Daily Espada

Daily Espada

Daily Espada is a small gem, a 2D action with gameplay very dynamic and entertaining.

In the game there are many upgrades and extras such as super attacks, new combos etc.

Very beautiful boss battles, in maximum difficulty becomes truly play difficult, but still VERY fun!

In short, a game that does not cost much, and it provides a solid gameplay and fun!

I recommend it, and it’s a shame to see so few reviews, because the game is worth so much!


(Below is the Italian full review)

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Hack and Slash Games.

Slashing Brazilian folklore monsters and bosses, saving the world and making your family rich in the wierdest game show ever? Sign me up. The game is short by my accounts. Graphics are dark and unique, but also can lead to some visual confusion. Not greatness, but fun, short, but enjoyable.



and here:


Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Daily Espada on Steam



Give Rabga Missile Launcher!


Fun game, really like the story and i was really determined to get good scores THANKS FORXA BTW for making it super hard to get 1K points lmao

Its definitely one of those games that are quick to learn but difficult to master, despite its rng but its the rng makes it fun to fight again and again until you got nice scores

For a game made by one person, I can see potential in this and hope to see it updating and bring out more fights in the future

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Action Games.

It’s a fun little game. Getting a win feels satifsying, fights can get intense, has an interesting story and kick-ass music. It’s a bit clunky sometimes but all-in-all, it’s enjoyable and I recommend.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

BattleBlade on Steam

Buck Borris in Action

Buck Borris in Action

Great idea of ​​a small 2d survival game.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Action Games.

I liked the graphics and the hits on the enemy, the game is very promising :D

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Buck Borris in Action on Steam



David. is a game that includes a period as part of its title. We’re going to pretend David. knows better and it’s actually called David. Argh! That period there was to end the sentence not describe the title. Moving on. Let’s discuss David.

Here’s a bit of advice: if you’re going to write a review that hinges on you spending two and a half hours to climb to the top of a leaderboard, best make sure the game will update your score and said leaderboard when you quit out manually rather than waiting for a game over. Now, this statement should tell you three things. One: this game is engrossing enough to keep playing for two and a half hours. Two: while David is good fun, it is lacking some technical touches that can be frustrating. And three: yes, I am petty enough to gloat about temporarily being the best David! My name’s not even David!

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

David. is an action platformer that pits the titular square-shaped character against many incredible bosses strewn across a number of singular worded doors. Within each door lies in wait a boss that utilizes a certain aspect or value of vice, sin, or fear in which the creature’s body or its domain are designed around the particular aspect or value. David was to bring each monster to justice, ending their reign of terror. With the avoidance of using the words “retro” and/or “minimalistic”, since they have almost become default word choices towards games along the same line as David. treads, I’d like to say that David. is a fascinating, original concept and deserves to be set aside as such.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

David. on Steam

Maiden and Spell

Maiden and Spell

Good lord, fastest recommend I can throw.

For a bit of context, I was something of a Touhou nerd back in the day, so I’ve had my fair share of bullet hell playthroughs.

I also find fighting games pretty neat, but could never really find one I liked enough to practice.

This is sort of a midway point, I think.

A bunch of smol cute gorls firing bullets at each other over a series of rounds defined by stocks. Get hit, lose a stock. Simple.

Lose all your stocks, you lose a spell charge (or in simple terms: you lose that round.)

Real player with 60.1 hrs in game

Honestly an incredibly fun and accessible PVP shmup. The art style, pattern diversity, music, and backgrounds are all superb. There’s a great deal of complexity in multiplayer, but it’s so simple at its core that it won’t scare off people who are new to the game, or even to the genre.

Every character has its own completely unique play style and set of attacks. In the famous words of the New Super Mario Bros U IGN review, “It has a little something for everyone.” Some characters may seem OP or weak at first, but once you play them yourself to understand how they work and understand their strengths, things start to make more sense. If there is something the community legitimately does see as OP however, please understand this game literally just came out. There will probably be balance patches at some point. There are plenty of people to play with at the moment, but if you don’t see any lobbies up you can always join the Maiden and Spell and the Shmups Discord. You’ll be able to find someone on either of those discords to play with, including me. I’ll have a link to those below in the end of this review.

Real player with 39.5 hrs in game

Maiden and Spell on Steam