Cowboys n' Stuff

Cowboys n' Stuff

Nice little game.

I have already found some levels challenging and needed to replay the first levels to build up enough coins to buy better stuff for the harder levels. That is just level 3 on the first campaign when you meet the bigger zombies that take a lot more bullets to kill and you do not have that many. My advice is save your bullets for the big guys and melee the little guys. Like i say challenging especially when you get frustratingly close to the end of the wave. It might be that i am just bad at the game. I am sure i will get better I have only played 1.6 hours though :)

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Top-Down Shooter Games.

Great Game! I like the sound effects too! I find it quite challenging but lots of fun! I ran out of bullets quite quick the first time I played, so had to restart but got the hang of it. The shop is good for buying new items. Overall a fab game and looking forward to updates in the future!

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Cowboys n' Stuff on Steam

Agent Murphy

Agent Murphy

Not a bad game for the price, something like the old games on the phone. The game is quite difficult (the first boss has not yet been defeated) although the bots in the game behave quite strangely, perhaps this makes the game a little more difficult, but it seemed weirdly to me.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Indie Games.

Not a bad game for the price, but the boss fights are horribly imbalanced. The first two bosses (I quit after the second) both fire explosives, which kill you instantly if you’re within their fairly large hitboxes. There’s no graphic effect for the explosion so it’s impossible to tell how big they are. What makes this worse is you have to restart the boss level entirely, so you have to drag yourself all the way back to them just to restart the fight. Since you get killed instantly, there’s not much point to fighting enemies along the way. which undermines that aspect of the game on boss levels.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Agent Murphy on Steam

Astro Knight

Astro Knight

You are a carefree astronaut with a sword, the Astro Knight. But because of you, your fellow astronauts came to an untimely demise. As you grapple with your loss, you find yourself in a dream world full of monsters. You must wield your sword and your special abilities to combat waves of foes. But after each stage you must give something up. Can you let go?

Astro Knight was made as part of the inaugural Hackubator class, a game accelerator program where we are split into teams of 5 and tasked with making a game in 3 months. Our team, House Rogue, embodies the values of competence and candor with a sizable helping of rebelliousness embodied by our mantra “Go left”.

Read More: Best 2D Fighter 2D Platformer Games.

Astro Knight on Steam

Ultimate Battle

Ultimate Battle

What a fun game. Worth the money!

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Ultimate Battle on Steam

Aerial Raver

Aerial Raver

Too many bugs man

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Aerial Raver on Steam

Neon: Eternal

Neon: Eternal

pretty fun little game.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Neon: Eternal on Steam




Symbiotic is a sci-fi action drama visual novel with dark undertones, and a love story which will be a roller coaster of emotion. As Zaydin and company go through the rigorous training to master the use of their symbiote partners, they must overcome numerous obstacles and fight enemies far beyond their control, all while dealing with the emotions that come with being teenagers. The race is on for the survival of mankind in this grueling war with another world!

Zaydin is a young complicated kid trying to cope with the loss of his mother, an evil entity attempting to control his mind, and the war of the worlds waged by alien Symbiotes, who have come to eradicate or consume all life on earth. While attending SCAR institute, the principal of the establishment, Neolinus, acts as his caretaker/guardian, at the request of Zaydin’s deceased mother. Neolinus is seen as a pain in the ass to the young orphan. Elliosa and Kadin, the friends he never wanted, have extremely different views on Zaydin. While Elliosa has a major crush on him, Kadin, being the protective big brother type (Even though they’re not related) sees him as a dangerous jerk, though the question of why he hates him so much still lingers. They are joined by their symbiote partners, Tama who belongs to Zaydin, Pinkie Elliosa’s loveable friend, and Spike the “tough guy” belonging to Kadin. Together with the rest of the school they will discover what it means to be at war, not only with the aliens but also with their own emotions.


Seasons & Chapters:

This Visual Novel is based around a system of Chapters and Seasons. All chapters within the first season would be free to play once you have bought the game, and those chapters have been released. The following season would be purchasable DLC due to the size and amount of content that will be put into it. Chapters come out when they’re finished, so you don’t have wait for the season to be finished to continue the story.

Season 1:

The first season begins with introductions to the cast of characters, and the main protagonist, Zaydin, being rebellious towards SCAR Institute and his caretaker, Principal Neolinus. Zaydin must deal with his emotions, repressed memories, “friendship” with Elliosa, rivalry with Kadin, unintentionally befriending another girl at the school, and a dark evil presence lingering in his mind as he goes through this warrior high-school setting. The war that wages between Earth and the symbiote planet, Metamor, threatens to destroy everything, and forces the children of Earth to rise up and protect the planet against the monstrous creatures that are sent to it, but another possible threat looms that could undo what the school has done to protect the planet. As you progress through the Visual Novel you will be sent on required (and some optional) missions to kill the Sym-Monsters sent to Earth from Metamor. Zaydin’s ego and bad temper constantly get him into trouble, whether it’s his caretaker/principal, the Class S president Alastair, or even his own “friends”, Zaydin acts out and antagonizes everyone around him… but is he doing it because he’s a bully, or for some other reason?

Psychopath or Savior:

As you progress through the story and missions you will be given a choice that decides whether you will be punished like a villain or hailed as a hero. In missions you can fight Sym-Monsters and save Civilians. It is required that you fight and kill a certain number of Sym-Monsters, however it is NOT required that you save the civilians, this gives way to a moral dilemma… do you save everyone like a true hero? Or do you let them all walk into the fates they would have endured had you never even arrived? Doing either of these to an extreme degree may result in a secret ending as well as changing the game later down the line, recruiting allies, or causing you to encounter something truly terrible…

Visual Novel Styled as a Kinetic Novel (Kinda)

“A kinetic novel is a linear type of visual novel where no narrative or gameplay choices typical to the latter are presented.”

Symbiotic is more akin to a Kinetic Novel then a traditional Visual Novel, since the story is more linear and the ending is the same regardless of what you ultimately decide to do; however, it is possible to change the difficulty and variety of the game, as well as changing HOW the ending plays out and what happens to the characters. As mentioned above you can get a Psychopath or Savior ending in every chapter of the game, with this comes new challenges, allies, or minor story aspects you wouldn’t see otherwise. The new allies can replace party members in missions allowing you to customize how you play through the missions. The challenges come in the form of unique enemies that are angry, vengeful, and prepared to kill anything they see.

Symbiotic on Steam

✌ Johnny Rocket

✌ Johnny Rocket

It is honestly beyond me how someone could price this game above 1-2 dollars. (Let alone offer a monthly LICENSE for internet cafes!!!!!)

It’s buggy and un-polished.

It can be finished in less than 15 minutes.

And the worst of all is that the trailer on steam is GROSSLY misleading!! There’s no punching or grabbing opponents and connecting different moves together, creating combos etc. You just dash and shoot. That’s it.

I definitely don’t recommend it at it’s original price.

It’s barely a “maybe” if it drops at $1 - $2.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Johnny Rocket is a funny, frustrating, short and simplistic experience. I was drawn to this game due to its great minimalist animation and humor, but the game’s brief playtime and somewhat aggravating mechanics hold it back from being an experience I would recommend to others.

While I still enjoyed moments of this game and found myself laughing at some of its enemy designs (especially the Nazi Seal enemy..) the difficulty level and overall gameplay left me wanting much more out of the title.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

✌ Johnny Rocket on Steam

Eight Dragons

Eight Dragons

It’s still in early access, but this is already one of the best fighting games i have played. It looks and sounds like it is right out of the nineties, my era, like a Streets of Rage game that Sega or the other publishers never got around to making. I really love it for that, and so many other reasons. Its a shame there are not more games of this style.

With One or Two players it is a kind of tactical game where you pick off the enemies as quickly and as efficiently as you can.

You cannot just wade in hammering that fire button. You have really got to think about it. Do i go left first or right first ?

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

Eight Dragons certainly has already come a long way since it’s first Early Access launch back on April 23, 2019! The team has been actively considering the feedback and constructive criticism provided by the growing community and the game is shaping nicely. At first it was a bit bare minimum, however it was still a solid experience game-play wise. Enemy collisions when thrown into other enemies has improved, Individual unique animations have been reworked for each character, the ability to pick up and throw obstacles is now present, the difficulty has been reworked, new level design elements have been added, and overall game-play mechanics have improved to further expand upon the decently executed engine that was built prior. This game has since seen consistent updates and it looks like it will get better and better as time passes.

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

Eight Dragons on Steam



Wassup KOG!

Hear thy concerns of your cash-cows, I mean players. Concerns that if not fixed, will make you lose your player base.

Here are some, enjoy!

  • They only updated the UI but with added bugs as if KOG is telling players that they just patched this game straight from the basement to get some cash.

  • Only 4 of the 20 characters at release. Why? So you use up your character slots, so when they release new characters you want, you will be forced to use VP to buy more character slots.

  • It’s missing the tree-house feature at the moment even though again it’s clearly based on Season 5.

Real player with 575.0 hrs in game


What is this?

The relaunch of a free-to-play Action-RPG first released in Korea way back in 2003 |

The Best:

First timers: Fun game with a passionate community, and many elements were improved and polished since its launch.

Longtime fans: The nostalgia and potential for new content like new Classes and Skill Trees. |


Long Love the Chase:

Grand Chase (GC) was never perfect, but it was always deeply loved. Please, listen to the community! |

Real player with 200.5 hrs in game

GrandChase on Steam