Beauty Agent

Beauty Agent

Controls are very poorly mapped, enemies take way too long to kill, and I physically cannot make it past the first level because of a combination of bad game design and a bug not letting you use the interact button to escape grabs from certain enemies who are guaranteed to kill you if they grab you with their gigantic hitboxes.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Sexual Content Games.

No control for reload.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Beauty Agent on Steam

Dirty Fighter 1

Dirty Fighter 1

What are the controls and combinations to this game?

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Sexual Content Games.

Does anyone have a movelist for this game? I went to the website of the game but all the moves are wrong.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Dirty Fighter 1 on Steam

Koihime Enbu 恋姫†演武

Koihime Enbu 恋姫†演武

well if you like the anime, or anime girls you probably could like this as long evade story mode… so here i will say all i think about the devolopers of this game… sadly i can’t put insults or only insults so this will be hard.

Let’s say you make a fighting game based in something famous, for example dragon ball, then put a story mode that you know all people want to play and put a difficulty curve that go from the char not move to hey i will block all you will do and if you not block me i will do a combo that will kill you. And now think that for make players lose time each time you lose not only i will put a lose screen but a continue screen that take you to char select screen but if you change chars you will start again from 1 only for make you lose time… that is koihime enbu a pain in the xxx that devoloper never disguise. I have finish the story 3 times and nope each time it not becomes more easy it becomes more stressfull seeing how i need to learn a char enough well to defend and do specials for win.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best 2D Fighter Action Games.

With the recent influx of 2D fighters on Steam, sometimes the key to getting noticed is to have a different approach. Koihime Enbu’s angle is “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”, but almost every character is a girl. Guan Yu? Cao Cao? Sun Shang Xiang!? All girls. Furthermore, this game is a spin-off of Koihime Musou, an adult visual-novel/strategy game about a young man who travels back in time to this Three Kingdoms era. To be honest, I’m a little surprised that Koihime Enbu is an awesome fighting game.

Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

Koihime Enbu 恋姫†演武 on Steam



Mechanics are simple and quick to get used to if you ever played a game with a similar engine such as Fighting is Magic (which is now called Them’s Fightin' Herds) for example. The characters are quite what you expect from an Eroge title, but if you are here for the oppai and other bits, you will need to install a patch for the full experience.

Word of advice: do not play this in full-screen. it is heavily bugged and possibly will not get fixed, due to the fact the engine is old. It is best to play it in windowed or borderless window.

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Love it, monster girls fighting with a similar feel to Pocket Fighter (Super gem fighter) wish it borrowed a little more from said games.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game


Vanguard Princess

Vanguard Princess

I have collected all of the trading cards, made a badge, have over a day played, and beaten the game on all dificulties. It is time for a review.

I personally love this game. Saki is my favorite character. Do I recommend this game? Yes, but under certain circumstances. First, let’s dive into the true pros and cons of this game. [READ EVERYTHING, INCLUDING MULTIPLAYER]


  • Decent fighting system

  • The game runs perfectly fine (Even with WINE)

  • I got it for $1.50 or something like that on Amazon

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

Well, what can you expect? It’s just another fighting game.

Aside from it being a 2v2 Assist fighting game, the art/graphics in this game and fighting style does make it stand out compared to the other games. Who doesn’t like girls fighting against one another in a struggle for glory? While the game itself offers very little, the actual fighting portion is very enjoyable, but maybe too difficult. Mashing buttons as a beginner, or performing combos as an experienced verteran, this game is worth playing a few times times over.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Vanguard Princess on Steam

Ego In A Coma (自我、状態、昏睡。)

Ego In A Coma (自我、状態、昏睡。)

Ego in a coma is the game with the most absurd but incredibly good imagination. Sadly, the game is short, but I think it is the perfect part of this little story that he wants to tell us. And if, even though the scenes of the video game are completely crazy and quite bizarre things, you show them because little by little it tells you the story. It has two ends and in both, it leaves you a little reflection on love for oneself and the whole that surrounds it: society, life, tastes, obligations, etc.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

My only complain is the clunky controls. This was a good game, a solid small experience and free to play, what else would you like.

The strongest points in this game are the soundtrack and the visuals, very good choices and they together create a weird but captivating environment. The sh*t meme culture put in the game is cool (even when I’m not into meme games) and I really liked how many languages are mixed in the game (Spanish, English, Japanese and Korean as I could recognize).

I’d really loved if this idea would get a remake because as small as the plot was I could feel a good idea for a game I haven’t seen before, the gameplay as I said is clunky, very clunky but still there was no mechanic nor weapon I didn’t use.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Ego In A Coma (自我、状態、昏睡。) on Steam

SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy

SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy

First and foremost, huge thanks to Abstraction Games for bringing SNK Heroines to Steam. Really appreciate it.

Link to the Discord to get matches/resources to learn the game:

Things I like:

The way your health and meter for special moves are tied together.

  • It forces you to actively think about how you are going to use your special moves and when you should tag in your other character. For instance, if your opponent’s health is low enough to hit them with a finishing blow but your first character doesn’t have enough meter, you can do a combo to tag in your other character and finish them off instead. This gives the game a lot of depth, because you have to manage your meter carefully in order to win. Killing your opponent with your super is mandatory, so you can’t ignore this aspect of the game.

Real player with 284.9 hrs in game

Is this like KOF?


Is it like Street Fighter?


Okay, is it at least DOA???

Well, if you’re asking if SNK girls in sexy outfits will be pummeling each other, then sure. But this isn’t your normal fighting game. Some people will either love or hate it. I own it on the Nintendo SWITCH and have been playing SNK Heroines since it came out. My girlfriend and I absolutely LOVE this game. We play pretty much all the current top fighters out there, but this one is definitely a unique, couch co-op blast. I really want to stress that if you are looking for a tactical fighter like Tekken, look elsewhere. This one is all about absurdity. It’s the kind of game you play with your honey or your buddies where losing can be pretty hilarious and just as fun as winning.

Real player with 165.1 hrs in game

SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy on Steam



Tzompantli is an abandoned Early Access arcade beat’emup from Mexico. A range of half-serious, half-comical characters (your first opponent is an unabashed Minions ripoff) let you customise your gameplay experience.

The game is primarily in Spanish, and while there’s an English language option, the game isn’t fully translated so a lot of the language is still Spanish. The default controls are bewilderingly unusable but they can be customised. The artwork is okay (apparently a big deal from the artist, but I wasn’t over impressed), but the colour palette is really poorly chosen and gave me eyestrain. I think they were aiming for a comic-book like appearance but if so, that falls flat. There’s also a whole bunch of pointless flashing/strobing which makes me think B grade indie developers are trying to give me epilepsy. Joking aside, this game should absolutely have an epilepsy warning.

Real player with 34.9 hrs in game

I love this game!

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game


Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!!

Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!!

This game is quick to dismiss for its price tag and its initial presentation of anime-heavy content but it’s actually fun to pick up as a fighting game and let’s be honest we could all use some extra cuteness brighten a bad day.


Mechanics are what you will enjoy here because everyone is capable of dashing/canceling very easily. It’s not as “on-point” demanding like in Guilty Gear or others that require (Roman) canceling to be done only with certain moves with very specific frames of attack.

Real player with 214.3 hrs in game

Pretty great fighter, although it will take some time to get used to it. If you can put aside the theme (take my word for it, it’s tolerable in game), you are in for a treat.

There are three main reasons the game sticks out as a 2D fighter:

  • Homing button

You can use it to jet yourself towards the opponent, delay your attack, fly around projectiles, extend your combo, dodge attacks. No other fighter allows you to be this mobile in the air. It’s something that you will keep finding ways to exploit, it’s pretty great.

Real player with 22.4 hrs in game

Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!! on Steam



i’ve been playing the kof series since it’s inception, back in 94. i’ve always been a fan, and i bought all the games, through the playstation(s) era, all the way up to kofxiii; and i’ve spent hundreds of hours on kofxiii alone on my ps3.

kof has always been known for it’s nice 2d art, and it was epitomised in kofxii, with a reset in the art department; big characters, all beautifully hand drawn. while i did play kofxii a bit (not much to be honest), it felt like an incomplete game. still, the new system was fun, and had me looking forward to kofxiii … and snk delivered. kofxiii was not only beautiful, it was a great game too.

Real player with 197.6 hrs in game

I had a massive text block describing my history with fighting games from before even Street Fighter 1 and how only the true fighting game fans stayed around for the drought of 99-2007 (which The King of Fighters series stayed true, releasing games that whole time). But decided to say, fighting games, have never been about graphics, its has always been about the soul, technicality, depth and fun.

Firstly if you know you fighting games, then you’ll know Garou: Mark of the Wolves battle designer, Yasuyuki Oda. He is the Director os KOF XIV.

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game