Terrordrome - Reign of the Legends

Terrordrome - Reign of the Legends

Absolute waste of money, would not recommend, I think I might’ve actually found the most bottom of the barrel game on here. I remember playing the demo version of this game way back in 2018 during their Kickstarter. The demo was slow and clunky and heavily filled with glitches, but since it was a demo I thought they might improve as development went on, it’s 2021 now and this game still doesn’t feel like it’s worth wasting $15, not even if it was on sale for $5. I mean what could you expect from a game that only has like 2 people working on it, 1 person working on the animations and the other working on the coding. Playing the game feels like if it’s devoid of any testers, I’m guessing that’s where the player comes in. You can tell this is one of the those half-baked, mobile games where they expect the player/buyer to report things wrong with their game so the devs could fix it while at the same time make vlogs and livestreams about their joke of a project. I’d recommend anything else, anything!

Real player with 61.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Action Games.

If you’re a fan of the first Terrordrome: Rise of the Boogeymen, and more importantly familiar with how to play the previous entry, you’ll find that it’s sequel Terrordrome: Reign of the Legends is worth your while. Even if you’re new to the series, this is a simple fighting game with a multitude of complex mechanics that are fun to explore.

As of writing this review, the is in an Early Access version, so understand that the game is incomplete. The developers, who consist of a small indie team, are actively working on the game and speak directly to their fans and community. So feedback is frequently received and considered.

Real player with 52.0 hrs in game

Terrordrome - Reign of the Legends on Steam