screen. They are a combo of fever dream and 80’s neon blasting your eye sockets. The music is subtle but enriches the atmosphere and gameplay. The controls will test your gamer merit by all the different mechanics at play here. There is a slight degree of difficulty controlling the head, arms and movement individually (as well as together) but not in a bad way.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Very fun game!

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Because its hot! Prologue on Steam



Spingun is a 2D retro pixel “spacewar/moon lander” ripoff with a gimmick. Instead of reasonable controls, the developer decided only left and right arrow will work. Left arrow gives a little thrust to the left, right to the right. Alternating this will propel you like a fish. Tapping both left and right shoots your weapon. Collect weapon upgrades and shoot the baddies.

It’s a massive failure in game design if, lacking the competence to create decent graphics, compelling story or gameplay, interactive content, or any of the elements that successful games bring to the table, you instead decide that you should rip off games from the late 1970’s but make the controls worse, because you think players like bashing their hands on two keys like demented chimpanzees. The retro pixel graphics are lazy and bad enough, but this game gets a thumbs down for the developers sheer misunderstanding of the correct species attributed to PC gamers.

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

First impressions: This is worth more than $1.99

EDIT I am now addicted

Do yourself a favour and buy this

Then do yourself a favour and buy this on your phone

It’ll cost you less than a fiver for both

ANOTHER EDIT Long train rides and boring waiting rooms now get me excited, just an excuse to play more spingun! The game seems to make more sense on a phone as the controls are well placed and ultra responsive (no travel time for buttons). Also the look and feel of having everything so tiny on a phone is also super cool imo. Some way for your acheivements and scores to cross over between the phone and computer versions would be great.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

SPINGUN on Steam

Manual Samuel - Anniversary Edition

Manual Samuel - Anniversary Edition

I would like to recommend this game, really, but the final act totally ruins the experience, bringing everything to a grinding halt for what is otherwise a humor and story driven game.

It’s got fair-to-ok humor, lots of jokes that reminded me of the old Diskworld games, especially with the narrator interactions. However the humor is clearly targeting men, as the jokes are mostly physical humor, denigration and toilet laughs. Samuel literally pisses all over himself, and repeatedly vomits as a function of the game, which often comes across as lazy humor.

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

What is Manual Samuel ?

For a game that started pretty well with a funny sense of humor and a nice personality, its a huge shame it felt so hard on its face, Manual Samuel presents itself as a overconfident indie game but everything is just so pretentious and kinda mediocre towards the end, in fact after the initial moments the game started losing momentum, for a game that presented itself as something refreshing and well-done early to become something so boring and uninsteresting so fast was a huge shame, lets talk about why below.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Manual Samuel - Anniversary Edition on Steam

Goop Loop

Goop Loop

During the frustrating first play-through of this game I was convinced that it was not a game where you would eventually be able to consistently get past obstacles but I immediately proved myself wrong in the second run. Don’t get me wrong it is still hard but it is definitely a lot more manageable. I definitely recommend it if you like foddian games and if you aren’t afraid of a challenge.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Physics platformers are notorious for being insanely hard.

This one’s no exception. But it does have some quirky/clever vocal (English only) tutorial, that only really speaks up if and when you’re having trouble. I was actually quite amused by how the game knew when to say “You should slow down”, versus pretty much pre-emptively telling me I screwed up when I passed a point of no return.

It’s like having the developer commentary from Half-Life (But more quirky/punny), the goopiness of Gish (With more freedom of movement), and the jankiness of, well, basically every physics platformer out there. My hand started hurting after about an hour, so I had to take a break, but I’ll definitely be trying to finish it after I take a break.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Goop Loop on Steam