Beauty Agent

Beauty Agent

Controls are very poorly mapped, enemies take way too long to kill, and I physically cannot make it past the first level because of a combination of bad game design and a bug not letting you use the interact button to escape grabs from certain enemies who are guaranteed to kill you if they grab you with their gigantic hitboxes.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Nudity Games.

No control for reload.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Beauty Agent on Steam

Dirty Fighter 1

Dirty Fighter 1

What are the controls and combinations to this game?

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Nudity Games.

Does anyone have a movelist for this game? I went to the website of the game but all the moves are wrong.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Dirty Fighter 1 on Steam

Gachi Dungeon Master

Gachi Dungeon Master

i use this so i can remote play pirated coop games using steam

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Action Games.

An interesting enough game about strong male friendship, about real men and how to spend your free time

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Gachi Dungeon Master on Steam



Mechanics are simple and quick to get used to if you ever played a game with a similar engine such as Fighting is Magic (which is now called Them’s Fightin' Herds) for example. The characters are quite what you expect from an Eroge title, but if you are here for the oppai and other bits, you will need to install a patch for the full experience.

Word of advice: do not play this in full-screen. it is heavily bugged and possibly will not get fixed, due to the fact the engine is old. It is best to play it in windowed or borderless window.

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Love it, monster girls fighting with a similar feel to Pocket Fighter (Super gem fighter) wish it borrowed a little more from said games.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game


BlazBlue Centralfiction

BlazBlue Centralfiction

I was actually planning to do this after I complete arcade mode with all the characters but I probably won’t even be doing that anytime soon so I might as well review this game now. BlazBlue has done a lot for me throughout the 2 years that I have been playing the series and I hope others will be able to experience something similar to what I did.

I’ll point this out now so that it’s clear: BlazBlue isn’t for absolutely everyone. I’ll just lay out the points that I think define the game.

Real player with 511.2 hrs in game


Real player with 394.9 hrs in game

BlazBlue Centralfiction on Steam

Bunny Battle Arena

Bunny Battle Arena

A fun game. It is challenging but, not overly so.

You will die ALOT.

Yet, you will not feel like it was a careless mistake or a battle system skewed against you.

DISCLAIMER: I did receive this game for free but, my views are my own.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Honestly is quite an awful game, pretty sure its like a mobile game or something or at least that’s what it seems like, there’s no options menu, you can’t change the bad controls, half the time you don’t hit the enemies you’re attacking, the further you get into the game the more you just get swarmed and stunlocked, there’s only 1 level in the whole game you play over and over again just with harder enemies and new bosses sometimes. You can unlock new weapons and abilities and stuff but it takes forever to get enough points to unlock stuff, I imagine you lose points for dying so you pretty much can’t upgrade and get better and I imagine eventually you’ll just run out of lives and have to start over. There’s a level select screen at the beginning but you can’t go back to it after the first level and you can’t go back and redo previous levels for more points so bit annoying. Some of the art is kinda cool though and the music is alright, the cursor is annoying cause you can’t tell where you’re clicking cause its so big. It just feels more like a college project than a game, definitely not worth the asking price. I wouldn’t pay a dime for this. Sorry bout that. 2/10

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Bunny Battle Arena on Steam

Crazy Flasher Series 2021

Crazy Flasher Series 2021

Okey primero de todo la saga de juegos de andy la formo parte de mi infancia y era bastante entretenido en los tiempos que uno iba al cyber a pasar el rato y probaba los juegos flash en pags como newgrounds,armor games,etc.

Pero sinceramente este “port” esta muy mal hecho la resolucion es 800x600 y no se puede cambiar,la musica no es la misma aunque seguramente sea para evitar problemas de autor(asi que podemos dejarlo pasar),cuando uno inicia el juego es un menu con los juegos de 2 al 5(al lado de cada uno podemos ver la lista de trucos para usar)y elegir entre los idiomas ingles y chino,(cabe destacar que faltan algunos juegos como runner x)desgraciadamente uno al iniciar en cualquier juego tiene una unica resolucion,se traba seguido y literalmente es como jugarlo en una pag de juegos flash solo cambia la musica,espero que mejore en varios aspecto en el futuro(de ser posible) ya que esta saga fue muy querida en mi infancia y me apena que haya envejecido para nada bien,ojala se pueda mejorar como tantos otros juegos que empezaron siendo gratuitos en pags flash para despues acabar en steam con un juego bastante mas pulido que su version flash.

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game


This is an excellent web game in early China. I remember it across my childhood time. Thanks the maker for letting me have nostalgia for my childhood.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Crazy Flasher Series 2021 on Steam



So you’ve read the description and now you’re down in the comments looking for answers. Check out my video on the game to see the gameplay and get a feel for if this game is for you.

Warning I played this game in English, playing the game in it’s original language (Russian) may yield a different opinion.

I am not sure what DVOREC means or stands for, but I can tell you what I got from it. Loading up the game to the title screen makes it look like some sort of Russian Soap opera, then the images change to police and swat teams arresting people and marching in the street. So there’s that, also the English localization of the game is really bad so you’ll have to read and reread sentences to understand what is trying to be conveyed. Plus there are plenty of words that didn’t get translated so I had no clue what’s being said or where I need to go. The game crashed on me several times, I was fortunate it only crashed once during the recording of my video. It’s a typical RPG game with random battle fights, narrative driven missions and tongue in cheek dialogue. If know Russian or really love Russian culture; then this is the game for you. At a price point of $1(US), you can try the game out for yourself but I cannot recommend it as there are better options for that money.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Amazing game

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

DVOREC on Steam

SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy

SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy

First and foremost, huge thanks to Abstraction Games for bringing SNK Heroines to Steam. Really appreciate it.

Link to the Discord to get matches/resources to learn the game:

Things I like:

The way your health and meter for special moves are tied together.

  • It forces you to actively think about how you are going to use your special moves and when you should tag in your other character. For instance, if your opponent’s health is low enough to hit them with a finishing blow but your first character doesn’t have enough meter, you can do a combo to tag in your other character and finish them off instead. This gives the game a lot of depth, because you have to manage your meter carefully in order to win. Killing your opponent with your super is mandatory, so you can’t ignore this aspect of the game.

Real player with 284.9 hrs in game

Is this like KOF?


Is it like Street Fighter?


Okay, is it at least DOA???

Well, if you’re asking if SNK girls in sexy outfits will be pummeling each other, then sure. But this isn’t your normal fighting game. Some people will either love or hate it. I own it on the Nintendo SWITCH and have been playing SNK Heroines since it came out. My girlfriend and I absolutely LOVE this game. We play pretty much all the current top fighters out there, but this one is definitely a unique, couch co-op blast. I really want to stress that if you are looking for a tactical fighter like Tekken, look elsewhere. This one is all about absurdity. It’s the kind of game you play with your honey or your buddies where losing can be pretty hilarious and just as fun as winning.

Real player with 165.1 hrs in game

SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy on Steam

Gachimuchi Life Simulator

Gachimuchi Life Simulator

Honestly, I expected more from the game, I didn’t like the music and there’s little gacha in common, the world didn’t like it either, it’s kind of open but at the same time empty

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Yes, sometimes I want to spend an evening playing a game dedicated to my guilty pleasure. Perhaps someday I would like to have all the gachimuchi games in my library. As for this particular one, one of the advantages is minimalistic graphics, which allows you to run the game on any computer, the presence of game achievements, and my favorite sounds from the gachi. Nevertheless, the developer still has a lot of work to do.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Gachimuchi Life Simulator on Steam